Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 243 Comrade Sun’s Troubles

Sun Ruirui needed to consider Comrade Sun's mood, so she no longer insisted on going to Shazhou Beast Control University to study.

Seeing this, Comrade Lao Sun felt a lot more at ease, thinking that he had persuaded his niece.

Of course, only Sun Ruirui knows the real situation, that is, Sun Ruirui's true inner thoughts.

Through the sharing of the Golden Pearl of Life, the little girl gained the vitality of the imperial-level potential pet beast Tidal Sea Spirit, which allowed her to survive the crisis without any danger and successfully awakened the extremely terrifying beast-controlling talent of Ocean Disaster.

While the harvest is huge, it must be accompanied by a lot of consumption.

It can be seen that after completely awakening the talent of beast control, the golden beads that emerged from Sun Ruirui and returned to Jin Yu have become much darker and lost the luster when they were just spit out.

Jin Yu withdrew his Golden Pearl of Life, and his condition became visibly sluggish.

The consumption is too great.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Fortunately, the golden beads were only excessively consumed and there was no other damage. They should be able to recover after being warmed for a period of time.

"Brother Qian, Jin Yu..." The little girl glanced at Jin Yu and then said with some embarrassment.

Li Qian understood what Sun Ruirui meant and waved his hand with a smile, "It doesn't matter. My biggest purpose in coming to Zhonghai City this time is to master the evolution method from Jinzhu Beilei to Tidal Sea Spirit."

"Now, the evolutionary method has been mastered, and..." When he said this, he deliberately glanced at Comrade Sun before continuing, "To make up for the evolutionary flaws, for me, it is the biggest Gained."

The implication of Li Qian's words should not be too obvious.

When Comrade Lao Sun heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

What does it mean?

Tricking me again!

If it weren't for the fact that you saved my niece, I would have kicked you out a long time ago.

However, I don't know why, but at the same time I was complaining in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little sour.

After so many years of research, he has never been able to find this flaw. Li Qian has only been in contact with it for a long time and made up for it.

The waves behind push the waves ahead, is it possible that I will be beaten to death on the beach?

Comrade Sun was filled with emotions. On the other hand, Sun Ruirui still felt sorry for Li Qian, "But Jin Yu is your pet beast."

As she spoke, she focused her gaze on Jin Feng, "How about you take Jin Feng away?"

In order to save himself, Jin Yu has completed the contract.

It is basically impossible to return it to Li Qian.

On the other hand, Jinfeng, after evolving, has not yet concluded a contract with the beast master, so it is still okay to replace it with Li Qian.

This is the truest thought in the little girl's heart at this moment.

After hearing this, Li Qian smiled and shook his head, "Forget it, I have mastered the evolution method, and I can evolve as many tidal sea spirits as I want."

He kept talking and continued: "The most important thing is that Jin Feng and Jin Yu have lived here for many years and are used to it. I don't want them to leave their hometown."

A tidal sea spirit with emperor-level potential, its preciousness is self-evident.

But for Li Qian, since he has mastered the method of evolution, it is not so rare.

Another point is that his mental power level has not yet broken through to the leader level.

Even if the breakthrough is completed, there are still many people who need to contract, such as Xiao Hui...

Therefore, he really has no energy to cultivate anymore.

In this case, it is better to let him stay in Hongqiao Manor and stay with the little girl.

By the way, before leaving, I have something to explain.

Just as he was about to leave, Li Qian suddenly thought of something, and with a strange smile behind him, he waved to Jin Yu, "Jin Yu, come here."

Facing the benefactor who helped him complete his evolution, Jin Yu walked over without any hesitation.

Asking Jin Yu to bend down, Li Qian whispered something in its ear, and finally asked confirmingly: "Promise me, is it okay?"


Jin Yu made a whimper-like cry that was unique to the tide sea spirit, and then nodded heavily, indicating that he would definitely keep it secret.

After giving an explanation, Li Qian was about to leave, but just when he raised his feet, two roller coasters flew over from low altitude at extremely fast speeds.

The roller coaster stopped and five young men and women in uniforms walked out.

"What happened here? Who called the Public Security Bureau number?" a young man in the lead asked.

"It's me, have you seen that person?" Li Qian raised his hand and pointed to a certain location in front of him, "He is a cultist of the Ancient God Religion. The scene here is caused by him."

In order to avoid going to the Public Security Bureau to record a confession or something, he also carried out a great god, "By the way, Senior Li Sheng in the teleportation center knows all this. In fact, we were able to survive thanks to his timely rescue." ”

The implication of what Li Qian said was very obvious.

Li Shengdu came specially to rescue him, which at least proved that the two had a close relationship.

"Okay, let's take the person back first." After listening to Li Qian's words, the young man pointed at Uncle Liao, who had turned into a pile of mud, and ordered.

"There are still people who can do things easily..." Li Qian couldn't help but muttered when he saw that the young man actually didn't let him record a confession or anything.

Not long after, the five people took the unconscious Liao Bo away from the scene.

After the people from the Public Security Bureau left, Li Qian did not stay for long, and soon left Hongqiao Manor.

Not long after Li Qian left, Comrade Lao Sun fell into a state of madness.

He kept flipping through various materials and muttering to himself.

"Where exactly is the problem?"

"Where exactly is the defect?"

He said this, as if questioning himself, but thinking along this line, he could not get any answer.

The biggest reason why Li Qian was so weird in front of him was that he had completed the evolutionary research from Golden Pearl Bud to Tidal Sea Spirit and made up for the defects.

This was his biggest source of confidence.

Comrade Lao Sun knew very well that if he wanted to stand up again, he had to find out this evolution defect and make up for the shortcomings of evolution.

Otherwise, he might be ridiculed again when he met that kid next time.

Finally, he couldn't think of an answer, so he had to turn his attention to Jin Feng and Jin Yu who had already completed their evolution... Maybe Ah Hai, who assisted in the evolution, also knew some information. Thinking of this, he walked straight to the small bay in the northeast corner without any hesitation. Since completing his evolution, in addition to Jin Yu who had been contracted by Sun Ruirui, Jin Feng also lived here.

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