Li Qian suddenly opened his eyes, but the scene he saw shocked him.

The beach was still the same beach.

The nineteen towers behind the beach were still the same nineteen towers.

The crowd should still be the same group of people. Anyway, they didn't know each other and they were all the same.

Of course, none of this mattered.

At this moment, the biggest difference between what was happening before and what was happening just now was that... there was almost no peaceful and comfortable scene.

There were still many people on the beach, but at this moment, they no longer had the heart to continue enjoying the scenery.

They screamed and shouted, with fear on their faces.

"Hey, what is this?" Li Qian looked over in the direction of their frightened gaze, and soon found something unusual.

To be precise, it was hard not to find it.

Because at the end of the sight, where the sea and the sky met, a huge wave rose into the air and rushed over quickly with overwhelming momentum.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Li Qian quickly got up from the beach chair and looked at the horrifying scene in front of him. His head was a little confused.

He couldn't react.

You know, this is Zhonghai City, the largest city in the entire Dongxia Federation. How could such a terrifying wave appear here!

Is it an undersea earthquake?

A tsunami?


But even if it is an undersea earthquake, even if it is a tsunami, such a terrifying wave should not appear here.

As far as Li Qian knows, all the big cities in Dongxia are guarded by strong people.

Such a huge wave seems terrifying, but it should not be difficult to deal with it in front of a real strong man.

How could it be allowed to invade this place?

Li Qian was puzzled, his eyes were fixed on the sea level in the distance.

The huge wave seemed far away, but in fact, Li Qian, who had similar experience, knew very well... This seemingly distant distance would soon be wiped out at the extremely fast speed of the huge wave.

Facts have proved that his guess was not wrong.

Only a few seconds later, the huge wave had become visibly larger.

As we all know, the near is big and the far is small.

Of course, this is not the most terrible thing. What really makes Li Qian afraid is that he knows very well that once this terrifying huge wave appears, it is almost impossible for there to be only one.

Just as Li Qian frowned and pondered, considering whether to retreat immediately or summon Qizi and fly into the air, not far away, a young man who was probably not much older than him suddenly had his watch alerted frantically, making a sharp and piercing sound.

Li Qian looked in the direction where the alert sound came from, and soon heard the young man's solemn and puzzled voice, "Energy fluctuations, how can there be such strong energy fluctuations?!"

Li Qian had seen this alert watch before, Zhou Weiping and Zhao Xiwei both had it on them, and it was used to detect the energy intensity around.

This kind of alert equipment is not unique to security guards, and many beastmasters also wear it. Li Qian had thought about buying one before.

Now it seems that it is indeed necessary, and he can't wait.

"Let's go!" Without hesitation, after hearing the sharp alert sound from the young man's alert watch, Li Qian took action without hesitation.

He ran at a very fast speed, and his target was the high tower not far behind.

Behind the tower is the prosperous Zhonghai City. As long as he enters the city, he will definitely be able to avoid this unprovoked disaster.

At this moment, he dare not take it lightly.

Just now, the warning sound from the young man's alarm watch was extremely sharp, which means that the energy intensity it detected was very terrifying.

Li Qian didn't know what level it had reached, but when there was still such a long distance, such a terrifying warning sound was issued, which was enough to show that this energy was not something he could resist at all.

So Li Qian chose to protect himself without hesitation.

This is not the time to show off.

Moreover, as a trainer, Li Qian knew very well where his greatest value was.

Li Qian did not dare to hesitate and took action immediately.

Just as he was running, he accidentally found that the young man not only did not retreat, but rushed past the huge waves.

Li Qian silently gave him a thumbs up in his heart, and then he accelerated his pace.

The huge wave was so fast that when Li Qian ran to the bottom of the tower, it had already invaded less than 500 meters from the beach.

Just as Li Qian was about to jump over the bottom of the tower, a summoning array suddenly lit up at the top of the tower, where he had not noticed.

Li Qian was busy running away and did not notice the summoning array that had just appeared.

But someone had already noticed it. It was a young woman in a bikini.

The woman had a good figure, with curvy and firm breasts, and the size of her chest was particularly terrifying.

Perhaps it was because of the size and the fact that she was not wearing shoes that the woman stepped directly on a stone, twisted her foot, and fell on her back.

A beautiful woman fell, and a beautiful woman with such a explosive figure fell. If it were a normal time, a hero would have stepped forward to save her.

It was a pity that at this moment, the heroes were too busy to lend a helping hand.

Moreover, this beautiful woman with a sexy body was also very lucky. After falling on her back, she happened to see the summoning circle that lit up on the top of the tower.

When the woman with an explosive figure saw this scene, she immediately made a sound of joy, "The purple summoning array is an emperor-level beast master. There is an emperor-level beast master on top of this tower!"

The woman's voice was loud, and Li Qian and many people nearby heard it.

They subconsciously looked up at the sky, and soon saw a scene that shocked them.

The purple summoning circle faded away, and an extraordinary, mighty and domineering three-headed giant eagle suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The figure of the three-headed giant eagle is extremely terrifying. Its wings are spread out and it is estimated to be more than ten meters long. A pair of eagle claws are silver-gray with a metallic luster.

Li Qian had no doubt that if he were caught by this giant claw, even steel would instantly turn into a pile of mud.

The feathers of the three-headed giant eagle are mainly gray and dotted with purple lines, which looks quite mysterious.

"Plasma Throne, this is the Plasma Throne, the imperial plasma throne!" Almost as soon as the three giant eagles appeared, a beast master recognized its identity.

Li Qian also looked at the Plasma Throne and couldn't help but feel waves in his heart.

This is an emperor-level pet!

A born king of thunder and lightning!

The appearance of the Plasma Throne instantly calmed down the panicked citizens and tourists.

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