Huang Tian Shen wore out those shackle patterns, his cultivation lock was extremely fragile, his foundation was solid, his spiritual power was solid and strong, and it was easy to wear out the shackles.

The next final step is to completely break the barrier!

The spiritual power that the martial arts of the destiny position had long digested was sent in, which saved the process of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, or refining spiritual medicine to accumulate spiritual power.

That layer of barrier that lost the cultivation lock was even more fragile, and a large amount of spiritual power poured in, quickly transforming into heavenly spiritual power.

Then, this spiritual power that increased sharply but had nowhere to place it was like an instinct, and it did not need to be mobilized, and it automatically broke through the bottleneck that hindered their growth.

With an invisible click, that fragile barrier shattered directly!

As the barrier shattered, as if it had triggered some chain reaction, the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy was strongly attracted under the magical breakthrough fluctuations, and it poured into the body of the heavens like water.

As if breaking the dike, the spiritual energy poured in like the water of the, being absorbed and refined at a completely abnormal speed, and the spiritual power of the heavens began to grow rapidly.

Not only is the amount of spiritual power growing, but the dantian is like activating a special compression device, and the quality of spiritual power is also slowly transforming, and one drop is comparable to the previous two drops!

At the same time, the peculiar fluctuations of the breakthrough also drove the blood qi to surge violently, and the spirit was also strongly shaken.

In the rush of blood and qi, every part of the body is being washed, becoming stronger in the washing, and the same is true of the spirit, the spirit becomes purer and stronger, and thus the spiritual power becomes more and stronger.

The brain is clearer!

Finally, he felt that his life was undergoing a small transformation, that his whole body was growing, his qualifications were evolving, and most obviously, his speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of refining heaven and earth was even faster.

This is also the reason why the higher a person's cultivation, the stronger the absorption of refining spiritual power, in addition to the reason that the dantian becomes stronger, there is also the fact that the qualification is also becoming stronger with the cultivation, so it is easier to absorb the refining heaven and earth spiritual energy.

A big breakthrough, that is the metamorphosis of the life level, even the life yuan will increase!

Therefore, the cultivation lock is sometimes called the life lock.

Opening this lock is opening a door to the evolution of life!

However, the later it is, the more difficult it is to open this life lock, and the larger and thicker the barrier, the more difficult it is to break through naturally.

In a short time, the volatility of the breakthrough is over, but this is far from over!

The growth of spiritual power, physique, spirit, and life level is something that all races will have to break through, but the characteristic growth of human breakthrough is just about to begin!

When the fluctuations are over, all the destinies of the heavens automatically emerge and revolve around the heavens.

The three queen positions have been fused into Xiaolian's bodies, but part of the origin core is still here, connected to their contracted positions, and these origins will change, and their fused positions will also change synchronously.

Human beings also control these origins to achieve the ability to forcibly drive the spirit pet, the fate position and the spirit pet origin are integrated, controlling this part of the life position is equivalent to controlling the spirit pet origin, can the spirit pet be disobedient?

Although these positions are also the origin of human beings, they will not affect human beings, so human beings are not worried that controlling fate positions will affect themselves.

The only thing I worry about is that the fate position on the side of the spirit pet is broken, that is, the death of the spirit pet, which will cause this part of the origin that he controls to be shattered, which has an impact, or a big impact!

In both cases, Qiu Tian was determined not to let it happen to him.

The queen's throne appeared next to the emperor's throne.

A chain of light connects the emperor's position and the queen's position.

Subsequently, one of the life spirits in the emperor's throne began to burn, and then...

Nothing has changed....

Fu Zhi Zhi

But it's not over yet!

Qiu Tian looked at the remaining three life spirits, and his ten thousand vision, fate, and intuition all told him that it was far from over!

After the second piece of life spirit burned the first piece of life spirit, it burned immediately after, but it still did not move, and it did not succeed!

Then the third piece of life spirit began to burn, considering the value of life spirit, this TM is really burning the vault!

But the third life spirit finally succeeded, and under the moisture of the smoke burning from the third life spirit, the emperor's life position seemed to be stimulated, inspiring a strange fluctuation!

Under this fluctuation, the dragon chair formed by the emperor's position began to change, becoming more noble, gorgeous and mysterious, and a supreme aura rushed to the face!

When the emperor's position stopped changing, the queen's position connected to the emperor's position through the light chain also began to change, and it also became more noble, gorgeous and mysterious.

At the end, all four of them felt a new special power, born from the fused position.

The reawakening of the destiny position has been successful!

With only three life souls consumed, all four of his life positions were successfully awakened!

This is no longer earned, it is earned in blood!

In this special situation, I was afraid of some bad changes, such as the queen's fate could not awaken.

Now it seems that this is by no means a bad thing, it is a great good thing!

According to the information he saw and the situation he felt, simply put, his queen position could not be integrated into the spirit of life.

But the queen's position was born because of his emperor's position, as long as his emperor's position awakens twice, the queen's position will also follow the second awakening!

That is, the awakening of the empress throne and the emperor's throne are synchronized!

