Li Qi and Mo Wenbin left with satisfaction, leaving behind two application vouchers.

The Sun Training Base can use these two application certificates to withdraw 150 million federal coins.

Although it may not seem like much, far lower than the market average price, it is better than the steady flow.

Also, by connecting with the entire federal security system, from now on, the Sun Breeding Base will no longer be a rootless duckweed.

From now on, no matter who he is, no matter what his status is, if he wants to move to the Jiaoyang Training Base, he will think twice.

Invisibly, a solid defensive shield was once again erected for the Sun Training Base.

In addition, by becoming the beast control supply base of the Jiangnan Provincial Public Security Bureau, relying on the security system of the entire federation, the reputation of the Sun Breeding Base can also quickly spread.

As long as you have a reputation, making money is easy.

In fact, at this time, funds are no longer the biggest constraint for Jiaoyang Training Base.

Whether Jiaoyang Training Base can become bigger and stronger ultimately depends on Li Qian.

As long as Li Qian can continue to grow smoothly, the Jiaoyang Training Base will sooner or later be famous throughout the federation, and even the entire ancestral planet.

Li Qian had already anticipated some things when he reached cooperation with the Jiangnan Provincial Public Security Bureau.

The only thing he didn't expect was that this reputation would spread so quickly, so violently, and so unexpectedly.

Li Qian did not expect that this matter would continue in such a way and at such a speed.

In fact, he didn't care much about it. At this moment, he was still reading the information given by Gao Yaxin in the training base.

These materials are all related to red-feathered chickens, especially the evolution of red-feathered chickens.

Although Li Qian was worrying silently, he actually had a bad premonition in his heart.

Since there is a problem with Gao Yaxin's research direction, the value of these materials will also be put into question.

It turned out that his guess was not wrong.

Near eleven o'clock in the evening, he finally finished all the information.

It took me two days and one night to read so much information, but the inspiration I got was very limited.

Only a mere three points!

Yes, only a pitiful three inspiration points!

"It's better than nothing. With these three points of inspiration, the mission progress has reached 87%, which is finally close to 90%." Li Qian "listened" to the notification sound in his mind and couldn't help but smile bitterly.


This is already a very low value.

Li Qian is confident that he will be able to complete this pet beast scientific research task in a short time.

Thinking of this, Li Qian went to bed happily, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

the next day.

Early in the morning.

Li Qian woke up.

This time, he was woken up by the alarm clock set in advance.

After checking the time, he didn't hesitate, simply put on some clothes, and went to the small forest where the red-feathered chickens lived again.

He was going to observe the whole process of Red Feather Chicken's "Light Energy Storage" skill up close again.

This morning, perhaps because the weather was not very good and it was just cloudy, the number of red-feathered chickens in the grove was not as high as yesterday.

There were only a dozen or so standing on the tree trunks, branches, and branches.

When Li Qian walked near the grove, he was surprised to see that someone had arrived early.

Seeing this scene, Li Qian walked over with a smile and said hello, "Sister Gao, it's so early!"

"The evolution method of red-feathered chickens is my research project. If you can get up early to observe, naturally I can't lag behind others." Gao Yaxin turned around and said with a smile.

After that, he looked up again.

It can be seen that her observations are quite detailed and serious.

It can also be inferred from this that what he said yesterday morning obviously had a relatively large impact on Gao Yaxin.

"That's true." Li Qian nodded, and then started to read.

After watching for a while, he found that the red-feathered chickens were not moving at all. Li Qian couldn't help but ask: "On cloudy or rainy days like this, will they still use the 'Light Energy Storage' skill?"

Gao Yaxin did not look back and continued to stare at the observation target, "Yes."

After a pause, she continued: "I guess this has nothing to do with the weather. After all, the sun rises as usual no matter what the weather is."

Pointing to the sky, she finally added, "'s just obscured by dark clouds."

After hearing this, Li Qian nodded in agreement, "That makes sense."

Seeing Li Qian and herself side by side, observing equally carefully, Gao Yaxin said another rule they had discovered before, "But we have studied that the effect of using the 'Light Energy Storage' skill in this kind of weather may be Weaker."

Li Qian frowned in thought.

The rule Gao Yaxin mentioned seems to have no effect. However, if you think about it further, you will find that it still has a deep meaning.

Regardless of wind or rain, red-feathered chickens will regularly display the skill of "light energy storage" every morning.

This is enough to show that the skill of "light energy storage" has unusual significance for Red Feather Chicken.

Because extraordinary creatures have the instinct to continuously evolve towards higher levels of life.

Among cultivators, there are a large number of practical and observer groups who regard this as a guideline and believe that this sentence is a wise saying.

Thinking about this, Li Qian already had a general direction for the next research.

He looked at Gao Yaxin, then glanced at the red-feathered chicken in the woods, and made a request, "By the way, Sister Yaxin, there is something I need your help with."

"What's going on?" Gao Yaxin asked.

Li Qian did not show off and directly stated his request, "I need a research subject."

Gao Yaxin also looked at the red-feathered chicken in the grove, and she immediately reacted, "A red-feathered chicken that can use the 'Light Energy Storage' skill?"

"Yes." Li Qian nodded.

He knew very well that if he wanted to study the Red Feather Chicken more deeply, guessing out of thin air would definitely not work.

There has to be a guinea pig, no, a red-feathered chicken!

Gao Yaxin received Li Qian's exact reply. Her eyes wandered and she immediately started searching in the woods.

After a while, she pointed to an extraordinary red-feathered chicken on the branch of a tree and said, "What do you think of it?"

Li Qian followed the direction of her finger and looked over.

After seeing the target red feather chicken, he nodded with satisfaction, "It looks very energetic. What's its name?"

Seeing that Li Qian was satisfied, Gao Yaxin smiled. She also looked at the energetic red-feathered chicken, and then faintly uttered two words, "Chicken hair!"

"Chicken hair?!" Li Qian was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he heard wrongly.

This Gao Yaxin seems to be a bad name...

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