Li Qian's guess was not wrong, because next he saw Sun Hongyi throwing several more materials towards Jin Zhubeilei's position.

Fortunately, although most of these are life-related materials, they are not very precious and are still within his financial affordability.

Just when Li Qian thought that all the conditions for evolution had been met, Sun Hongyi made another move. He looked at the tide sea spirit Ah Hai and suddenly waved.

Following his wave, the emperor-level tidal sea spirit Ah Hai once again let out that tearful whimpering sound.

Amidst its whimpering cry, there was a splash, and the second golden pearl suddenly emerged from the water.

When Li Qian saw this, he did not make a sound, but stared quietly. He wanted to see what conditions were needed to achieve evolution.

Soon he saw a rather strange scene.

The golden pearl bud that appeared later suddenly opened its shell, and then in Li Qian's surprised eyes, it actually presented the golden pearl bred in its shell.

The previous Jinzhubeilei, whose body had already glowed with light of evolution, did not hesitate and swallowed the golden bead offered by the Jinzhubeilei that appeared later.

After swallowing the second golden bead, the changes in this golden bead bud suddenly intensified. Li Qian could see that the light of evolution in this golden bead bud suddenly became richer.

Seeing Jin Zhubeilei begin to evolve, Li Qian fully understood why Sun Hongyi called him here tonight.

It was precisely because he understood the reason that his eyes showed doubts.

In his opinion, there was no need for Sun Hongyi to demonstrate like this. In fact, all he needed to do was give him the evolutionary data.

After all, this evolution demonstration consumes a lot of money, especially the golden bead that appears later. After losing the golden bead in its body, although its life will not be in danger, the decline in strength is definitely unavoidable.

It will probably take a long time to recover.

He couldn't think clearly, so Li Qian simply didn't think too much and continued to watch intently.

In his sight, the light of evolution on Jin Zhubeilei became more and more intense, and finally the light of evolution almost enveloped its entire body.

The rich light of evolution expanded rapidly, and finally formed a human-shaped light cocoon more than two meters high.

The human-shaped cocoon of light did not last long, and soon disintegrated. After the light of evolution faded, a second tidal sea spirit suddenly appeared on the water of the small bay.

Li Qian's eyes widened slightly when he saw this scene. Although this scene was within his expectation, seeing it with his own eyes still made him feel a little incredible.

He continued to stare, and after careful observation, he still found something strange. The appearance of this new tidal sea spirit was slightly different from the tidal sea spirit Ahai who had contracted with Sun Hongyi. However, this The difference is not big.

Of course, this difference was also expected by Li Qian. After all, Sun Hongyi's tidal sea spirit was not an ordinary tidal sea spirit, but a tidal sea spirit with slight mutations.

"As you can see, this is how the Tidal Sea Spirit evolved." After the evolution was completed, Sun Hongyi turned to look at Li Qian and said in a complicated tone.

Hearing this, Li Qian nodded, took over the topic, and continued to ask: "How long can it maintain this evolved form?"

Based on his previous understanding, which was actually the content of the article, Li Qian knew that at this moment, the evolution of this tidal sea spirit was only a temporary evolution. In fact, this evolution was not stable and could not last long.

"Not sure. If it's long, it can last about half an hour. If it's short, it can only last about ten minutes." Sun Hongyi sighed, and then said in a helpless tone.

Li Qian nodded and said nothing more. He continued to observe attentively.

On the water surface of the small bay, the two tidal sea spirits also made no unnecessary movements. Their expressions were very calm. It was obvious that this kind of thing had happened many times.

Time passed slowly, and finally, after about twenty minutes, new changes appeared on the tidal sea spirit that subsequently evolved.

I saw that a faint light began to escape from its body, and the light became more and more intense, and finally there were signs of forming a light cocoon again.

After the light dissipated, the tidal sea spirit could no longer maintain its evolved form and instantly disintegrated, returning to the form of a golden pearl bud.

