Li Qian could no longer suppress the wry smile on his face.

He looked at Zhongtan, which had turned into a scene of doomsday disaster, and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "What kind of luck do I have? How come something goes wrong wherever I go?"

To break it down, from the earliest Yunwu Mountain incident, to the later Lingshui River Reservoir incident, to the subsequent attack by the Jizunhui, and then the distress on the airship, including this accident, it was only then that So many things happened in such a short period of time, Li Qian had to wonder if he had some bad luck.

"Forget it, don't cause any more trouble." Li Qian said helplessly as he stared at the terrifying scene in front of him.

He originally wanted to go up and help, and of course he also wanted to know something, but considering that this was the battlefield of six emperor-level beasts, he gave up this idea.

Going up now is no different from delivering food.

Thinking of this, Li Qian did not hesitate at all and continued to act, running towards the city again.

What he didn't know was that just as he was retreating, on the top floor of the tall tower he had just passed, several figures were leaning on the railing and looking out.

Their eyes converged, all locked on the offshore waters not far away.

There, six emperor-level pet beasts were already fighting together.

There were five figures in total. They looked at the battle scene in silence.

After a while, one of the little old men wearing shorts and a vest spoke first, "Everyone, you don't need to pay too much attention to the situation here."

"The strength of these three beasts below is of course not bad, but compared with the pet beasts we have carefully cultivated, the gap is still quite obvious."

Another person spoke up, a graceful middle-aged woman, "It's just three wild emperor-level pet beasts, and without the beast master's beast master's talent bonus, trying to break through to Zhonghai City is nothing more than a dream. ”

The middle-aged woman pointed to a certain direction of the sea and continued: "For us, the biggest problem right now should be there."

After everyone heard this, they all understood what the middle-aged woman was talking about.

They were speechless for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

When the middle-aged woman saw this scene, she couldn't help but sneered, "Why, you old men, you shrink back immediately when encountering such a thing?"

"Old lady Shi, don't talk nonsense. Who's shrinking? I'm very hard..." After hearing this, a black-faced man's face became even darker and he said something.

"If it's hard, just poke it through!" the middle-aged woman called "Old Lady Shi" said in a tit-for-tat manner.

Standing in the middle was a middle-aged man who looked quite elegant. He covered his face with his hands and said, "You two are almost done."

"They are almost a hundred years old in total. If the juniors of your family hear such dirty words, do you still want your image?"

The black-faced man curled his lips indifferently, "I don't care. Anyway, Lao Zhao and my family all know that I am a rough guy."

"On the other hand, there is a certain person who is a teacher at Zhonghai Beast Control University. He has no morals as a teacher."

Another person spoke, and he was also the last person present. He was a young and handsome man who looked to be in his thirties.

"Four seniors, I think that now, we still have to solve the current crisis first. As for the matter at the bottom of the sea, several Holy Spirit seniors are not here, so even if we discuss countermeasures, it will be useless."

The elegant middle-aged man nodded in agreement, "Isheng is right. No matter how we discuss it here, it will be useless. We still have to wait until a few senior guardian saints arrive."

The little old man in shorts and vest was smiling, looking harmless, "This matter needs to be considered in the long run. It needs to be considered in the long run."

The hall at the top of the tower soon fell into silence.

After another moment, the black-faced man spoke and broke the silence, "What happened this time seems a bit weird."

"There is an unstable rift in the Milo Trench in the East China Sea. We have known about this for a long time."

"In the past, the problem was solved by reinforcing it before the active period of unstable fissures arrived."

"Why did it suddenly expand into a dimensional rift this time? There were no signs at all?"

The dark-faced man said, and the look of confusion on his face became even more intense.

"Old Lady Shi" heard this. This time, she did not run any more, but followed up with analysis, "The unstable rift suddenly upgraded into a dimensional rift. This matter is definitely not simple. It may be the group of bugs behind it." Do it.”

"Who do you mean by those bugs behind you? The Mechanical Profanity Society, the Ancient God Sect, the Black God Sect or the Demon God Palace?" the little old man in shorts and vest asked.

"It's all possible." "Old Lady Shi" shook her head and fell into deep thought. After a moment, she uttered four words.

"Could it be related to those pet beasts?" A handsome young man named "Ping Sheng" raised a possibility.

After hearing this, the elegant middle-aged man shook his head and said, "It's impossible. It's not like we don't know the virtues of those pet beasts."

"If we didn't want to leave some training space for our young descendants on the ancestral planet, we would have destroyed them long ago."

At this point, the elegant middle-aged man paused, and after a few seconds, he continued: "Actually, the reason why Qiu Sheng kept them is to use them to protect the ocean."

"But, in this incident, those guys were the fastest."

The middle-aged woman "Old Lady Shi" nodded, "I don't think they have this ability either."

"The fact that they can survive on the ancestral planet is the result of our deliberate actions. They know very well what the consequences of offending us will be."

"If you give them a hundred courages, they won't dare to do this."

"Yulian makes sense!" As soon as the voice of "Old Lady Shi" fell, as a flash of light flashed by, a figure suddenly appeared and made a gentle voice.

"Qiu Sheng!"

"Qiu Sheng!"


The figure appeared, and all five people greeted them politely, and the respect in their words was obvious.

"I have already contacted Coral King, Eight-Armed Luo Zhang, and Tianhe Water Lion. This incident has nothing to do with them."

The person named "Sheng Qiu" is a Holy Spirit-level powerhouse with half-white beard and hair. He looks quite old, but he is very energetic.

After briefly explaining the situation, he continued and added: "And just like Yulian said, they have neither the ability nor the courage to take action on this matter."

"Are those cultists behind this?" the elegant middle-aged man asked immediately.

"There are indeed traces of their activities." Qiu Sheng walked to a round table on the top floor and sat down first.

Others followed suit and sat down.

After sitting down, he continued to explain, "However, in this case, they just took advantage of the situation. The main reason for the current situation is not actually human factors."

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