
The high-speed spinning water ball accurately hit the huge crow that swooped down.


The giant crow was hit!


There was a bit of pain and anxiety in his voice.

Taking advantage of the huge crow being hit by the high-speed spinning water ball, the bird's claw attack deviated from its original trajectory. Li Qian rolled over and narrowly avoided it.


He was breathing heavily!

My heart suddenly beats wildly!

Sweat dripped from behind!

It's too dangerous!

Just now, if Qizai hadn't taken action at the critical moment and used the water cannon skill, his end would definitely not be much better.

Either injured or captured.

It is not impossible to die directly.

After glancing at the huge crow rising into the sky with lingering fear, Li Qian subconsciously used his beast-controlling talent.

However, I didn't see any information.

There is no doubt that this giant crow is at least elite.

It is impossible to see any information unless the other party puts down their guard and allows themselves to explore.

Although there was no information about the giant crow, Li Qian had already identified its identity based on his knowledge of pet beasts.

"Nightmare Crow!"

That's right, the pet beast that attacked him was the dark bird pet beast - the Nightmare Crow!

Dark pet beasts are relatively hard to see, and flying ones are even rarer.

After identifying the identity of Nightmare Crow, he felt deeply puzzled.

According to the knowledge he has learned, nightmare crows, under normal circumstances, rarely attack humans on their own initiative.

However, the nightmare crow in front of him launched an attack on himself without hesitation.


Did Qizai's evolution disturb it?

Or perhaps, it is not a wild pet!

But a human beast!

Thinking of this, he glanced subconsciously.

Soon, he spotted a figure on a huge rock about fifty meters away from him.

Through the moonlight and starlight, Li Qian could barely see clearly. The figure was wearing a dark red robe.

Someone from a cult?

This was the first thought that came to Li Qian's mind after his eyes came into contact with the figure in red robe.

Because I had contact with people from the Public Security Bureau before.

That is Zhou Weiping.

Through Zhou Weiping's description, he roughly knew the dress of the Black God Sect.

Later, for his own safety, he also checked on the Internet.

At this moment, the man in red robe not far away is quite similar to the Black God cultist in other aspects except the color of his robe.

Li Qian couldn't help but think about this.

After realizing the possible identity of the mysterious man, Li Qian's vigilance immediately increased a lot.

He looked at the mysterious red-robed man and frowned.

He found that the Nightmare Crow did not attack him again, but hovered over the mysterious red-robed man.

Some things are already self-evident.

There is no doubt that the person who made the Nightmare Crow attack him was the mysterious red-robed man.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you attacking me?"

After discovering the mastermind behind the scenes, Li Qian questioned him unceremoniously.

Attack without making a sound or warning. The person coming is an enemy, not a friend!

"Young man, you may have misunderstood."

The mysterious man in red robe said calmly: "At a young age, he can solve problems that countless breeding masters cannot solve, and study the evolutionary route from koi carp to blue-scaled dragon. Such a genius breeder is exactly our ancient god. Teach what is needed.”

"Just now, I asked the Nightmare Crow to come down, not to attack you, but to take you out of here and go to a more promising place."


Li Qian smiled lightly, "No need to!"

"I have no interest in the 'more promising place' you mentioned."

"I can only live up to your good intentions."

Li Qian firmly refused.

He didn't show any expression to the mysterious man in red robe.

The mysterious red-robed man was not angry either.

His mood remains stable.

"Interest can be cultivated slowly."

"Besides, it is your honor to be favored by the Ancient God Religion."

"If you refuse this honor, you will not only lose a great opportunity, but you will also turn against our Ancient God Religion. I hope you will think clearly and never make a mistake!"

The mysterious man in red robe is still persuading.

It was said to be persuasion, but in fact, at the end of the words, it was already an undisguised threat.

Li Qian was not afraid.

Qizai had already hovered above his head, forming a confrontation with the Nightmare Crow.

"Although I don't know what your Ancient God Sect does, it doesn't sound like it's a serious organization."

Spreading his hands, he continued: "So, no matter what you say, I have only one answer..."

"Not interested in!"

After the words "not interested" fell, although the night was shrouded and the other party was still wearing a dark red robe that covered his head to his toes, so he couldn't see the change in his face, Li Qian could still clearly sense that the other party's body was A dangerous aura arose.

"Young people are always so unruly."

"It seems that there is a lack of social beatings!"

"Go, Nightmare Crow!"

The mysterious red-robed man's tone became cold.

As his voice fell, the giant crow took action again in mid-air.

The Nightmare Crow spread its wings, but this time, it did not attack again.

As its wings spread out, ink-colored awls condensed in front of it.

next moment……

About dozens of ink-colored awls shot straight over.

"A living genius is valuable. If you can't take it back and destroy it, it's still a good choice."

"In short, we cannot leave it to the Eastern Xia Federation!"

The mysterious red-robed man's voice was like ice.

His words made Li Qian even more confirmed.

This guy is definitely a cultist.

That "Ancient God Cult" is definitely a cult organization.

Only cultists would oppose the Federation at every turn.

After thinking about this, Li Qian no longer held back!

Whether he is an opponent or not is one thing!

Whether to go all out with the goal of killing the opponent is another matter.

"Water arrows and thousands of arrows fired together!"

Li Qian drank secretly in his heart.

At the same time, he told Qizai the order through the soul contract.

Almost at the moment when the ink-colored awl condensed and formed, the water arrow suddenly shot out from the pool at the top of the hundred-foot waterfall.

Although Water Arrow·Ten Thousand Arrows is called "Ten Thousand Arrows", this skill is only at the entry level after all, so in fact, it cannot reach the level of "Ten Thousand Arrows" at all. However, there are still hundreds of arrows.

At least they outnumbered the other party.

Bang bang bang...

The water arrow and the Nightmare Crow's "Shadow Cone" skill collided in the air!

The water arrow exploded instantly!

Cone of Shadows was also greatly affected.

Not only is the speed reduced!

The vertebrae have also become smaller!

Obviously, although the water arrow is not as powerful as the shadow cone, it has successfully weakened the latter's power.

And the magnitude of the weakening is not low.

At least, the weakened Shadow Cone should no longer pose any threat to Qizai.

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