The pre-evolution Jinzhu Beilei appeared again. Li Qian raised his eyebrows and soon discovered that Jinzhu Beilei was in very poor condition at this moment, and the entire pet beast was tired to the naked eye.

Li Qian estimated that by now, the energy in its body should have been exhausted, leaving almost only an empty shell.

"It's really a pity, but judging from the current situation, Jinzhu Beilei should not be far away from truly fully evolving into a tidal sea spirit."

After watching such an evolution from a golden bead bud to a tidal sea spirit, Li Qian fell into deep thought. After pondering for a moment, he speculated and said, "I think the reason why evolution has failed is probably just in some details. little problem."

This kind of small problem in details is simple to say, but it is not easy to make up for it. After all, there are not two details involved in this evolutionary process.

In addition, there was one sentence that Li Qian hid in his heart and did not say it out. He didn't know how to say it because it was completely baseless.

He always felt that Jinzhu Beilei absorbed the golden beads of its companions to start evolution. This method was a bit weird and not quite like the evolution method that orthodox pet beasts should have.

Of course, Li Qian's guess may be wrong, and Jin Zhubeilei's evolution may really be based on the sacrifice of his companions.

This reminded Li Qian of a certain island cartoon on Earth in his previous life. In order to unlock a higher power stage, a pair of eyes must absorb the pupil power of a loved one.

"What do you think the detailed flaws in this evolutionary process might be?" Sun Hongyi nodded. Li Qian's understanding coincided with his judgment. He simply followed Li Qian's words and asked directly.

After hearing this, Li Qian shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, "Professor Sun, you think too highly of me!"

Just by watching the evolution from Jinzhu Beilei to Tidal Sea Spirit, he could tell where the flaws in evolution were. Li Qian didn't think he had such an ability.

"Oh, I took it for granted." Sun Hongyi sighed and shook his head in frustration. This problem has been bothering him for a long time, but unfortunately, he has never found a solution.

"Don't worry, Third Uncle. With Li Qian's joining and the wisdom of the two of you, I believe that this problem will be solved in a short time." Sun Ruirui stood nearby and also witnessed all this. She clenched her fist. , made an encouraging gesture.

"I think so too." Li Qian looked at the cute Sun Ruirui, smiled, and then said in agreement.

Sun Hongyi watched the interaction between the two, and the corner of his mouth twitched. After a moment of silence, he spoke again and continued to ask: "I have also seen the evolution process from Jin Zhubeilei to Tidal Sea Spirit. Do you still insist on communicating now? "

"You can continue to complete the communication, I have no objection." Li Qian smiled.

Although he didn't give any constructive suggestions, his words were full of confidence.

The implication of his words is... it won't be long before he will definitely be able to make up for this evolutionary flaw and fully evolve the tidal sea spirit.

This is indeed the case. Now, he only has two task columns occupied and cannot create a new pet beast scientific research task.

After completing one of the tasks and freeing up the task bar, you can create a new pet beast scientific research task. You can easily complete this evolutionary task that may already have a high degree of completeness by relying on the guidance of the task.

"Ah Hai, thank you for your hard work tonight, please go down with Jinzhu Beilei." After receiving Li Qian's reply, Sun Hongyi waved his hand and said to the tidal sea spirit on the water.

The tidal sea spirit made a whimpering cry, responded, and then led Jinzhu Beilei into the water.

After giving instructions, after the Tide Sea Spirit and Jinzhu Beilei entered the water, he focused his eyes on Li Qian again, "It's already very late today. You should go back and rest early. I will take out the lava worms tomorrow morning." I leave the evolution data to you.”

At the end of his words, he added, "By the way, after you get the information, don't stay here anymore. Leave as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Li Qian glanced at Sun Ruirui next to him and smiled helplessly. This guy was obviously taking precautions against him like a big bad wolf.

"Uncle..." Sun Ruirui was not stupid, and she quickly heard the implication of these words. After hearing the implication of Sun Hongyi's words, a blush immediately appeared on her face, and she screamed angrily.

