"Please let me know that I have been in contact with one of your breeders, surnamed Shi, and we are here for an interview today." After arriving at the Sky Realm Breeding Base, Li Qian patrolled at the gate of the breeding base. He looked around and then walked straight over.

There is an old woman guarding the gate of the breeding base.

Li Qian greeted her politely and briefly explained his situation.

"Are you a trainer, your surname is Li?" The old woman looked at Li Qian with a searching look in her eyes, as if she didn't believe it.

Maybe it was because Li Qian's face was too young, which made her instinctively question it.

Li Qian nodded.

Last night, he briefly exchanged his information with the other party on the cultivator's intranet.

Therefore, he was not surprised that the old woman in front of him knew his identity.

The old woman did not let him in directly, but immediately returned to the guard room and made a phone call.

About two minutes later, the old woman came over again. Before she could reach her, she raised her arm and made a "please" gesture.

"Pidgeon, come here and take this distinguished guest to see our boss." As the old woman's voice fell, a Pidgeon bird, about the size of a palm, suddenly jumped down from a branch not far away.

The pygmy bird came to Li Qian's head. After circling in a circle, it flew straight in a certain direction.

When Li Qian saw this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This Sky Realm breeding base is quite interesting. I didn't expect that the person leading the way would be a wild beast." Li Qian couldn't help but murmured softly.

The beetle is a relatively common pet bird, and its potential is not very high.

Currently, there are two stages of evolution of the pygmy bird, both of which have been studied by human breeders.

In the first stage of evolution, the evolved body is Gale Wind Yan, whose potential has reached the elite ninth level; in the second stage of evolution, the evolved body is King Yan, whose potential after evolution has reached the commanding sixth level.

The potential can only be said to be okay.

Because of its simple evolution, it is considered one of the ideal pet beast choices for civilian beastmasters.

Of course, for those young beast masters with prominent backgrounds, or simply children of aristocratic families, such pet beasts would seem ordinary.

After recalling the information about the Betting Bird in his mind, Li Qian walked out without hesitation and followed the direction pointed by the Betting Bird towards the interior of the base.

Just as I guessed when I saw the gate outside the base.

This breeding base is indeed not very big, even compared to my own Sun Breeding Base, it is not much bigger.

Li Qian walked slowly and leisurely, and the pedin bird also swayed in front to guide him.

It chirped happily and flew up and down, guiding the road in a certain direction.

Soon, Li Qian saw a castle-like building with white walls and black tiles in his field of vision.

Li Qian still felt a little surprised that a castle-like building was built in this training base.

Generally speaking, under normal circumstances, buildings like this built in the cultivation base are mainly practical and rarely so exquisite and beautiful.

Driven by curiosity, Li Qian continued to move forward in the direction pointed by the Betting Bird. Not long after, he arrived in front of the White Castle.

The castle is not very big, only five stories high. It has a round roof with a lightning rod standing on it. It looks quite nice.

Around the castle, the walls are painted with blue and green paint, forming a unique style and looking quite aesthetic.

There are various carvings on the eaves around the castle.

Li Qian basically knew these carvings, they were all flying beasts.

Of course, there are very few of them that Li Qian doesn't know.

And judging from their appearance, they should not be ordinary flying pet beasts. It seems that they have reached at least the emperor level.

Moreover, these pet beasts are carved at a relatively high position, giving people a condescending feeling of looking down on all the beasts.

Just when Li Qian was curiously scanning the scenery around the castle, not far away, at the gate of the castle, a girl wearing a white skirt and a huge bow, who looked like a clay doll, suddenly waved to him.

"Hello, are you Breeder Li?" The girl in the white skirt waved and greeted Li Qian.

Because Li Qian only mentioned his last name when sending private messages to the other party on the beast master's intranet, he was not surprised that the other party called him such a weird name.

Li Qian looked at the girl in the skirt and felt a little surprised. Of course, he also felt a little disappointed.

After experiencing the incident at Gao Yaxin's Changfeng Training Base in Nandu City, Li Qian felt a little psychological shadow over this kind of training base for young girls to play for fun.

Even if it's just a temporary visit, Li Qian doesn't want to come to this amusement park where the daughter of a wealthy family is.

Yes, in Li Qian's opinion, this training base is most likely a playground exclusively for the girl in the skirt in front of her.

Whether the research results can be produced is just one of the things. Li Qian doesn't want to be squeezed out by others for no reason.

"Hello, Master Shi!" Li Qian also used a strange title to greet the girl in the skirt.

The girl in the skirt couldn't help but burst out laughing when she heard this weird name.

"Teacher Shi...why do you sound like you are cursing someone?"

Li Qian also laughed when he heard this.

He spread his hands and explained for himself, "I just heard from the old lady at the door that the owner of this breeding base is named Shi. Since I don't know his full name, I can only call him that."

"Otherwise, it would be even more inappropriate for me to call you "the immobile seesaw," right?"

"The Unmoving Seesaw" is the online name of the girl in front of me.

Li Qian's screen name on the trainer's intranet is "Long Live Understanding". It would be even more strange if he used his screen name to match.

The smile between the two of them broke the somewhat awkward atmosphere at the scene.

"Welcome to my training base...the Sky Realm Training Base." The girl in the skirt sent an invitation to Li Qian. It seemed quite sincere. Li Qian thought for a while and followed.

No matter what, even if you don't plan to stay in this training base, there is no need to reach out and hit the smiling man.

What's more, she is a pretty and lovely girl.

After entering the castle and walking a few more steps, Li Qian followed the girl in the skirt to the second floor.

After turning a corner, the two of them climbed the steps and headed to the second floor.

In the process, the girl in the skirt introduced herself.

Her name is "Shi Guifang", and just as Li Qian had guessed before, he is the owner of this breeding base.

As for whether he was the second generation of rich people and whether he was playing tricks, Li Qian wisely did not ask.

There are some things that you just need to know in your mind, but it would be embarrassing if you asked about them.

Li Qian's emotional intelligence is not that low.

Entering the girl's office, the two briefly introduced themselves and chatted for a while.

Li Qian spoke out his situation without hesitation.

Even if he really enters the Sky Realm training base, he can only stay for more than a month.

In more than a month, he will return to Lingshui City and then directly report to Shazhou Beast Control University.

After enrolling in school, even if you can still come to this training base, your stay will definitely not be long.

Li Qian didn't want to lie to others, so he told his true situation.

He thought that Shi Guifang in front of him would refuse without hesitation after hearing his strange request... However, what Li Qian didn't expect was that... the other party agreed directly after thinking briefly for a while.

"Yes, you have already reached the intermediate level of training at a young age. Your future achievements are limitless. It is also an honor for our Sky Realm training base to have a fate with someone like you." Shi Guifang said very clearly. pretty.

Li Qian had a thick face, but he still felt a little embarrassed after hearing this.

While he was embarrassed, he was also secretly a little more wary.

The girl in front of me looks cute and cute, but it can be seen from the way she talks and behaves... She is not a blank slate who doesn't understand anything, she is probably a veteran!

Moreover, she agreed so readily, which also made Li Qian a little embarrassed. Now, it seems that it is difficult to refuse...

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