Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 707: It seems he is not the only fool.

Dean Wang said there was no problem and promised to give her and Gu Zhengqing a car each.

Of course, before Li Miaomiao left, Dean Wang asked Li Miaomiao if he was sure about the next research direction.

If so, we can study it together.

Li Miaomiao smiled and said: "Dean Wang, you think too much of me. The last research was just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

Dean Wang: "Just fool me."

A blind cat bumps into a dead mouse.

Since Li Miaomiao's side couldn't make sense, Dean Wang started with Gu Zhengqing's side.

Gu Zhengqing said, "Dean, I still have my studies to complete."

Neither of them could make sense, so Dean Wang simply gave up hope. Anyway, he told them to let them come to the Academy of Sciences more often if they had nothing to do.

Li Miaomiao and Gu Zhengqing agreed.

When he went back, Li Miaomiao took a lot of books from Gu Zhengqing.

When they arrived at Li's house, Li Xiaohu and the others had already sold out today's ice cream.

When they saw Gu Zhengqing, one or two of them greeted him very politely.

Gu Zhengqing smiled at them, said something to Li Miaomiao, and drove away.

Li Xiaohu asked curiously: "Miaomiao, why do you go out with this big brother every time?"

"Of course something happened. How was your ice cream sales today?" Li Miaomiao habitually changed the subject.

"Very good." Li Xiaohu kept staring at the book in Li Miaomiao's arms.

He knew the words, but when they were put together, he didn't know what they meant.

Li Miaomiao glanced at him speechlessly, "Do you want to see it?"

Li Xiaohu nodded, Li Miaomiao gave him a copy, Li Xiaohu flipped through it, and asked Li Xiaobing and the others, "Do you understand?"

Li Xiaobing and others shook their heads, "I don't understand."

Li Xiaohu was relieved, it seemed that he was not the only fool.

Li Qiubao asked curiously: "Miaomiao, what is this book for?"

"It's too early for you to talk about professional skills." Li Miaomiao deceived.

Xiao Zian memorized the name of the book and planned to ask his mother when he went back.

Li Qiubao said oh twice and praised from the bottom of his heart: "Miaomiao, you are so amazing, you can understand all this."

When she saw so many words, her head felt dizzy.

"When you go to college, you might be able to understand."

Li Qiubao counted the time until she went to college, "There are still several years left."

"So you have to work hard, and in three years you can stay in the capital for a long time."

Li Qiubao shook his paw and said, "I will."

Taking this opportunity, Li Qiubao showed Li Miaomiao the new dance she learned at the Cultural Palace.

After the dance, Li Miaomiao applauded enthusiastically, "It's beautiful."

The Li Xiaohu brothers were making fun, "We can do it too."

The brothers danced so chaotically that they almost killed Li Miaomiao.

Happy time always passes quickly. Five days before the start of school, Li Xiaohu and his party are going back.

Li Jianshe and his wife took them back and bought a lot of specialties from the capital.

When they got on the train, the Li Xiaohu brothers burst into tears and told Li Miaomiao that they were reluctant to leave.

Li Jianshe smiled and said: "If there is anything we can't bear to part with, we will go back during the Chinese New Year."

Guan Chunyan: "That's right, Xiaohu, don't cry, you are such an adult, others will laugh at you if they see you."

Li Xiaohu sniffed, "Three uncles, three aunts, Miaomiao Xiaopeng, let's go."

The brothers waved their hands.

Li Xiaobing's brother and sister and Xiao Zian also said goodbye to Li Jianshe's family.

"be safe!"

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