Be The Secret Admirer

Chapter 3 - NOT HURT AT ALL.

At Yumnan High School.

"Hahh...Huhhh..Thank god!I'm not late!5 minutes early!I thought that I can't make it!"

After parking her bicycle,Shi Yan goes to toilet first to treat her wound.

" arm were scratch a little bit and still bleeding.How can I didn't feels the pain?It wasn't hurt at all!"

She was mumbling and thinking that her wound was so weird while cover her arm with plaster that she pick up from her sliding bag.

"At first,it was very hurt but then it looks like the pain was gone with very fast...What's wrong with me?"

Her face was full of puzzled and start to make conclusion.

"Ahh!..Whatever..It's still fine as long as I'm in a good condition!But...hey!If I didn't trying to dodge my bicycle from that car.I wonder if I was alive or not..If I'm not mistake, my wound was caused by my jumps,not caused by getting hit from that car..."

Shi Yan tries to flashback about how can she dodge the car and control her bicycle and jump from it.However,she didn't know,if it's the normal person,they can't dodge it and have be hit by that car.They could have been died or will have very serious injuries at the hospital now.

"Hahaha..maybe I was too braved and intelligent to do that.Anyway,my lovely bicycle didn't 'hurt' at all!Just the tyres seems a little flat and some damaged at it!I'll just have to ask my dad to repair it!Yeah!It was a good idea after all!Hahahaa.."

She tells herself that she was brave but she just tell that just to make sure she didn't got into dangerous and troubles situation.So,she always think positive whatever isn't.

Shi Yan just make herself like a fools although she's very true intelligent enough in her class last years.But she's not too friendly.She can make everyone be friend with her but she never have any best friend or close-relationship.Now,she wants to looks stupid and be cheerful person so that she can make the best friends this year at least one.If it was many than one,it's mean her mission to make the best friends was success.She still make sure her intelligent not fades when she do this mission.

"Ahh!..What am I dreaming about?Better go to the concourse or I'll be late in my first day!

After says that,she left the toilet and go to the  hall...


*Do you guys thinks that Shi Yan idea was crazy?No!!She just doing that,that because she were always lonely and her life full of bored.After she looks at her other friends had theirs best friends and boyfriend with joys on theirs face plus full of colourful life.She then try to make a challenge and change.However,she don't know what'll be waiting for her....

~Heyy!Everyone!Thanks for reading my novel!I'm very happyy!!..Thank you for your encouraged!>_<????.I'm forget to tells you guys that I'm new here,I hopes that you guys likes my novel!

~Sincerely,from author♡

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