[Pet Beast Name: Xue Xi Jun (Teacher Leng)

] [Attribute: Spiritual Department] [Level: Level 9

] [Quality: Rare Two Stars

] [Talent: Knowledge is Power (The amount of knowledge intake, all converted into one's own power

)] [Skill: Pen Blade, Learning Xi Materials, Bad Jokes, Spiritual Food, Knowledge Shield]

[3 Evolutionary Directions (Viewable)].

Levels and skills have increased, but there is no movement on evolution in terms of information.

Lin Xiaotian still wants Teacher Leng to evolve into an educator out of many considerations, not only because he wants to be a teacher, but also because of the flaws of the other two evolutionary paths.

The Book of Mathematics and Science completely abandons the means of attack, so it is directly excluded.

The destruction note is strong to listen to, but it will be disgusted with learning Xi and books, which is contrary to Teacher Leng's ideals.

Therefore, all things considered, only educators are suitable for cold teachers.

I thought that Teacher Leng would raise his level to level 10 before the start of school and be able to evolve.

It seems that I still take it for granted.

Perhaps, when Mr. Leng finishes ingesting all the textbooks in the study, it will be about the same!

After Teacher Leng swallowed the contents of his mouth, he puffed up and said, "Xiaolin-san! I'm eating! Let go of me! "

Hahaha, it's okay, now let's just go with the flow!"

Lin Xiaotian leisurely said something that Teacher Leng couldn't understand!


The next day.

Lin Xiaotian and Teacher Leng got up early.

Today is the first day of school.

The September day is still full of enthusiasm, just because of the rising sun in the distance!

There was also a noticeable increase in the number of people on the streets.

When he came to school, Lin Xiaotian did not return to the class directly, but went to the office of the head teacher Liu Xingguo first.

Knock on the door and go in, it's a multi-person office.

"Oh? Lin Xiaotian? Is there something you can do? Liu Xingguo remembers clearly, this is the only student in their class who failed to awaken.

"Teacher Liu, I'm here to report, and my awakening has been successful!"

Lin Xiaotian's words instantly attracted all the teachers in the office.

They all looked at the boy who was talking, as if there was a hidden smell of gossip here, and there was a strange book suspended by his side... Book!

This makes people even more curious.

"Awakening succeeded? Let's talk about it in detail!

Next, Lin Xiaotian spent a few minutes explaining to Liu Xingguo the same reason as Wang Heng before.

"Second... Arousal?! Although his voice was not loud, it was full of disbelief: "I didn't expect that there would really be such an opportunity, and I let you run into it..."

And if you want to awaken again, the difficulty... It's like ascending to the sky!

Liu Xingguo didn't know the way to awaken a second time.

It may cost a lot of money and resources, or even natural treasures, or treasures, pet beast abilities...

I don't know what Lin Xiaotian has experienced in the past two months.

But as a teacher, he naturally hopes that all his students can awaken.

Liu Xingguo patted Lin Xiaotian on the shoulder and said, "Since you have awakened, then you must cherish this opportunity, this must be your natal pet!" "

Well, my name is Teacher Leng, hello!"

Without waiting for Lin Xiaotian to reply, Teacher Leng himself stretched out his little hand and introduced himself.

Liu Xingguo blinked his eyes twice, and suddenly became a little overwhelmed.

"Cold... Teacher Leng? Oooh... Oh hello hello I... I'm Mr. Liu! Fortunately, I will be honored. They

shook each other's hands.

But Teacher Leng's hand was so small that he could only grasp one finger.

Lin Xiaotian swore that he had never seen the expression on the head teacher's face so exciting!

At this time, he was already laughing in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

I can only hold it as hard as I can.

In just a few seconds, Lin Xiaotian recalled all the saddest things he could think of in his two lives.

I just want to be able to get out of the office early.

"Alright, I'll add your name to the competition list, so you can go back to class first!"

When Lin Xiaotian heard this, he could go.

Then, as if fleeing for his life, he ran away with Teacher Leng.

"Lao Liu, is this from your class?"

"If you can awaken for the second time, you will definitely be shocked in the future!"

"How come I've never seen that pet beast just now! However, it's really cute, Teacher Leng... Hahahaha!

After Lin Xiaotian left, the teachers in the office also talked about it.

Liu Xingguo responded to his colleagues one by one.

Just when everyone is talking about it, they are ready to go back to their own business.

A discordant voice rang out!

"Teacher Liu, you, a student... It's not easy!

"According to his own words, he only successfully awakened after a month of vacation, but his pet beast has already reached level 9! In other words, it only took him less than a month to cultivate a peak pet beast that did not enter the stream! The

meaning of the words is self-evident.

Liu Xingguo saw that he still wanted to say something, so he hurriedly interrupted him!

"Alas! Teacher Lu is serious!

"What you said is nothing unusual, you see, in our office, there are many teachers who cultivate multiple pet beasts at the same time, and they are all talented in terms of level!"

"What's more, it's just a pet beast that doesn't enter the stream, and it's a second awakening, it's a little different from other children, isn't it normal!"

Liu Xingguo's words also aroused the approval of other teachers.

"There's nothing wrong with what Lao Liu said, I quite agree!"

"Yes! Although Mr. Lu was transferred from a big city, it is good not to have any prejudice against the students in our small place! "


Seeing so many teachers speaking for Liu Xingguo, Lu You didn't dare to say anything more.

I just snorted coldly in my heart: This old fox!

Lin Xiaotian walked back to the classroom and talked to Teacher Leng about the face of the head teacher just now, and couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed directly.

"Teacher Leng, you definitely did it on purpose just now! Hahahaha..."

But as soon as he walked into the classroom, he couldn't laugh anymore and was stared at by the whole class.

It made him uncomfortable.

"Yo! Isn't this the top three students in our class? Are you in the wrong place? Your current class should be in the culture class! Hahahaha!

Mao Haigang finished taunting Lin Xiaotian.


There was a burst of laughter from below.

Not only that, but even the few people who used to play well with Lin Xiaotian had the same attitude.

Lin Xiaotian didn't understand how the predecessor played with these people!

Wickedly, he smiled and said, "Hehe, I hope you can continue to stay in this class after the competition!" The

sudden change in Lin Xiaotian's attitude made everyone very suspicious.

Is this still the same nerd as before?

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