After chatting for a while, about an hour later, Li Qian finally arrived at Gao Yaxin's training base in Wen Wan's car.

The base is called "Changfeng Training Base". The gate is very simple, made of ordinary bricks and stones. It doesn't look like anything special.

But the moment he saw the door, Li Qian couldn't help but look sideways and looked at it a few more times.

There is no other reason. Right above the door, where the plaque is, there are three five-pointed stars carved impressively.

This is the symbol of the Samsung Breeding Base. It is issued by the Breeders Association. It has a very high gold content. It is impossible to obtain it without certain research results.

It is said that Li Qian's Sun Training Base was only two-star even at its peak.

Now, it has fallen to the point where it is no longer a star.

However, because of Li Qian's taking over, the base has made major achievements one after another. At this time, under the arrangement of An Hounian, the application for star status has been restarted.

However, it is easy to fall down from the level of this cultivation base, but it is difficult to rise again.

You must advance one star at a time, and each time you advance, there is a time limit. The minimum is one year.

In other words, even if Li Qian's Sun Training Base successfully passes the rating application this time and becomes a one-star training base, it will have to wait at least a year if it wants to apply again and be promoted again.

During this period, even if more significant results were developed, he could not apply again. Li Qian had never heard of such an example.

Although this kind of rigid standard is very rigid and rigid, there is no other way. Until the Breeders Association makes changes, Li Qian's Sun Breeding Base has no choice but to abide by it.

Therefore, at this moment, when he saw the three stars on the plaque, Li Qian was quite envious. Of course, he was also vaguely looking forward to it.

It was his first time to visit Samsung's training base. It could gain his knowledge and discover the shortcomings of his own training base.

"Welcome to the Changfeng Breeding Base." Wen Wan slowed down a little, allowing Li Qian to take a good look. After passing, she said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to it." Li Qian responded, which was also his true feeling at this moment.

"By the way, why is this breeding base called 'Changfeng Breeding Base'?" Li Qian asked casually while sitting in the car and walking straight through the gate of the breeding base.

It can also be regarded as finding a topic to chat.

"I don't know either. When the three of us took over this breeding base, it was called this name. It is said that it seems to be related to a breeder from a long time ago, but it can no longer be studied."

"Originally, we were planning to change its name, but considering that the name sounds pretty good, long-lasting, rich in harvest, and has a good meaning. In addition, it already has a certain reputation, we gave up the idea."

He explained in a gentle tone, but Li Qian was quite surprised when he heard it.

It can be heard from her explanation that she seems to be more than just the housekeeper of the breeding base.

Out of curiosity, Li Qian asked directly: "Sister Wen Wan, listening to what you just said, you are also one of the bosses of this breeding base?"

"Xiaoli and I only held a small share and contributed a small amount of money. The majority was contributed by Yaxin, so she is the big boss, and we can only be regarded as little friends!" Wen Wan said in a half-joking tone.

"That's amazing!" Li Qian gave Wen Wan a thumbs up.

Even if you are only a small shareholder, a cultivation base of this scale is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

From this point of view, whether it is the Wen Wan in front of her or the identity of the other shareholder "Xiao Li" in her mouth, I am afraid that the identity is not simple.

But when I think about it, it's normal. How can a person who can cooperate with Gao Yaxin and own such a large training base be an ordinary person?

"Hey, the walls here don't look high, so aren't you worried about the pet beasts escaping?" The car continued to drive into the breeding base. Li Qian glanced around and saw some places that were different from his own base.

"In this circle near the periphery, we have raised a lot of plant pet beasts. These plant pet beasts are also the guards of the breeding base. Very few pet beasts can break through their confinement." Wen Wan continued to speak, for Li Qian explained, "In addition, we have set up guard robots, formations, and monitoring equipment at several more important checkpoints, which can basically ensure nothing goes wrong."

"That's it!" Li Qian nodded slightly after hearing this.

No wonder the wall they repaired was so simple, it didn't even rely on it for defense.

It's normal to think about it. After all, no matter how tall or strong the wall is, to a pet beast with extraordinary power, there is no difference between it and a shoddy project.

The car drove slowly and slowly, and the two chatted from time to time. From these chats, Li Qian learned a lot.

Although many of them are common sense, they are still quite useful for Li Qian at this stage.

Not long after, the car stopped in a parking lot.

"We're here." Wen Wan got out of the car first with a smile on her face, followed closely by Li Qian.

"Cluck, cluck..." As soon as he got out of the car, a big rooster with red wings all over his body walked out swaggeringly.

"Red Feather Chicken." Li Qian recognized the big rooster's identity almost as soon as it walked out of the bushes next to the parking lot.

This thing, together with koi, flash moth, and dolphin, is known as the four losers in the pet world. Because it only knows one skill - flame, it is also nicknamed "turkey hunter".

Li Qian was very familiar with red-feathered chickens. There were several of these waste beasts in his breeding base.

Seeing the red feather chicken strutting out, Wen Wan felt helpless. She got back into the car and searched, but found a handful of purple grains from somewhere.

Throwing Zigu behind, the red-feathered chicken scurried over at a very fast speed.

"That made you laugh." Wen Wan looked at Li Qian with some embarrassment.

Li Qian waved his hand, "It's okay. I also have red-feathered chickens in my breeding base. I think red-feathered chickens are a kind of pet that is very valuable to cultivate."

"Do you think so too?" Li Qian just spoke casually to ease the embarrassment, but his words attracted Wen Wan's somewhat surprised look.

Li Qian heard the implication of Wen Wan's words, so he immediately asked: "Are you studying red-feathered chickens?"

"It's not just us..." Wen Wan glanced at the red-feathered chicken that had rushed out to peck at the purple grain, and said with a somewhat complicated expression.

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