Everyone dived at high speed and soon dropped to a height of about 100 meters.

"Go in that direction." The captain saw a river not far away and immediately reminded him.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Whether it is a gray bean pigeon or a storm eagle, they are all flying pets. Escaping into the water will undoubtedly greatly reduce their combat effectiveness.

The captain thought of this, how could others not think of it.

Bang bang bang...

Blah, blah, blah...

Seeing this, everyone no longer hesitated, turned on full power, penetrated the fish, and broke into the water.

As soon as they entered the water, everyone called their pet beasts back to the beast-controlling space.

Perhaps because of their work, whether they are the captain or the two service staff in the cabin, they are all contracted to flying pets.

Li Qian can understand this.

After all, he was engaged in the work of flying ships and contracted flying pets. At critical moments, he would definitely be able to play a big role.

If the contract between the three of them was a flying beast, which was what Li Qian had expected, then it was a bit unexpected for the beautiful woman to contract a flying beast.

After all, what ordinary beast masters pursue more is the reasonable combination of pet beasts and the balance of the pet beast team.

Very few beast masters would only contract with a certain type of pet beast.

So he had to sigh, it was really a bit of a coincidence.

Entering the water, and it was still an unfamiliar water, Li Qian naturally did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately summoned the Frost Fire Salamander.

Although the attributes of the Frostfire Salamander are ice and fire, it is an extraordinary creature that lives on both land and water. Entering water will not affect its combat effectiveness at all.

As for the blue-scaled dragon, let alone that.

As soon as they entered the water, the five people gathered together subconsciously. There was nothing wrong with the five mechas moving in the water.

Obviously, the mecha was designed with this situation in mind.

They saw the lit summoning circle and the sudden appearance of the Frost Fire Salamander, and they all looked happy.

Their pet beasts have all taken back the beast control space. Even if they don't, they won't have much fighting power in the water. Now, the only ones they can rely on are the two pet beasts of the young man in front of them.

Among them, the beautiful woman was not an ordinary beast master with no eyesight.

Soon, I recognized the identity of the blue-scaled dragon. As for the frost fire demon salamander, because it was indeed very rare, I didn't recognize it immediately.

However, this was enough for her to look at Li Qian in surprise.

Judging from the momentum revealed by the two pets, there is no doubt that they are both rare pets with great potential.

It can also be seen from this that the identity of the young man in front of him is certainly not simple.

Surprised, the beautiful woman didn't hesitate at all and went straight to where Li Qian was.

"Go from the bottom of the water." After everyone gathered, Li Qian was a little confused and didn't know what to do next. At this moment, the captain's voice rang in his ears.

Everyone heard this voice and instantly had a backbone. They subconsciously followed the captain's instructions and dived towards the bottom of the water.

Because they were all wearing mecha suits, it was not difficult for them to dive into the water.

"Wait." But just as they were about to dive into the bottom of the river, a clear female voice suddenly sounded.

Li Qian took a look and saw that their mecha suits had already formed a local area communication network. The person who just spoke was none other than the beautiful woman sitting in front of Li Qian.

The reminder that the beautiful woman suddenly spoke made everyone feel at a loss.

"There is something under the water!" The beautiful woman's voice rang in the earphones again.

"What?" The captain looked at the beautiful woman and asked.

"It's a pet beast, a pet beast with an energy intensity no less than the Overlord level!" The beautiful woman said with a hint of anxiety in her tone.

"Not lower than Overlord level?" The captain heard this and made a confused voice.

It was normal for him to have doubts. He was full of confidence in the active metal mecha suit he was wearing.

The detection equipment of the mecha suit did not detect energy fluctuations. If it was not detected, how could she detect it?

Even if her beast control talent is energy perception, it can't be more powerful than the mecha suit...

The captain thought so.

However, out of trust in the beautiful woman, and after all, they had fought side by side, he still ordered: "Move closer to this side, this side is closest to the shore."

Since there are pet beasts in the water, and they are overlord-level pet beasts, they must be prepared to be enemies rather than friends.

Moreover, intruding into the territory of wild pet animals in the wild is a very dangerous behavior.

Following the captain's order, the five people swam in the direction of his finger as quickly as possible.

The speed of the mecha suit underwater is extremely fast, no worse than ordinary water beasts. As for the frost fire demon salamander and the blue scale dragon, that is not to mention.

In fact, Li Qian had already believed her the moment the beautiful woman told her that she had an overlord-level beast.

This belief is not based on trust in beautiful women, but on the understanding of the Black God Cult.

If it was the Black God Sect and they made up their mind to launch an attack, they would definitely not be so anticlimactic.

How could it be avoided simply by entering the water?

"It is coming towards us, not just one, but in my perception, at least two."

In the beautiful woman's perception, as they changed direction, the pursuing energy body also changed direction.

In this way, there is no doubt that this guy is 100% here for a few of them.

"Or, to be more precise, it's just for me." The woman thought in her heart.

Among them, she is the most valuable.

This is what she thought, but at this moment, it coincided with Li Qian's thoughts.

At this moment, Li Qian was also muttering in his heart.

This attack by the Black God Sect could not be directed at him.

After all, he had destroyed one of their operations, saved the birdtail fish, and obtained a magic core that probably came from the Black God Cult.

They are deliberately planning to deal with themselves, and it is not impossible.

"It is indeed the Overlord level!" The captain also made a voice through the communication equipment. At this time, his mecha suit also searched for the nearest energy fluctuation.

This energy fluctuation was indeed overlord-level, but the enemies further away were not aware of it.

At this moment, he was dignified and serious, and he had to admire the super perception of the female passenger in front of him.

Li Qian's mecha suit also noticed this energy fluctuation, and his brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

The situation is extremely dangerous, and with their strength, it seems that they can only barely support it, and then wait for support...

Feeling this sense of powerlessness again made Li Qian feel helpless and didn't know what to say.

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