Li Qian couldn't understand the meaning of Jin Feng's cry, but at this moment, he could completely understand the latter's mood.

"I feel that my whole body is full of power, more powerful than ever before!" Jinfeng's scream expresses this meaning. Only Ah Hai can understand it at the scene.

"Congratulations, you have successfully transformed and are about to embark on the path of a true strong man!" Ah Hai looked at Jin Feng and sincerely offered his blessings.

After receiving the confirmation, Sun Ruirui was also very excited, even more so than Jin Feng, a participant in evolution.

Li Qian has mastered the complete method of evolution without any flaws, which means that... her problem of the Apocalypse and the Ocean Disaster is about to be perfectly solved.

Soon, she will be able to be a normal beast master, contract with beasts normally, practice meditation normally, fight side by side normally, and embark on a completely different life path from now.

"Brother Qian, really, thank you." After realizing that her life was about to change dramatically, the little girl focused her eyes on Li Qian, with a flash of brilliance in her eyes.

Fully understanding the excitement in Sun Ruirui's heart at this moment, Li Qian scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled, "Ruirui, you don't have to thank me. This matter just happened to happen, and I also benefited a lot from it. "

"Mastering the complete evolution method from Golden Pearl Bud to Tidal Sea Spirit is one of the biggest purposes of my coming to Zhonghai City this time."

What Li Qian said was the truth. He really came here for the evolutionary method, to help Tie Lao break through to the emperor level. As for the coincidence of helping Sun Ruirui solve the problem of the Apocalypse and the Ocean Disaster, I can only say that everything is fate.

"One more thing, I am able to master the evolution method from Golden Pearl Bud to Tidal Sea Spirit, thanks to you. In fact, you gave me a lot of research inspiration." Li Qian continued to talk.

He said these words openly, without worrying that he would reveal key information about evolution.

In the past few days, he and Sun Ruirui had exchanged hundreds, if not thousands, of messages. The difficulty of accurately extracting key information from these hundreds or thousands of messages was no different from Comrade Sun's own research. .

After all, Comrade Sun does not have a golden finger like himself, so he cannot accumulate inspiration points based on key information.

After chatting with Sun Ruirui for a few words, he felt the excitement in the girl's heart at this moment. Li Qian was also sincerely happy for her.

"Brother Qian, I..." The girl looked at Li Qian and hesitated, wanting to express her feelings. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Li Qian looked at the girl with soft eyes and said in a joking tone: "You already call me brother. Isn't it natural for a brother to help his sister?"

Smiling, Li Qian continued to speak, imagining the girl's bright future, "When the problem of Apocalypse and Ocean Disaster is solved, I believe that you will be able to soar into the sky and become a truly talented beast master. "

"Brother Qian, you are exaggerating. No matter what, my talent cannot be compared with yours." Sun Ruirui said, the look of longing on his face became more and more obvious.

Ah Hai looked at this scene and couldn't help but lament in his heart, old man, if you don't come back, all the flowers you have raised for so many years will be taken away by this kid, including the soil in the pots.

At the same time, somewhere not far away, next to a big tree, Uncle Liao also witnessed all this, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

His eyes were like a knife, seeming to penetrate Li Qian's body, with strong hatred escaping from it.

At this moment, it was because he was a little far away, otherwise Li Qian would definitely be able to detect this unkind gaze.

After chatting for a while, after Jin Feng had become familiar with his body, Li Qian turned his attention to Jin Yu, whose condition had improved a lot.

After taking a look, he spoke directly and made his request, "As a reward for helping you evolve a tidal sea spirit, I want this golden pearl bud. It shouldn't be too much, right?"

Li Qian said this with a smile. He believed that Sun Ruirui would definitely not refuse his proposal.

In fact, the reason why he made this request was not only to keep his promise but also to help Jin Yu evolve into a tidal sea spirit in the future to avoid leaking the secret.

Afterwards, if Comrade Sun asked about Jin Feng and Jin Yu, he should be able to deduce the evolutionary flaws from them. In this case, Li Qian simply asked Jin Yu to come over. As for Jin Feng...he knew the information anyway. not much.

In this case, if he wants to master the complete evolutionary method, Comrade Sun can only figure it out by himself.

Of course, if he could shamelessly ask for advice, Li Qian would naturally not hesitate to give him advice, but this possibility should be unlikely.

Li Qian made his request, and it turned out just as he had guessed. Sun Ruirui agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, actually, Brother Qian, if you don't speak, we don't know how to repay you!" Sun Ruirui said, and then added, "When the third uncle comes back, I will ask him to supplement some resources. for you."

"For the evolution of Jinfeng, you have also invested a lot of evolutionary resources. You are helping our manor to cultivate pet beasts. There is no reason for you to spend money."

What the little girl said was reasonable, but Ah Hai's lips twitched when he heard it.

Even before we started talking about the person, our elbows started to turn outwards. If we really talked about it, wouldn't we have to move the entire manor out?

Forget it, let the old man have his own headache.

Moreover, Ah Hai felt that Sun Ruirui's words actually made sense. Compared with a tidal sea spirit with emperor-level potential, it was nothing to make up for some of Li Qian's evolutionary resources.

After getting Sun Ruirui's consent, Li Qian was not polite and took out a beast control ball to capture Jin Yu.

Jin Yu was quite happy when facing this scene. Li Qian had promised before that as long as it was willing to give up its golden beads this time, when it condenses the golden beads again, the latter will definitely help it complete its evolution.

Originally, it was still worried because Li Qian was just trying to make things easier for it. Now, seeing that the latter actually took it away, it finally stopped worrying.

Since Li Qian chose to take it over, he will definitely keep his promise and help it complete its evolution.

So it took the initiative to get into the beast control ball without any hesitation.

After putting away the beast control ball and chatting for a while, Li Qian and Sun Ruirui left the small bay without any further delay.

Now that Li Qian has completely mastered the evolution method from Jinzhu Beilei to Tidal Sea Spirit, the next thing for Red Bridge Manor is to naturally solve the problem of Sun Ruirui's Apocalypse and Ocean Disaster.

To solve her problem is not that simple. You must first break the seal on her and prepare various life potions and extraordinary resources.

Therefore, we must wait for Comrade Sun to come back.

Moreover, re-selecting a pair of evolution targets is not something that can be done immediately, it takes some time.

After completing the evolution, Li Qian did not leave that night, but stayed at the Red Bridge Manor.

In the guest room, Li Qian looked at his eleven achievement points, and his heart was full of joy.

After completing this evolutionary research, he obtained five evolution points, which made him quite satisfied.

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