Mu Qianqian left and took Mo Hong out of the breeding base. Li Qian was not worried at all about this.

As he said before, he believed in the wood and the mysterious world behind it.

In addition, Li Qian knew that the Senran Secret Realm was in Yunlan City. Although it was not far from Lingshui City, strictly speaking, she had no obligation to support Lingshui City. However, she did it, and not only did it, And go all out.

This is another reason why Li Qian believes in her.

A beastmaster who would work tirelessly and take risks to support a city that had nothing to do with him could not be someone who broke his word.

It turned out that his guess was not wrong.

The next day, Mu Qianqian came to the door again and delivered a Thousand Teng Demon.

What surprised Li Qian was that this Thousand Vine Demon had actually reached the ninth level of command. Combined with its potential, it was 100% able to exert the combat effectiveness of ordinary overlord-level beasts.

Unexpectedly, Li Qian accepted it happily.

After all, even if the elite-level Frost Fire Salamander is replaced by the Commander-level Sento Demon, strictly speaking, the one who takes advantage is Mu Qianqian.

From this aspect, both Mu Qianqian and the Mu family are open-minded people.

If I said that I had a "friendly conversation" with Mu Qianqian yesterday, it was a bit of a show-off. Today, I really feel that the Mu family is worth making friends with.

"Our Mu family's secret realm is in Yunlan City, and your Jiaoyang cultivation base is in Lingshui City. They are also neighbors. In the future, our two families can move around more and communicate and learn more." Before leaving, Mu Qianqian said.

After hearing this, Li Qian happily agreed. Maintaining a friendly relationship with a secret realm family that has been passed down for thousands of years is a beneficial thing for both Li Qian and the Jiaoyang Cultivation Base.

After chatting for a while, Mu Qianqian left the breeding base. The next moment she left the breeding base, her mother Han Yuying came over with a strange expression.

"You are a bit older, but if you really like it, as parents, we can't accept it." Mother Han Yuying walked to Li Qian's side and said in a complicated tone.

"What?" Li Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard this. When he realized what his mother Han Yuying was saying, a huge question mark appeared on his forehead.

Even though I’m a little older, it’s not unacceptable!

Who is this talking about? Muqianqian?

Where did this rumor come from? Even including today, Mu Qianqian only came twice in total.

This is not the case for spreading rumors, and there is no factual basis at all!

Li Qian stared at his mother and denied it, "Mom, where did you hear this rumor? Do you know who she is?"

In order to stop such ridiculous rumors, he spoke directly and brought up Mu Qianqian's background, "It doesn't matter if I hear what you said, but if Mu Qianqian hears it, it might cause unnecessary misunderstandings. I have to tell you in advance that Mu Qianqian’s identity and background are not simple. She is a descendant of a thousand-year-old family. If she offends her, the consequences will be disastrous. "

He kept talking and continued: "Furthermore, at her age, she is more than enough to be my eldest sister or aunt. No matter how hungry I am, there is no way I can target her."

In order to ease his mother's heart, Li Qian finally added, "Don't worry about it here. With your son's appearance and talent, are you afraid that you won't be able to find a daughter-in-law?"

When her mother Han Yuying heard this, she glanced at Li Qian suspiciously.

Li Qian quickly handed over the beast control ball sent by Mu Qianqian, "Mom, this is the pet beast that our breeding base cooperated with the Mu Qianqian family to replace. It's called 'Thousand Teng Yao', and its strength has reached the peak of leadership. Take it and place it in the botanical garden near Building 5."

It's said to be a botanical garden, but that place is actually almost deserted.

If Li Qian hadn't cleaned it up again after taking over and kept the few free-range grasses there, it would not be an exaggeration to say it was a weed nest.

Her mother, Han Yuying, took the beast control ball, but the doubts in her eyes did not disappear completely. She walked towards Building No. 5. She paused before taking a few steps, "If you don't like this Mu Qianqian, your teacher , that Chu Xiran, it’s not that I can’t consider it, but if word spreads about the teacher-student relationship, it won’t have a good reputation..."

When Li Qian heard this, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Who spread these rumors and why are they more outrageous than the others?

I don't know why, but at this moment, Li Qian found that Tie Lao's slightly obscene face appeared in his mind unconsciously.

It can't be him...

The next day, Professor Yan hadn't come yet, but someone came earlier than Li Qian expected.

This person is none other than Niu Fenjin.

Li Qian originally thought that he came to the training base to make up for the last class, but as soon as this guy entered the base, he asked three questions in a row:

"What happened after you and Chu Xiran entered the unstable rift?"

"Why did she go in with you?"

"Do you like Chu Xiran?"

His three irritating questions left Monk Zhang Er confused.

What happened after Mr. Chu Xiran and I entered the unstable rift? Didn’t the latter already explain it to the Public Security Bureau?

Also, shouldn’t you know exactly what we were doing when we went in?

"Wait, what's going on? I like Teacher Chu Xiran..." Niu Fenjin was a little confused by the three questions that popped up. When he came to his senses, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Where did you hear such outrageous rumors? Wait a minute, it's not you, but you..." Li Qian said something more and more wrong, so he started to guess, "How do I feel? Teacher Chu Xiran and I entered After the unstable rift, something unknown to us seems to have happened..."

Speaking of this, Li Qian's eyes showed speculation, and he looked up and down at Niu Fenjin from time to time.

"Don't worry about what happened, just tell me, do you like Chu Xiran?" Niu Fenjin was a little flustered by Li Qian's stare. He didn't answer Li Qian's question, but asked directly.

Seeing Niu Fenjin's embarrassed look, Li Qian's expression became playful. He chuckled, "So what if you like it, what if you don't like it? What's your relationship with Brother Niu? In other words, in what capacity are you asking? My question?”

"I..." Niu Fenjin hesitated when he heard the words. He wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say.

"Haha..." Seeing Niu Fenjin's reaction, Li Qian smiled heartily, "It's not okay to be coy and coy like this. Teacher Chu, I know better. She doesn't like boys like this. Also, even if you don't say it, I You can also guess whether Mr. Tie was making fun of me and Teacher Chu before!"

After seeing what he said, Niu Fenjin's expression became extremely exciting, and Li Qian's laughter became even heartier.

"Stop thinking blindly. It's impossible for Teacher Chu and I. It's a shame that Tie Lao could figure it out, and it's even more of a shame that you came to ask..." After saying this, he patted Niu Fenjin on the shoulder, and Li Qian took a step forward. left.

When Niu Fenjin saw this, his old face turned red, and he was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

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