Seeing this, Li Qian touched his nose helplessly. He wanted to explain that he was really not the kind of yellow-haired young man who hangs around in society.

However, it seemed that Sun Hongyi's views on him were deeply ingrained. Li Qian estimated that explanations would be useless, so he simply stopped talking.

Witnessing the evolution from a golden bead bud to a tidal sea spirit, Li Qian still felt that he had gained a lot despite the flaws and failure to maintain it.

At least, at this moment, he was full of confidence in making up for the evolutionary shortcomings and evolving a complete tidal sea spirit. He even felt that it would not take long to complete this evolution.

"Li Qian, don't listen to what Third Uncle said." The three of them got off the Red Bridge. Sun Ruirui said to Li Qian with some embarrassment: "My Third Uncle was just joking with you. Do you want to be here on the Red Bridge?" You can stay in the manor as long as you like!”

After hearing this, Li Qian glanced at Sun Hongyi to see the latter's reaction. When he saw his meaningful gaze, he immediately retreated.

I'm afraid this guy is not a niece!

The pretty and lovely girl in front of him, Sun Ruirui, did indeed match his aesthetic taste, but she was not so beautiful that she was tragically beautiful.

Li Qian didn't want to be bothered by an emperor-level beastmaster like Sun Hongyi because of her. Who knew whether he might be like Xu Yue, secretly stumbling upon him.

So when walking back, he refused directly: "Well, I have other things to do when I come to Zhonghai City this time. I have to leave here tomorrow after completing the exchange."

Not far away, Sun Hongyi glanced at Li Qian after hearing these words, with a look in his eyes that said, "I guess you know what you are interested in."

Sun Ruirui was a very smart girl, and she quickly realized what was going on, so she turned her head to look at Sun Hongyi, who immediately put on an innocent look.

Seeing this, Li Qian couldn't help but curse in his heart. This guy's acting skills may not be inferior to his training level.

The three of them walked back, and not long after, they arrived outside the room where Li Qian was temporarily staying. Sun Ruirui stopped, smiled sweetly, and looked at Li Qian, "Li Qian, then you should go to bed early."

At the end of his words, he whispered two more words, "Good night."

"Good night." Li Qian replied with the same two words, then opened the door and walked in.

After sending Li Qian back to his room, the uncle and nephew continued walking back, which was still a little far away from where they lived. Halfway there, Sun Hongyi suddenly asked: "Girl, do you have feelings for him?"

Sun Ruirui was stunned for a moment after hearing this. After a moment, she responded with a smile: "He is a very interesting person."

The girl neither denied nor confirmed what she said, but Sun Hongyi, who was familiar with her character, frowned slightly.

He looked at his niece and said in a gentle voice: "But you should know your situation well. Before it is cured, you can't live like an ordinary girl... Alas!"

Sun Ruirui looked at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, with a hint of longing in her voice, "Third uncle, I know my situation, I'm just a little eager."

After hearing this, Sun Hongyi had a look of distress on his face, and he said firmly: "Don't worry, Third Uncle will definitely find a way to solve your problem."

When he returned to the room, Li Qian took a look and saw that it was indeed getting late. It was almost twelve o'clock. He didn't delay any more. He simply freshened up and went to bed. Not long after, he fell asleep. .

At night, there was sudden movement outside the window. Li Qian thought he was asleep, but the movement did not disappear immediately, but continued to sound.

Because of the continuous sound of searching, Li Qian woke up in a daze. His vision was hazy, but he vaguely seemed to see a figure standing outside the window.

Li Qian was startled when he saw this figure. The figure stood blankly outside the window. It looked a bit scary, and the sleepiness on his body disappeared instantly.

What is this?

After getting over the initial shock and horror, Li Qian quickly calmed down. This is Sun Hongyi's manor after all, and there must be pets in the manor.

It seems normal for some humanoid beasts to appear.

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