With Pan Li's affirmation, the onlookers couldn't help but stare and look adored.

"Pa pa ···"

accompanied by thunderous applause.

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

"It's worthy of being the first detective in China, Gong Tengyi. There's no one to stop the level of solving the case."

"It's too windy. The famous detective's reasoning is really wonderful. I'm very enthusiastic!"

"Mr. Gong Tengyi, would you please sign for me? It's on my forehead. I'm not going to wash my hair for the rest of my life. "


all kinds of excitement and admiration come to Gong Tengyi. At this moment, he is smiling with a kind of calm in his eyes, a kind of intellectual temperament like a famous detective.

Incomparable match!

You can't help admiring people at a glance.

After enjoying the worshiping sight, Gong Teng gave a faint smile and a cough to signal everyone to be quiet.

All of a sudden, everyone on the field closed their mouths and planned to continue to see the famous detective Gong Tengyi's reasoning show.

At this time, Gong Tengyi's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of wisdom.

"Now let me, detective Gong Tengyi, restore the course of the case for you."

"First of all, according to my observation, the collar of the deceased was very messy, there were many traces of lipstick around his neck, and his eyes were wide open. It was obvious that he had done something."

Speaking of this, Gong Teng a pause, light mouth way.

"What's more, there's nothing in this small storage room, and I didn't find any cameras here, so according to my guess, the deceased was making out with his girlfriend before he died."

"They deliberately chose this place without a camera and planned to make love, but who ever thought that when he was doing this kind of thing, his heart could not bear it, and his heart disease recurred."

"What's more tragic is that when the heart disease recurred, the deceased once took out his own drugs to inhibit the heart disease, but when he planned to take them, he found that there was no drugs to inhibit the heart disease."


Hearing this, people couldn't help taking a breath.

They feel sad when they think about such scenes, not to mention from the mouth of the famous detective Gong Tengyi.

"In the case of a heart attack and the absence of drugs, his mood became more excited, which aggravated his illness and made him die on the spot!"

"And the evidence is that the empty medicine bottle he's holding on to in his right hand, and the lipstick mark on his neck, all testify to this."

"Am I right, miss?"

With that, Gong Teng shifts his attention to pan Li again and says faintly.

At the same time, he was wearing black glasses, at this time can not help but a burst of light.

This confident expression is just the symbolic expression when a detective succeeds in solving a case.

At this time, under Gong Tengyi's gaze, pan Li hid her face and cried loudly.

"It's all my fault. My dear suddenly told me on the way that he wanted to make out with me, but I didn't refuse. Who knew that such a thing would happen? I didn't mean it!"

Pan Li's face was pale, her eyes were full of grief, as if she would faint at any time.

At this time, Gong Teng took a pity look at her and began to comfort her.

"Your boyfriend is dead, I hope you can survive, and learn a lesson. Don't make out in public in the future, harm others and yourself!"

Gong Tengyi's persuasion made pan Li quickly nod.

"I know. It's all my fault. I'll never dare again."

Gong Teng showed a happy smile on his face and nodded.

"That's good!"

At this time, around again came thunderous applause.

"Pa pa ···"

"it's amazing. It's worthy of being the first detective in China. Mr. Gong Tengyi, I admire you so much."

"You can see the truth of the case at a glance. This keen insight and the confident smile that always hang on your face all show that Mr. Gong Tengyi is really excellent as a famous detective."

"Yes, Mr. Gong Tengyi is just Chinese Sherlock Holmes. I need a Chinese assistant Watson. I think my reasoning ability is OK. Can you take me with you? I've seen a thousand episodes of Detective Conan, absolutely OK

"farted, only to see one thousand sets of detective Conan dared to scream, but I saw thousands of detective detective novels melt the essence of 100 families, my logic reasoning ability, that is absolutely heavy handed, Mr. Gong Tengyi will receive an intern assistant, that is to collect me first."


chaos began to appear in the crowd. The main factors of confusion were who was qualified to be gong Tengyi's internship assistant.After all, those who have seen the famous detective Conan will have a little reasoning dream when they were young. Even now they have forgotten it completely, it still does not affect their pursuit.

What's more, detective Gong Teng's reasoning process at the beginning of telling the truth was so handsome to them.

All kinds of fashion!

Very temperament!

What's more, the famous detective Gong Tengyi is still a famous person in China. If you follow him, you will have a bright future. So the position of his internship assistant is naturally coveted by everyone.

Gong Teng pretended to be smiling and said faintly to the warm mood of the crowd.

"It's not so easy to be a detective, because we have to be good enough. Any mistake can make the murderer get away with it, and make the family members of the deceased unable to let go all their lives."

"So, I don't need it here with a half hearted attitude. If you really think you have the ability, you can go to my detective office to find me. If you really have the ability, I don't mind taking an assistant."

As soon as Gong Tengyi finished his speech, the temperament of all kinds of attire revealed from him, just like buff.

"Pa pa... Pa"

all the people present could not help clapping again.

"It's so touching. It's worthy of Mr. Gong Tengyi, a famous detective. We can't match him."

"I must improve my reasoning ability and become Mr. Gong Tengyi's assistant in the future."


everyone was moved by Gong Tengyi's speech.

"Well, thank you for your support. We can all break up."

"This incident is just an accident. Let's not let the girl friend of the dead get too much stimulation."

"When the police come later, Gong Tengyi, my detective, will explain the incident in person. Is there no problem?"

Gong Tengyi smiles calmly and says that he doesn't think anyone will oppose him at all.


Just then, a word came out of the crowd.

"Sorry, I have a problem."

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