When Li Qian spoke, he focused his gaze on the central pond not far away. Mu Qianqian understood what he meant, nodded, and then asked, "Well, how much is the purchase cost?"

With a smile on his lips, Li Qian looked at Mu Qianqian and stretched out a finger, "A hundred vine monsters!"

As for Mu Qianqian, after the last battle, Li Qian learned some information about her through Tie Lao.

Li Qian was quite surprised when he learned that she was the descendant of the mysterious forest in the contemporary Yunwu Mountain Scenic Area.

Before the water slide was repaired and completed, both Qizai and Afu completed their evolution at the Baizhang Waterfall in the Yunwu Mountain Scenic Area.

Especially for the first time, when Qizai evolved, he encountered an attack from the Ancient God Cult.

At that time, he was keenly aware that the Yunwu Mountain Scenic Area should not be simple, at least not as simple as what he saw on the surface.

After Tie Lao's introduction, Li Qian couldn't help but suddenly realized, which was confirmed that his intuition at the time was not wrong.

The Yunwu Mountain Scenic Area indeed has its secrets that are unknown to the public, at least not known to ordinary people.

Moreover, Muju, who manages the Senran Secret Realm, dares to develop the entire Yunwu Mountain into a scenic spot. I have to say that it is quite unexpected.

But thinking back, I didn't have any ulterior motive. After all, it was hidden in the city. Who would have thought that the legendary secret place was actually in a crowded scenic spot.

Not only did Li Qian not think of it, but probably even the members of the Ancient God Cult at the time didn't think of it either.

And through recollection, Li Qian has completely figured out that at that time, the person who used the wooden dragon skills in the Yunwu Mountain Scenic Area was probably Mu Qianqian's pet beast, and it was most likely her Thousand Vine Demon.

After Tie Lao's introduction, Li Qian learned that this mysterious secret realm was formed in the beast-controlling space after the death of a Holy Spirit-level ancestor of the Mu family.

It contains extremely rich wood energy and is very suitable for the growth of wood beasts.

This Baiteng Monster is one of the Mu family's family pets. The evolutionary path they master can continuously evolve into Thousand Teng Demon and Ten Thousand Teng Demon!

You must know that this Ten Thousand Vine Demon is a rare wood pet beast with the potential to reach the high level of an emperor. If it is cultivated properly or mutates, it is not impossible to advance to the Holy Spirit.

However, it is said that the conditions for Thousand Teng Demon to advance to Ten Thousand Teng Demon are very stringent, and even the Mu family has extremely few of them.

If Li Qian proposed to replace the Thousand Vine Demon with the Frostfire Demon Salamander, the value should be equal and almost the same. But if it were to replace the Hundred Vine Demon, there is no doubt that Mu Qianqian took the big advantage.

The reason why he proposed this disadvantageous replacement plan was not only to enrich the pet beast population in the breeding base, but also because of its subsequent evolutionary potential.

As long as it is cultivated to the point where it can evolve, Li Qian believes that there should be no problem in going to the Mu family in the Senran Secret Realm of the Yunwu Mountain Scenic Area and asking them to help evolve.

Even evolving into a Ten Thousand Vine Demon is not impossible, it just depends on whether the price paid is enough.

If Li Qian finally masters the evolution method from the Frost Fire Demon Salamander to the Ice Fire Giant Dragon, and uses an Ice Fire Giant Dragon as a bargaining chip in exchange for a Ten Thousand Vine Demon, the Mu family will definitely not refuse.

Obviously, after Li Qian mentioned replacing him with the Baiteng Monster, Mu Qianqian also understood his purpose and knew that he would at least help him complete the evolution from the Baiteng Monster to the Thousand Teng Monster.

After understanding Li Qian's plan, Mu Qianqian did not agree immediately, "I need to discuss this matter with my family."

Although she felt that she could agree to it directly, because even if you add the resources that will be spent to help Baiteng evolve in the future, getting a Frostfire Salamander is completely worth it.

Even strictly speaking, they took advantage of Li Qian.

After all, the potential of the Frost Fire Salamander is as high as the ninth level of overlord, while the potential of the Thousand Teng Demon is only the seventh level of overlord.

Although she felt that she could agree to it directly, but considering that she had to replace the family's pet beast Baito Monster, she couldn't make the decision at all, so she said that she had to discuss it with her family. It was not her excuse, but that she really needed to discuss it.

"Okay." Li Qian smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Mu Qianqian could call her family at any time to discuss it, and then said in a calm tone: "We look forward to reaching cooperation."

Yes, in Li Qian's view, replacing the Baiteng monster with the Frostfire Salamander is a cooperation, a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation.

I believe that the Mu family will not refuse. Of course, even if they refuse, it doesn't matter. Although the Baiteng monster has great potential and is worth studying, if Li Qian wants to get it, there is no other way.

Li Qian was not anxious at all and just waited patiently. Time did not pass long. About five minutes later, Mu Qianqian appeared in front of him again.

The mature woman spoke elegantly, with a smile on her face, "Classmate Li Qian, my family has agreed to replace your Frost Fire Salamander, and the pet beast we brought out is not the Hundred Toy Monster, but the Thousand Toy Demon !”

What she said was both within Li Qian's expectations and a little beyond his expectations. It was expected because the other party chose to replace it, but unexpectedly because the other party chose to take out the Sento Monster instead of the Hundred To Monster.

You know, although Baiteng Monster and Senteng Demon can evolve, the cost of evolution is not low.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Qian understood the key. If he replaced it with the Baiteng Monster, even if the replacement was completed, he would still owe Li Qian a favor. And if Li Qian wanted to help the Baiteng Monster complete its evolution later, They have to take action again. Instead of doing two things at once, it is better to do it in one step.

In addition, replacing the Frost Fire Demon Salamander with the Thousand Vine Demon is of similar value and can leave a good impression on Li Qian.

After understanding the key, Li Qian smiled and agreed directly without being pretentious, "Then I'll be disrespectful."

"Now you can try to communicate with them." After the deal was concluded, he pointed to the central pond not far away, where the seven Frostfire Salamanders were.

Li Qian hopes that Mu Qianqian will give priority to the beasts such as Demon Sky and the Seven-Headed Frost Fire Salamander that have completed their evolution. If they all stay in the breeding base, they will definitely not get the best training. The best place to go is to follow those with potential and A beast master who can treat them sincerely.

Based on Li Qian's observations and his previous experience of fighting side by side, he felt that Mu Qianqian would be a good choice.

As for Sun Shuhe and others, forget it. Even if he has money, Li Qian will not sell it. Selling the pet beast to him will only waste the talent of the pet beast.

Li Qian's idea also met Mu Qianqian's current needs.

Her strength level has already reached the overlord level. The reason why she has never contracted a new pet beast is very simple... she would rather lack than waste.

Moreover, as a contemporary descendant of the Senran Secret Realm, her vision is so high that even ordinary pet beasts cannot enter her "eyes of magic".

It was better to have a ready-made Frost Fire Salamander that could be contracted directly than to wait for a while. It wasn't that she couldn't afford to wait, but it was unnecessary.

She has also seen several of Li Qian's Frost Fire Salamanders. They must have just completed their evolution, and there is no sign that they are not mature enough. It is still too late to develop feelings at this time.

So she nodded, and then walked in the direction of Li Qian's finger without hesitation.

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