Zhonghai City is located to the east of the entire Dongxia Federation, adjacent to the Dongyue Sea, and is located on the easternmost coastline of Dongyue Province. It is the largest city in Dongyue Province.

However, it is not the only city in Dongyue Province, nor is it even the only special-level city in Dongyue Province.

In addition to Zhonghai City, Dongyue Province, which has a prosperous economy and a large population, also has two special-level cities, and even more first-level cities, with more than a dozen.

These two cities are Zijin City located in the northwest of Zhonghai City, and Qianshan City located in the southwest of Zhonghai City.

The three special-level cities formed a triangle and were the corners of each other. The scope of this triangle was also the most prosperous area in the entire Dongyue Province.

The distance between the three special-level cities is not particularly far, and the transportation is very convenient. High-speed trains, airships and even teleportation arrays can connect to each other.

The next day, near noon, Li Qian came to the building where the transmission center was located. The reason why he came so late was because he did it on purpose.

This time, after all, he was using the teleportation array to evolve. He chose the time at noon, which had the fewest people and was the most convenient.

Of course, it has something to do with the fact that the Sky Realm Training Base is relatively far away from here. The entire transmission center is arranged in the Beicheng area of ​​Zhonghai City.

Maybe it's because it's close to noon, but of course it must be because the teleportation array, a mysterious way of traveling, is indeed luxurious enough for ordinary people, so the number of beast masters coming in and out of the building where the entire teleportation center is located doesn't count. Much.

At least it was far different from the scene that Li Qian expected, with people coming and going, like a high-speed rail station or an airship base.

Li Qian was a little confused when he saw this majestic building that was more than 30 stories high and looked a bit like an iron tower. The building where the transmission center was located seemed to be a bit different from what he imagined.

To be precise, this is not a normal house, but a tower. Logically speaking, it is not unusual to see a tower. After all, it is very common for tower-type buildings to appear in cities.

The strange thing is that this is an iron tower and there is no way for anyone to live in it. As he slowly approached it with curiosity, Li Qian finally showed an expression of realization.

Sorry, the bottom of this transmission center tower is different from ordinary towers. It is not a hollow design, but fully enclosed. From a distance, it looks like a silver base is installed under the tower.

This silver base covers a very spacious area, but it seems to only have three floors. As the transmission center of a special-level city, it seems a bit insufficient.

With this thought in mind, he stepped straight into the bottom of the tower. After entering, his face showed an expression of sudden realization again.

After a brief glance, he discovered that this iron tower building, or to be precise, the bottom of the iron tower building, was just an office hall.

The real teleportation array is underground. After completing the procedures in the lobby, there will be a special underground city elevator to take passengers into the space where the underground teleportation array is located.

Because he had always focused on reading and cultivating books and materials, Li Qian had no idea about this kind of thing. When he saw it, he suddenly understood and broadened his horizons.

Without immediately entering the underground space where the teleportation array was located, Li Qian visited the hall.

Whether it was the staff in the lobby or other passengers, they all seemed not surprised when they saw this scene.

After all, the teleportation array is not a means of transportation that everyone can afford. There are many people like Li Qian who are riding for the first time, and some even shout and take photos in the hall.

Li Qian, who only visited for a while, was already relatively calm.

After visiting and getting familiar with the situation inside the teleportation hall, Li Qian didn't waste any more time.

He went straight to the ticket office. The ticket office was very empty and there were not many people. Occasionally, he could see a few figures. If you look carefully, you will find that most of them are robots and there are not many real people.

Li Qian took a look at the operating methods of other passengers, and then followed the instructions and walked to a self-service terminal.

The operation of the self-service terminal is very simple, even fool-like. There is only the word "ticket purchase" on the screen. Li Qian directly reached out and touched "ticket purchase".

"Please enter your destination." After touching "Purchase Tickets", this line of information popped up, and there were rows of auxiliary information next to it, including "Domestic", "Abroad" and "Red Moon". options.

When he saw the "red moon", Li Qian's eyes narrowed slightly. The "red moon" was somewhat similar to the moon in his previous life. It was a satellite of the ancestral star and revolved around the ancestral star.

Although Li Qian didn't read many books and information in this area, the famous "Red Moon" knew about it.

Red Moon can be said to be the transit station for the Ancestral Star to travel to the cosmic starry sky and the outer battlefield.

It is said that there are several large space teleportation arrays arranged on the Red Moon, which can directly teleport out of the Hongyao Galaxy.

Distances of several light years, dozens of light years, or even hundreds of light years can be reached in a short time.

Not even one federation can build such a teleportation array. There are three such teleportation arrays on Red Moon. It is said that the eight major federations of the entire Ancestral Star united to build it. It can be said that... almost the entire human race has been assembled. of all wisdom.

Li Qian moved his eyes away and shifted his attention from "Red Moon" to "Domestic". Without hesitation, Li Qian touched it lightly again.

After tapping it, the information expanded again, and the two pages of information were full, covering almost all first- and special-level cities in the country, and even some larger second-level cities.

After a brief search, Li Qian saw several familiar city names on the page, Kyoto City, Shazhou City, Nandu City, Yunlan City...

Out of curiosity, Li Qian clicked on the page to go to Yunlan City. When he saw the transfer fee, he was a little confused and couldn't react.

Three and a half million!

The one-way fee for teleporting from Zhonghai City back to Yunlan City was as high as 3.5 million. Even though Rao was already quite wealthy, Li Qian couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

You know, if you take a spaceship from Zhonghai City to Yunlan City, the cost is only about 100,000 yuan. This is the price of first class. If you take economy class, it is even cheaper, just over 10,000 yuan. Sometimes, when you encounter With discounts and promotions, you may be able to buy tickets worth several thousand.

Such a terrifying price made Li Qian couldn't help but click his tongue and feel quite emotional at the same time. With such an exaggerated fare, it's no wonder that even rich people don't take the teleportation array every time they go out.

After sighing with emotion, Li Qian stepped back a column and made a new choice. Soon, he saw his destination for taking the teleportation array this time - Qianshan City in the third row of the first page!

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