Li Sukuan and Xia Cunzhou chatted for a while and then left. They didn't stay long and came and went in a hurry.

It seemed that he was mainly here to chat and reminisce about old times, but Xia Cunzhou was very clear about his thoughts.

Chatting is just incidental. The main purpose of this guy coming here this time is to persuade him to recruit people.

In fact, not only him, but also Shi Yulian and Sun Hongyi came here with this purpose.

Not to mention how it would help them if they really poached the legendary classmate Li Qian. At the school level alone, there are real benefits that cannot be ignored.

So he didn't care whether these people had their own little thoughts, and just called them directly.

"...What about the evolution methods of three overlord-level potential pet beasts and two emperor-level potential pet beasts? In your eyes, such a genius is insignificant, unworthy of attention, and unworthy of a trip to Jiangnan Province in person ?" Half an hour later, the vice principal in charge of admissions was called over by him, and then he cursed him in the face.

Xia Cunzhou knew very well that strictly speaking, this old subordinate could not be blamed for this kind of thing.

If the people below were lying to others and doing things perfunctorily, he might not even have heard of Li Qian's name.

Xia Cunzhou's guess was not wrong. While being annoyed by his reprimand, the vice principal in charge of admissions was also filled with shock.

Just after graduating from high school, he had developed three evolution methods for overlord-level potential pet beasts, and two evolution methods for emperor-level potential pet beasts. This was the first time he had heard of the name of such a monster genius.

After being shocked, he was filled with uncontrollable anger. He actually hadn't heard the admissions teacher below mention such a monster genius even once.

Thinking of this moment, he finally understood why Principal Xia Cunzhou was so angry.

That evil genius must have chosen another beast-controlling university at this moment.

"Principal, this matter is indeed my responsibility. Some of the admissions teachers below were perfunctory and did not notice it at the first time."

The vice principal in charge of admissions immediately took over the responsibility, and then immediately suggested, "But I think the most important thing for the current plan is to see if we can recruit this talented student."

"As long as the other party has not officially enrolled, our school still has a chance..."

After hearing what the vice principal in charge of admissions said, Xia Cunzhou glanced at him lightly, "Do you think I called you here just to give you a scolding?"

"Okay, I understand. I will take action now and try to recruit Li Qian." After hearing Xia Cunzhou's words, the vice principal in charge of admissions said he was "fighting for it", but the determination in his words was extremely firm. .

If he wasn't worried about not being able to impress the other party, he would have just issued a military order.

While he was speaking conclusively, his heart was also filled with resentment towards the group of admissions teachers under him.

If they hadn't been perfunctory and didn't do their job well, I wouldn't have had to suffer this reprimand.

Thinking about this, he already had a calculation in his heart. In short, this anger cannot be in vain, he must find someone to vent it out.

He couldn't show his dissatisfaction with the principal, and he couldn't vent his anger on the admissions teachers under him.

"Go." After hearing these words that were almost like a promise, Xia Cunzhou's face looked a little better.

He waved his hand and asked the vice principal in charge of admissions to retreat.

When he was halfway back, he suddenly thought of something and reminded him again, "By the way, we have a good relationship with Lao Pu, so don't make it too tense."

Xia Cunzhou's last words were both a reminder to the vice principal in charge of admissions and a way to reveal information to him.

Since such a talented and evil person did not choose Zhonghai Beast Control University, he must have been recruited by the other seven majors.

Combined with the information about "Lao Pu" given by Xia Cunzhou, it can be known that this talented trainer who made the principal furious with him must have been recruited by Shazhou Beast Control University.

Thinking of Shazhou Royal Beast University, the first thing that came to the mind of the vice president in charge of admissions was Xue Huaiyu's mature and charming figure.

"Today's young people really can't withstand the temptation..." After learning that this legendary nurturing genius was recruited by Shazhou Beast Control University, the vice president in charge of admissions subconsciously thought that Li Qian was a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After falling into the trap, I felt a little more confident about poaching Li Qian again.

Shazhou Beast Controlling University has beauties, and Zhonghai Beast Controlling University has no shortage of them.

As long as Li Qian is willing to come, he can choose whether he is fat or thin.

Even a few of his "good students" are not unable to contribute.

In short, in his opinion, as long as there is something good and you do what you like, there is nothing that cannot be done. The so-called difficulty is nothing more than a matter of how much investment.

With the information provided by Xia Cunzhou, it didn't take long for the vice principal in charge of admissions to inquire about Li Qian's information.

After checking Li Qian's information, he couldn't help but show a shocked expression on his face.

"The blue-scaled dragon with fifth-level overlord potential."

"The Frostfire Salamander with ninth-level overlord potential."

"The extremely violent storm eagle with first-level overlord potential."

"The extremely powerful Sky Escape Eagle with first-level emperor potential."

"A tidal sea spirit with first-level imperial potential."

The energy of a top beast-controlling university is unimaginable.

In less than half a day, Li Qian's information was investigated and all the information was revealed.

Especially the achievement items.

Although he had received accurate information from Xia Cunzhou, seeing it with his own eyes again shocked the vice principal in charge of admissions.

Such an achievement, let alone a high school graduate, even a training professor from the Beast Control University, would attract people's attention as long as he could achieve it.

Not to mention, according to the data, this classmate Li Qian researched this in less than half a year.

Of course, whether it is the evolution method of the Extreme Sky Escape Eagle or the evolution method of the Tidal Sea Spirit, there is an element of trickery.

I directly obtained someone else’s relatively complete evolutionary plan.

But having said that, being able to switch to these evolutionary methods is also his ability.

After all, Li Qian also paid real results.

After taking some time to read Li Qian's message, the vice principal in charge of admissions fully understood why the principal was so angry.

If such a monster genius is missed, it will indeed be a huge loss and regret for the school.

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