Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 137 Crisis in the Senran Secret Realm 2

After a few simple polite words, the group of people entered a relatively "luxurious" cottage under the leadership of Mr. Mu Tianhua.

In addition to Li Qian and Mu Qianqian, Xiao Zhengtai Mu Zhuoran was also present. From this, it can be seen that his status in this mysterious and mysterious realm is not ordinary.

Moreover, now, Li Qian's impression of the young young lady Mu Zhuoran in front of him has changed.

She does look very cute, but unfortunately she is a naughty kid at heart.

Lunch was relatively simple, just four dishes and one soup, just like a homely meal.

However, the food is very delicious, even if it is just ordinary vegetables and meat, it is different from the outside world.

Mu Qianqian opened her mouth to explain, letting Li Qian understand the whole story, "Li Qian, although lunch is a little simple, the food here is not available outside."

"Whether it's rice, vegetables or the meat in this stir-fried pork, they are all produced in this mysterious place. They are not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, far beyond what ordinary ingredients from the outside can compare with."

"It's such a simple table. If it's placed outside, even if you pay 10,000 yuan, you may not be able to eat it."

Hearing this, Li Qian politely thanked you again, "Thank you for the hospitality. I have to have a taste. This is the first time I have eaten food produced in the secret realm."

The meal was quite good. Li Qian ate two large bowls of rice, and Mu Qianqian and Mu Zhuoran also ate a lot.

In the end, a table with four dishes and one soup was eaten by the four of them.

After lunch, at the suggestion of Mr. Mu Tianhua, Mu Qianqian took Li Qian for a walk in the mysterious forest.

Li Qian had no choice but to follow him with a little embarrassment. For some reason, he always felt that the old man letting Mu Qianqian take him around seemed to have some matchmaking intentions.

After the two of them left, inside the room, the young lady reluctantly put away the dishes and chopsticks. While doing so, she asked doubtfully: "Grandpa, why are you so polite to this kid?"

Mu Tianhua chuckled and corrected Mu Zhuoran's statement, "Don't worry about this kid or that kid. He is much older than you."

"Not much older." Xiao Zhengtai couldn't help but muttered after hearing this.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, so he nodded seriously, "But if you 'marry' Aunt Qianqian, you will indeed be a bit young. Aunt Qianqian is a bit like an old cow eating young grass."

When Mu Tianhua heard this, a dumbfounded expression appeared on his face, "Be careful, if Qianqian girl hears this, you will definitely get a big bang."

After glancing at Mu Zhuoran, his tone softened a little and he reminded him, "Also, be polite when you see him in the future."

"Why?" Mu Zhuoran raised his head in confusion and looked at Mu Tianhua.

Mu Tianhua looked in a certain direction outside the window, with a hint of emotion in his voice, "Li Qian, who can study the evolution methods of the blue-scaled dragon and the frost-fire dragon at this age, will have limitless achievements in the future. If our Mu family loses the secret realm of Senran, we may still have someone to rely on him in the future.”

When Xiaozheng Taimu Zhuoran heard this, a look of sadness appeared on his fair face. He hesitated to speak: "Grandpa Zu, Rongzu it..."

Mu Tianhua understood what Mu Zhuoran wanted to say, but he did not answer directly, and then said with emotion: "Rongzu is already 1,200 years old..."

Although Mu Zhuoran is not old, he knows everything about the situation inside the Senran Secret Realm. He then asked: "What about the Second Ancestor?"

Mu Tianhua spoke slowly, with a hint of melancholy in his voice, "The second ancestor failed to complete his transformation after all. His potential is limited to the emperor, and he cannot take over the control of the secret realm..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already withdrew his gaze and looked at Mu Zhuoran in front of him, "Okay, kid, don't think so much... The most important thing for you now is to work hard on meditation and improve your strength as soon as possible."

Little Shota put away the bowls and chopsticks, looked at his grandfather who had already stepped out, and couldn't help but said to himself, "Yes, without strength, nothing can be changed."

On the other side, going out from the end of the village, on a winding path, Li Qian and Mu Qianqian were walking side by side.

"Well, the matter about Mu Zhuoran..." Mu Qianqian spoke first and said with some embarrassment: "Don't take his words to heart."

"Children, childlike words are unbridled." Li Qian smiled faintly, then changed the subject and asked, "Do all members of your Mu family live in this mysterious secret realm?"

Mu Qianqian didn't think much and replied: "Of course not. In fact, most of the members of our Mu family are in Yunlan City, and only a few are in this mysterious and mysterious realm."

Li Qian was a little puzzled, "Can't the Senran Secret Realm speed up the growth of pet beasts?"

"That's true, but you should have discovered some problems. In this mysterious and mysterious realm, the number of both humans and beasts is pitifully small..."

After a moment of silence and organizing her words, Mu Qianqian said with a somewhat bitter tone: "It's not because we Mu family members don't want to come in to practice, but there is something wrong with this secret realm and it cannot accommodate more beast masters and pet beasts to practice. "

Li Qian was even more puzzled, "How is it possible that this secret realm, so vast and open, can only hold so few pet beasts and beast masters..."

"You come with me!" Mu Qianqian looked in a certain direction, lost in thought, and after a moment, she waved.

After that, he walked straight forward.

Li Qian naturally followed closely behind.

The two of them walked leisurely for about a quarter of an hour, when the sight in front of them suddenly became clear.

The forest disappeared, or rather, the forest became bald here, replaced by a meadow, circular in shape, about a kilometer in diameter.

In the center of the circular grassland, there is a tree standing tall.

Yes, even if it is a tree, Li Qian cannot help but use the word "lofty", which is generally used to describe mountains.

In fact, this tree is too tall. Looking up, it is a hundred feet high. If you get closer, you can't see the top at all under the cover of the canopy that blocks the sky and sun.

The trees are covered with leaves, and the golden leaves are not because autumn has come. In fact, the outside world is not autumn at this moment, but the original color of the leaves.

Li Qian took out the golden banyan leaves that Mu Qianqian had given him before and compared them. Soon, he was sure.

The golden banyan leaves that Mu Qianqian gave herself must have come from this huge golden banyan tree.

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