This time, Ning Feng didn't dare to hold it up again, and it was undoubtedly a wrong decision to continue to let the slime go.

'Lynch' smiled faintly, looked at Ning Feng, who had settled down, and stretched out his middle finger.

Lynch's old face is dark, who taught it?

The long knife in Ning Feng's hand let out a humming sound, and then a fierce green light lit up, and along the curved trajectory of the blade, cyan runes lit up one by one, a total of nine runes, and the runes were all full of ancient aura.

This time, Ning Feng switched to holding the knife in both hands, placing the knife diagonally in front of him, half-crouching down, and then suddenly jumped up, and the cyan runes attacked as he moved forward, and the color of the originally lit runes became even worse.

This time, 'Lynch' was in full swing, and avoided to the side in the direction of Ning Feng's attack, and it was the same strange change of direction, and he stabbed forward suddenly, and the gap in the heart of 'Lynch' was instantly expanded, and it was already the size of a bowl.

The cyan light chiseled into the slime's body, still further devouring the slime's body, and in pain, it directly returned to its original appearance and rolled on the ground.

Ling Li flung the long knife in front of him, and Ning Feng put on a beautiful knife shadow.

It was clear that his own slime was defeated, but Lynch had a ridiculous idea in his heart that the other party was very handsome.

"What kind of move is this? That long knife is so weird, the wound that was stained can't be dodged directly!

Lynch looked at the other party's weapon, and compared to the previous fight against the elite ogre with a brave-level long knife, he clearly had a feeling that Ning Feng at this moment was more like the protagonist!

Picking up the slime and throwing it into the beast space, Lynch looked at Ning Feng in front of him, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Then he summoned Qingyan Huoluan with a backhand.

"It's time to eat!"

"Where's the food? It's not delicious, sir, I'll peck you to death! Qingyan Huoluan cocked his tail and glanced at the person in front of him coldly, but found that it was not Lynch, turned his head again, and turned to look at Lynch behind him.

"Human flesh is not delicious, sir, I don't eat people!"

Previously, Qingyan Huoluan was only taken back by Lynch in an instant, so Ning Feng didn't have much perception of Qingyan Huoluan's strength

, and this time it was completely revealed in front of Ning Feng's eyes, and under its gaze, Ning Feng instantly felt a mountain-like pressure.

He could see the unusual things about the fire luan in front of him, such as the mouth of the mouth, such as the crest of feathers on its head, which was always burning with a cyan flame.

But he was not sure about the strength of this Huoluan, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Defeat him, add game!" Lynch pointed to the viper that was confronting the mammoth behind him, and Qingyan Huoluan leaned his head, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Little snake!"

Lynch wanted to bewitch Qingyan Huoluan again, but saw it jump directly next to the poisonous snake, and one claw pierced through the seven inches of the poisonous snake.

The poisonous snake died instantly, and Qingyan Huoluan had already stretched out its beak and began to tear the viper's body.

This scene made the mammoth startled, and took a few steps back, for fear that it would be his turn next.

The poisonous snake that has been fighting against itself for a long time can become the opponent's food with just one blow, which makes it not afraid!

"It's a bit ruthless, I originally wanted you to help beat people, who knew that you guys would directly start adding food!"

Lynch turned to look at Ning Feng, he was ready to kill himself, but he didn't know that Ning Feng's face was dull at this time, and he watched his beast pet being devoured by Lynch's strange fire luan.

Ning Feng's face was full of horror, he didn't expect that his beast pet in the middle of the silver rank was actually powerless to fight back under Lynch's Huoluan, and was directly reduced to food.

"Damn, what the hell is this pet of yours! How could it be Huoluan! Ning Feng directly put away the long knife, clenched his fists and could only give up the idea of beating Lynch.

Then in Lynch's surprised gaze, two strange rays lit up behind him, and the whole person then turned into a cyan light, and directly began to flee away, running away while not forgetting to take the blood-winged banshee and drag them away.

The grizzly bear, who was fighting back and forth with the Bloodwing Banshee, only saw a phanther flash, and then the Bloodwing Banshee disappeared, leaving Zhao Xiaosong stunned in place.

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but I ran away so easily?!

When he saw the Qingyan Huoluan in the field, he instantly realized.

The three of them quietly watched Qingyan Huoluan eat, and while eating, it did not forget to give a very delicious evaluation.

The viper was quickly devoured, and as its gaze wandered back to the mammoth and the grizzly bear, they both shook at the same time and looked at Lynch with a pleading look.

Lynch hurriedly stopped Qingyan Huoluan's gaze as he selected food, and summoned it back to the beast space, although it was a little reluctant, but fortunately, it still couldn't escape the restrictions of the contract.

"Team Lin, your beast pet is too terrifying, you directly scared Wu Yuan's guy away!"

Zhao Xiaosong was already full of admiration, and even forgot that Wu Yuan's true identity was actually Ning Feng.

"What a horror is this! It's just a pervert, I almost even targeted my mammoth, Lynch, ah no, Team Lin, the next time you release this master, please say it in advance, I must put the mammoth away first, I was frightened and need compensation.

Zhang Yuhan's psychological defense line was almost broken, and when Qingyan Huoluan's eyes looked at the mammoth, the fear transmitted by the mammoth made him also fall into a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Compensate you for spending the Spring Festival with Qingyan Huoluan, what do you think of this compensation?"

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Zhang Yuhan clasped his hands together and bowed to Lynch fiercely.

You're the big brother, you're really ruthless...

Lynch looked at the direction in which Ning Feng had fled, and there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Ning Feng's perception of danger was too strong, and it was too late to run away directly and wait for him to react.

Although a large part of the reason is due to the fear of Qingyan Huoluan, Lynch still regrets this.

The failure to make him clearly recognize the difference in strength between him and himself made Lynch very sad.

The next time he met that guy, it would not be so easy to catch, and before he lacked a perfect strategy, he believed that Ning Feng would definitely not make an easy move.

The guy who can't beat and still knows how to run is really a headache for Lynch.

After investigation, Lynch has basically determined that the current anomalous timeline is three years after the mutation, because the supermarket food packaging is printed with the production date of three years ago.

From the moment the anomalous point occurred, it was as if they were really disconnected from the outside world, and at the same time, they could not receive the mobile phone model, and many electronic devices could not be used.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaosun, who was carrying a drone in his backpack, stood up again, and Ti Linqi shared the pressure of checking.

Omniscient and omnipotent can always be on, but with less effort, Lynch will never waste his strength.

After a night's rest, everyone is in much better shape.

Lynch each handed the two of them a Dust Breaking Pill, which was enough for the two of them not to eat for three days.

After solving the stomach problem, he began to look for a water source according to Lynch's suggestion.

Fortunately, the situation was not too bad, and good news came from Zhang Yuhan, who followed a pipe to find traces of a water source.

After taking water. The three of them walked up the pipe, and Lynch found out why he couldn't see even a single other zombie in the city.

The source of the pipe is a small lake, which can be seen to have been an artificial lake.

The earth was cracked, revealing the surface of the earth that had cracked one after another, and in the center of the lake was a huge whale...

Lynch was convinced that he was not mistaken, that it was indeed a whale that appeared in an artificial lake.

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