At this time, Chu Feng's brow slightly wrinkled up, voice asked!

"Is something wrong?"

Smell speech, Liu lightly ordered to nod, slightly show helpless voice way!

"This song was actually written by me when I was in University. It has been circulating in Kyoto University for several years."

Listen to this, Tang Li's eyes suddenly lit up, even busy!

"Since it's made by idols, isn't it easy to play it out?"

In this regard, Liu light still shook his head!

"You're right, but I can't play."

"Because this song is my young work after all, with too many flaws."

"I can't play this defective song to the audience and my fans in public."

Liu light words fall, Tang Li immediately speechless!

This is Liu Qinghua's conduct as a national idol. No one can blame her!

Churou didn't say a word from beginning to end, but she couldn't help revealing a trace of sadness in her eyes.

When she rehearsed before, she used this piano music. If she changed it temporarily, it would take her a long time to get used to it. Obviously, it's too late.

Chu Rou can't help saying in her heart!

Is there really no way?

When she was ready to give up, Chu Feng suddenly said!

"That is to say, as long as the flaws in the piano music are corrected, you can play it!"

Although I don't know why Chu Feng asked like this, she still nodded and answered!

"Yes, as long as there is no problem with the piano, I can continue to play it."

Smell speech, Chu Feng hit a ring finger, smile to open a way!

"That's good. Don't you change the score?"

"It's not a matter for me to change how difficult it is."

"You just go out there with your heart at ease!"

After Chu Feng's words fell, the three girls on the scene were all muddled!

Especially Chu Rou, with an incredible expression on her face!

Her brother, she knows very well.

Although it can't be called sound mania, it's worse than ordinary people.

Can you change the piano music in this way?

At the moment, Chu Feng's face was calm, and he looked very confident.

That's right. Before, his music level was worse than that of ordinary people. Let alone changing the piano music, he couldn't even play the piano.


Last time, he pulled out a master's music skill proficient card from the turntable.

Chu Feng calmly a smile, immediately used this card!

"Ding! Master music skill master card is in effect

"Load the singing skills of great master level!"

"Load great master level sound sense ability!"

"Load great master's piano playing skills!"


For a time, more than a dozen system prompts echoed in Chu Feng's mind!

Waiting for the prompt sound of the system to fall, Chu Feng only felt that a lot of things poured into his mind in an instant.

Next moment, a black light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes!

A great master of music was born!

This process actually took only a few seconds, and no one noticed it.

Chu Feng raised his head, looked at Liu light, said with a smile!

"Show me the score of that piano piece."

Suddenly, Liu light and light stay Leng in situ, a face surprised Er looking at Chu Feng.

Because in front of Chu Feng, I don't know why, he suddenly has an elegant temperament.

This temperament has no affectation, no sense of disobedience, as if born in general!

Think of here, Liu light heart incomparable shock!

You know, the last person she saw with such temperament was a world-famous musician.

But today, she felt this kind of temperament in Chu Feng. No, it's more than that musician!

Can Chu Feng really change the piano music?

Liu light heart, can't help but come up with such an idea!

But she quickly denied, how can people be excellent to this degree.

Because he has been paying attention to Chu Feng, so she clearly knows that Chu Feng has extraordinary ability.

But in the field of music, it's terrible to be a master!

You know, those who can reach this level are basically 40 or 50 years old, or even older.

If Chu Feng can reach this level, what can it be if it is not a monster?

It's impossible?

Just as Liu Qinghao was thinking wildly, Chu Feng didn't know when, he had taken the music score in her hand and looked at it.

Chu Feng touched his chin with one hand, glanced at him, and immediately opened his mouth!"It's not very simple!"

Then he took a pen out of his body and began to draw on the score.

"This second beat should be changed. The rhythm is not right."

"Oh, and the rhythm here is not right. It needs to be changed."

"This syllable is not right. It must be changed."


In just one or two minutes, Chu Feng corrected 40 or 50 mistakes, and his music score was full of his handwriting.

"Well, that should be about it."

Said, he will change the hands of good music, handed Liu light!

Liu light and light slightly a Zheng, but still took over.

To tell the truth, she didn't hope for Chu Feng's action.

She already has great attainments in music!

If she doesn't want to be an idol, she even has the qualification to become a musician.

Even so, it will take her a few days, even more than ten days, to change the piano music.

Moreover, it may not be able to change it!

In fact, it's not only Liu Qinghao, but also Churou and Tangli who don't believe that chufeng can change it.

At this time, Liu light began to see Chu Feng modified music.

At first, she just had a casual look.


A minute later, Liu was shocked!

Because the place that Chu Feng has revised is exactly the place that she feels disobedient!

What's more, there is no sense of disobedience!

It's amazing!

Although she didn't play it, she didn't know the actual effect, but she knew that the effect of playing it would never be bad.

Think of here, Liu light immediately shocked!

It turns out that Chu Feng really has the level of a master of music!

What a monster this is!

At this time, Chu Rou saw that Liu Qinghao didn't speak. She thought that Chu Feng couldn't do it. She immediately opened her mouth!

"Since I can't change it, I'll forget it. I'll give up this performance and lose face at most. It won't get in the way."

But the next moment!

Liu light but suddenly shook his head, expression excited mouth way!

"No, Chu Feng is so perfect!"

"It's just the level of a great master. No, no great master can change so well."

Liu light words fall, Churou and Tang Li are in shock!

Especially Chu Rou, she knows her brother's music level is weaker than ordinary people.

How can I become a music master now.

I'm not dreaming, am I!

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