Seeing that Ed's face changed slightly, Ye Feng became curious and asked.

"Do you know this man, Mr. ade?"

Hearing this, Ed was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head.

"No, I know this man. This is my first visit to Kyoto."

Ed's words make Ye Feng's doubts even worse, and he can't help asking.

"Mr. ed, why do you..."

just before Ye Feng finished his words, ed reached out to stop him from going on.

"Don't care, but I didn't get in touch with him any more."

Suddenly, Ye Feng two people raise spirit, erect ear to listen to rise, want to hear exactly is how to return a responsibility?

With that, ed handed the picture to a beautiful woman beside him.

"Look at this picture, Xiao Li."

The woman, called Xiao Li, took the photo and took a look at Chu Feng.

"Lord ade, what do you want me to do?"

Ed said with a faint smile, reaching for her pretty face.

"I don't need you to do anything. I need you to answer a question. Just tell me the truth."

Looking at Ed's handsome face and the smile in her mouth, Xiao Li blushed and stammered.

"Well, I'll give you a good answer."

Ed nodded.

"That's good. I want to ask you, who is more handsome than the man in the picture?"

After ED asked this question, the hot woman named Xiao Li was stunned. She obviously didn't think that ED would ask this kind of question.

For a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

Although Ed's appearance is very handsome, Chu Feng in this photo is better than any other. Just looking at the photo, she can feel Chu Feng's unique temperament.

It's something ED can't compare!

If she was asked to answer honestly, she would definitely choose chufeng, but now that ED is her master, how dare she say that chufeng is more handsome than ed.

After some thinking, she said with a smile on her face.

"Of course, Lord ade, you are the most handsome. Lord ade, you are the most handsome man in the world."

Hearing Xiao Li's reply, a faint smile appeared at the corner of ED's mouth.

"Yes? That's what you mean, Xiao Li

Xiao Li nodded her head several times and said.

"Of course, in my heart, Lord ED is the most handsome man in the world."


As soon as her words were finished, suddenly, she felt her eyes darkened. When she reacted, she felt a sharp pain on her face.


A crisp slap reverberated in the air.

Then, she let out a scream, and then rotated 360 degrees in the air. Like a shell, she flew out of the distance and finally hit the ground in a parabola.

Lost consciousness on the spot!

At this time, ed waved his hand and said without expression.

"After so long hesitation, it seems that you think that man is more handsome than me! I don't know if you want to cheat me with your attitude. "

See this scene, Ye Feng two people can't help but be stunned for a while, they thought it would be some special reason, but now it seems, just because he can't see more handsome man than him.

Although they have heard about ED's character for a long time, they can't tolerate a man who is more handsome than her, but they have seen it with their own eyes. After witnessing Ed's behavior today, they realize that their understanding of ED is too one-sided.

Ed was so paranoid about his appearance that he couldn't have done what he had done just now. Because Xiao Li hesitated for a moment, he just fanned her out.

However, they didn't plan to go deep into these things. After all, Ed's position in the organization is higher than them. He is a powerful person. This time, he came to Kyoto just because he wanted to help them eliminate the uncertainty of chufeng.

As long as Chu Feng is solved this time, ED will leave, so it's harmless for them to know his character.

At this point, ed said with a sneer.

"I don't allow a man who is more handsome than me. Originally, I just wanted to deal with him casually, but now it seems that I have to be serious this time. I will show him my skills."

At this time, Ye Feng looks at Ed's disdainful appearance, and he can't help reminding him.

"Don't be careless, Mr. ade. That boy is not easy. Although I believe he won't be your opponent, I think it's better to be careful."

As Ye Feng's words fall, Thor agrees."Yes, he even defeated Felix, who took the special x capsule and became a werewolf. His strength can't be underestimated."

Smelling speech, Ed's face revealed a touch of sarcastic expression, light mouth way.

"The kind of capsule he took is out of date. Now the organization has developed a more powerful capsule, and the side effects have been reduced a lot. The most important thing is that the extent of strength enhancement after taking the capsule has a lot to do with his own quality. As far as his strength is concerned, taking the special x capsule is still a waste."

With that, ed burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ····"

the arrogance of ED made Ye Feng speechless, and at the same time, his eyes revealed a touch of joy.

Philip in their eyes has been very strong, did not expect that in the eyes of ED is so insignificant.

Think about it to know how terrible Ed's strength will be, read this, two people look at each other, can't help laughing.

At this point, ed glanced around as if he thought of something and said with a smile.

"Today I'll test that guy to see if he's worth it or not."

Then he looked at the hot beauties who came with him and threw the photo to them.

The first blonde took the picture and asked.

"Lord ade, what can I do for you?"

Ed said faintly.

"Tonight, you'll meet this man. If you can do it, you'll kill him. If you can't, you'll come back and let me do it myself."

Hearing this, the blonde nodded heavily.

"Lord ed, we will surely kill your enemies!"

Ed nodded with a smile.

"It's up to you. Don't let me down."


at this time, Chu Feng and Chu Rou are walking outside, and they don't know that the mysterious organization is ready to attack him.

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