With a light rain like a navigator, Xiaoyu was responsible for finding, and after Xiaoyu found it, he used his eyes to determine, and he found a few less obvious one-star spirit objects on the road!

This kind of place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thick is different!

Many spiritual things such as spirit plants grow very quickly, just like mushrooms and mushrooms after rain, as long as there is an opportunity, they will grow quickly!

However, that kind of rare spiritual object that can be called a heavenly material and earth treasure will not grow casually, and it needs the right time and place to be produced!

Day time, refers to a specific time.

Favorable location, unique growing environment.

People and suitable means of preservation.

It takes a lot of special factors, and it can be said that it takes a lot of opportunities to combine to obtain this kind of heavenly treasure!

Like the five spirit things he used for evolution, the star level is not high, but it is also a kind of heavenly material and earth treasure, which needs to correspond to the environment of the aura, and it also needs at least one year of growth years, and it cannot be preserved by ordinary means!

Therefore, although the grade is only two stars, the price exceeds the ordinary two-star spirit object by five or six times!

It took a long time, and finally saw the treasure that Xiaoyu said!

It was a one-meter-large crimson flower, and in the middle of the stamen, a fist of red fruit, but if you look closely, you will find that the tip of the fruit is slightly blue!

If he remembers correctly, this should be a two-star large red flower, which only blooms when the rain is pouring, and will wither within three days of the rain dispersing!

Its red flower fruit is a rare heavenly treasure, which has the use of making fire attribute demon beasts stabilize their foundation and break through quickly!

Although he can't use it, he can exchange it for the resources he needs!

This red flower fruit is even more valuable than his own bottle of monkey wine!

The only trouble is the demon beast that is also waiting for the red flower fruit to ripen completely!

Flame Leopard Grade: Two-star Level: Second-Order Sixth-Level

Ability: Fire

Regular Evolution Route: Flame Leopard King (four-star), Fire Demon Leopard (four-star)

Flame Leopard, is

also an initial spiritual pet that many humans like very much, there is a known Flame Leopard

King evolution route, its own combat effectiveness is not weak in the same level, and it can also control elemental attributes!

This flame leopard arrived before him, and was crawling there to sleep at this time, but judging from the rhythm of breathing observed by Wan Shiyan, it was not sleeping at all!

It's fishing! Prepare for a sneak attack!

I forgot who said that you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep, but today, he will wake up, he doesn't believe it, the fire is burning to the eyebrows, who still has the mind to pretend to sleep!

This fire cloud leopard problem is not solved, if you want to get red flower fruit, basically no drama!

It's just that the cultivation is more than one order higher than himself, and these four in one can't beat it!

But he didn't need to fight, Qiu Tian grinned, and thought of a good way!

Next, Xiaolian, Xiao Dark, and the first Xiaoyu all used the companion possession.

Love pretending to sleep! I'll let you pretend to sleep!

Qiu Tian grinned, I can't beat you! But I don't need to hit you either!

And just as you want, I'm going to take it in your face!"

After waiting for a while, the eyes could clearly see that the last bit of green began to fade.

The flame leopard's slightly open eyes were also relieved to see this.

This heavenly treasure, if someone stronger than it comes, its hand can reduce the enemy's vigilance, one hand sneak attack can defeat the strong with weakness, if the other party hits it first, it can also run in time.

If it is weaker than it, it will definitely not come close, I really thought that it was close when it fell asleep, just enough to have more rations!

Now that this fruit is about to ripen, nothing has changed, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as the Flame Leopard relaxed, a black shadow suddenly rushed from the shadows!

Combined with the ability of light rain, the speed of the sky is faster than before!

But the flame leopard, which is one order higher and has extremely strong explosive power, is faster, and the leopard tail carries the flames, and one tail sweeps towards the sky!

The smile on Huang Tian's mouth was even bigger, without a little cringe, he reached out and grabbed the leopard's tail, regardless of the burning of the flames, his arm was bruised, and he directly pulled the flame leopard back a few steps!


Pain came from the base of the tail, causing the flame leopard to make a strange cry.

What is this first-order weakling? Why so much strength?

The flame leopard turned around and grabbed towards the sky!

But the next moment, the creature suddenly fell out of its body with a golden-black figure.

A pair of white wings flapped directly, jumping directly over the flame leopard, and the blond hair stretched, turning into a long haired hand, and grabbed towards the red flower fruit!

The eyes of the flame leopard are about to pop out, what is this? Why is there suddenly one more?

No! My red flower fruit!

The flame leopard went crazy directly, regardless of the sore spot of the tail, and forcibly turned back to pounce on Xiao Dark!

But Qiu Tian would not give it a chance, and with a turn of both hands, like holding a hemp rope, he directly grabbed the tail of the flame leopard!

The legs were deeply sunk into the muddy ground, and the flame leopard was pulling the sky to jump, but it couldn't threaten Xiao Dark at all!

Xiao Dark's hand pulled hard, dragged the fruit away, and the figure disappeared directly!

Seeing this scene, the flame leopard was stunned? What happened again?

I don't know, the flame leopard can only bite back to the sky, who knows that this creature actually laughed, and in laughter, this creature suddenly disappeared!

Disappeared into the air.

It also bites into the air.


The Flame Leopard roared angrily, sniffing the residual smell in the air, but smelling nothing.

Anxiously circling around, he didn't find anything abnormal, and finally he could only look for this thin-smelling way.

You must eat the two people who stole its treasure alive!

They suddenly disappeared, using the ability of the emperor space.

Use a special wooden box that was bought for a huge amount of money, and carefully put the red flower fruit in.

Another big harvest!

Xiaolian and Xiaoyu also broke away from the possessed state of companionship, and Xiaolian nervously used her own treatment to heal Qitian's injuries.

That wave of outbreaks, Huang Tian was dislocated, abrased, burned, but Xiaolian's treatment was very strong, and when her spiritual power was exhausted, these injuries were not only better, but even scars were not left!

Xiaoyu gently rubbed Qiantian and also took care of Qiantian in his own way.

Xiao Dark's way is special, a pair of squirrel eyes stared at Huang Tian's hand, and said lightly.

"I'll leave this to me in the future."

"Next time, definitely."

Rubbing the little dark golden retriever, Huang Tian said with a smile.

Looking at the good goods stored in the emperor's space, this trip is not a loss!

Unfortunately, in the Emperor Space, he could not see the situation in the outside world.

The fastest speed went out and back, several times in a row, found that it was not attacked!

Qiu Tian crushed the herbs that were picked to block the smell into a smear of juice.

As soon as I came out of the emperor space, I chose a different direction from when I came and ran directly!

After running for a while, he found a hidden place and immediately entered the emperor space again.

Today's harvest is comparable to the harvest of a few days, everyone is working very hard, take a day off, and don't go out in the emperor space.

And a while after Qiu Tian left, the flame leopard returned, sniffed the surroundings, and found that there was no smell it wanted, so it could only lie on the spot, and it had to squat here for a few days!

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