If it is said that Sun Ruirui's mental power level has reached the terrifying leader level when she is probably a little younger than herself, it is barely understandable. After all, she is the one-in-one Apocalypse, so she cannot be contracted to pet her. The beast thing is a bit weird.

Li Qian guessed that it might also be related to her identity as an apocalypse.

Based on this speculation, he remained silent, said nothing, and continued to act like a listener.

"Perhaps you have already guessed. Yes, at this stage, Ruirui cannot contract any pet beast." Sun Hongyi glanced at Li Qian first, and then looked at Sun Ruirui, the love in his eyes became more obvious.

"Why?" Li Qian frowned slightly when he heard this, took over Comrade Sun's words, and asked curiously.

In fact, he already had some guesses about this.

Moreover, I think that this guess is more reliable in all likelihood.

But after all, there was no confirmation, so he asked cooperatively.

Having said this, Comrade Sun naturally did not hide it anymore. He sighed, and then continued: "The reason why the talent of Ocean Disaster has the word 'disaster' is because this talent is too great. It is powerful because its appearance often brings disaster to the beast master."

"If you are not an enlightened person, but you awaken this talent at the right age, you may encounter some problems."

"But the problem is not big. I can definitely solve it if I think of a way."

"If the problem was solved, Ruirui would have soared to the sky by now and become a famous genius beast master throughout the Eastern Xia Federation."

Sun Hongyi walked forward, and his voice came over leisurely, "It's a pity that as an Apocalypse, this terrifying beast-controlling talent awakened when she was just born."

"Having such a terrifying beast-control talent is not only not a good thing for a baby, but also a disaster."

"When she was just born, she couldn't control her talents at all, and of course she couldn't contract a pet beast directly."

Li Qian nodded slightly after hearing this. He could understand this.

After all, he is just a newborn baby. His consciousness is still in chaos and he has no ideas. Naturally, he cannot control his talent for controlling beasts.

As for the contracted beasts, that is even more nonsense.

If he really did that, it would be like a child holding a sharp weapon, and he might cause some trouble.

He understood, but Li Qian was still a little confused. Sun Hongyi had talked so much, but it seemed that there was still one important point that he had not mentioned, so he directly asked: "What about last night?"

After hearing this, Sun Hongyi sighed, and the bitterness on his face became more intense, "Actually, I am also blamed for this matter. If I had not made my own decision, Ruirui would not be in the situation she is in today."

After a moment of silence, he revealed the inside story, "Considering that Ruirui might do something unpredictable because of her inability to control her beast-controlling talent, so, not long after she was born, I specially invited an array master to place a sealing array on her body to temporarily seal her beast-controlling talent."

Sun Ruirui heard Sun Hongyi mention this matter and knew that he must have always been brooding about it, so she comforted her: "Uncle, I can't blame you for this matter. You did it for my own good. Without this seal, my entire childhood would have been ruined." It’s all gloomy.”

Li Qian felt a little confused while listening to the conversation between the two. He subconsciously muttered, "Is this a good thing?"

"It was indeed a good thing at first." Sun Hongyi's voice was full of self-blame, "It allowed Ruirui to live a life that a normal child should have, but we have overlooked one problem, that is... it is better to open up than to block."

He kept talking and finally said the key, "The Apocalypse's talent for controlling beasts is so powerful. It has been restricted by the seal for so many years and has accumulated to a very terrifying level."

Through these words, Li Qian had roughly guessed something.

Comrade Lao Sun's next words just confirmed his guess, "As we all know, it is not without cost for a beast master to awaken his talent for beast control."

Li Qian nodded slightly.

He has known this for a long time, which is why there is a saying that "awakening the talent of beast control too early may not be a good thing".

When both physical and mental strength are not up to standard, awakening the talent of beast control prematurely will put a heavy burden on the body.

If you are in a wealthy family, this burden is not a problem at all. Various nourishing medicines can quickly replenish your deficient body.

But if it happened in an ordinary family, this kind of thing would probably lead to tragedy.

At first, when Li Qian awakened his talent for beast control, he felt almost nothing. This was related to the age at which he awakened, and of course, it might also be related to the golden finger that had already awakened.

Thinking about this, Li Qian did not hesitate and directly stated the key factors, "vitality and spiritual power."

"Yes, it is vitality and spiritual power." Sun Hongyi said in agreement: "We have already tested it. Because it has been sealed for too long, Ruirui's beast-controlling talent has been suppressed to a very terrifying level. If the seal is unlocked, , His mental strength can certainly bear it, but his already weak body may collapse in an instant. "

"That's it." After hearing this, Li Qian had a look of surprise on his face. At this moment, he finally understood why Sun Ruirui's mental power had already reached the leader level and she didn't have a contracted beast yet. The reason why she dared to love was because of her. The talent of beast control has been sealed.

The beast-controlling talent is sealed, which means that the beast-controlling space is sealed, and naturally there is no way to contract a pet beast.

Finally, he added another key piece of information, telling the reason for last night's scene, "Last night, the reason why she was in that situation was because the seal had been loosened, and the instinct of beast control began to affect Ruirui's mind. ”

After hearing this, Li Qian took a long breath. At this point in his explanation, he fully understood the whole story.

But precisely because he understood the whole story, he fell into helplessness and sighs.

So what if he knew, even a professor from the Beast Control University like Comrade Lao Sun couldn't solve it even with his strength and connections. Even if he knew the truth, he could only secretly feel sorry for Sun Ruirui.

"Since the seal has been loosened, if we continue to delay like this, problems may arise, right?" Li Qian expressed his worries.

Sun Hongyi nodded, "That's right. If we continue to delay, when the seal completely collapses, the instantly awakened beast-controlling talent may directly consume most of Ruirui's vitality."

Li Qian knew what would happen if a person lost most of his vitality in a short period of time.

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