Normally a big breakthrough, a life position can only eat one life spirit, and there is only one chance to awaken, failure will fail, success will succeed, there is no third possibility.

But his own emperor position, not only can eat the same number of life spirits as the number of lives, if the awakening fails, you can also awaken many times, and you can awaken the same number of times as the number of lives until the awakening is successful!

That is, he can eat four life spirits, and if one awakening fails, he can continue to awaken until the awakening is successful or 4 awakenings are unsuccessful!

This is too significant, as long as you are ready enough life spirits, as long as you are not unlucky, in theory, every time you make a big breakthrough, you can make all your life positions successfully awaken again!

It is about equal to the success of awakening, and the success of awakening is equal to four successful awakening!

He can't say that he is the strongest position!

Although the number is less, but it can't stand the individual strength, as long as the ability of one life position is strong enough, he can be used as someone else's multiple life positions!

There was no time to feel the new ability of the emperor's throne.

New changes have occurred, which are changes that humans did not have, and normal other races will not have such changes!

This is a special growth that only a spiritual pet who has contracted a destiny position can have!

The Weapon of Destiny!

But Qiu Tian himself is the spirit pet who contracted the fate position, so the ability of the fate position that belongs to the spirit pet alone, he has also successfully awakened!

The martial arts of the destiny position are formed from the fragments of the destiny position, which can be fused into the body.

The type, form, and ability generation of the martial arts of the destiny position do not have a fixed conclusion, and are completely born of pet randomness.

The common martial arts of fate are all kinds of weapons and armor, special is a variety of strange forms, maybe a piece of is possible, the real sense of....

The basic role of the Destiny Martial Force, which is related to the form of the Destiny Warrior, such as the increased defense of armor, the increase of attack of weapons, the flight of wings, the increase of speed of shoes, etc.!

If it's... That basic role, it is estimated that it can only be disgusting people....

The basic role is only the added value of the martial arts of the fate, and the real value of the martial arts of the destiny position lies in the innate ability produced by the martial arts of the fate!

Every Destiny Martial Arts carries a natural ability, which is also the core, most critical, and most important ability of the Destiny Martial Arts.

This ability is also born of the pet's own ability and heart, which is related to the pet itself, and has nothing to do with the martial form of the fate, maybe a piece of form of the martial arts of the fate, the ability to carry is to destroy the sky and the earth.

But this probability exists only in theory... The form of the martial arts of destiny is also more important.

If it is really in the form of, the ability is estimated to be the ability to only disgust people.

The Destiny Weapon is synthesized from the Destiny Fragments, and only the creatures who have contracted the Destiny can possess it.

When this creature breaks through, the contracted position will produce an infinite number of life fragments.

These fate fragments are used to condense the weapon of the life position, and there is only one chance to reforge after condensation, but the number of life positions needs to reach 10,000 lives.

Except for this only chance to reforge, there is no possibility of changing the form and ability of the Destiny Martial Force.

The fate fragments obtained by the subsequent big breakthrough can be selected to be integrated into the previous fate position martial arts, or they can be used to condense the new destiny martial arts.

However, the fragments of the fate position obtained by a big breakthrough must all be used in the same place, either all into the weapons of the old fate position, or all the weapons of the new life position, and cannot be used separately.

The martial arts of the destiny position also have a hierarchy, and each additional fateful fragment that condenses the martial arts of the destiny position will increase by one point, and the amount of the fateful fragments contained in a destiny martial arts will also produce evolution!

Therefore, the level of the martial arts of the fate position is divided according to the number of life fragments it contains, a life fragment is a life, and how many life fragments it contains, it is how many life martial arts!

Such as the martial arts of dozens of lives, the martial arts of hundreds of lives, etc.

When the martial arts of destiny reach ten lives, hundred lives, thousands of lives, ten thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, one million lives, ten million lives, there will be a step and evolutionary growth, of which starting from ten thousand lives, that is a complete transformation!

The only chance that the martial arts of the destiny position can be forged is also when the martial arts of the destiny position reach ten thousand lives.

The level of the Destiny Martial Arts can be simply seen from the appearance, because the Destiny Martial Forces will emit a unified strange light!

Among them, one life is gray, ten life is green, one hundred life cyan, one thousand life blue, ten thousand life purple, one hundred thousand life red, one million life gold, ten million life black and white.

Different levels of Destiny Martial Light have different colors, different shades of color, and the higher the number of hits, the darker the color.

Therefore, according to the color of the light that emerges, you can judge the level of the martial arts of the fate!

As the number of big breakthroughs increases, the number of life fragments generated also increases step by step.

And how many life fragments are produced by breaking through the same order, this is uncertain, in theory, this is related to the fate position, but also related to the spirit pet itself!

The spirit pet breaks through to the second order, and theoretically the normal generation of life fragments is 0-120 pieces.

There are very few that produce 0 lives, and very few that produce 120 full lives, but the least are those who have exceeded the limit of 120 lives.

But the pets of super life are all super rare existences, which are very difficult to encounter, and the further you break through, the more difficult it is to surpass your life!

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