"I don't know what Shazhou City looks like?" As the light of the teleportation array gradually dimmed, Li Qian knew that he had arrived in Shazhou City.

"Young man, is this your first time in Shazhou City?" A middle-aged uncle who was riding the teleportation array with Li Qian heard his muttering and asked casually.

Li Qian nodded.

"Shazhou City is still very different. It is indeed worth a visit." The middle-aged uncle smiled.

"What is different?" Li Qian asked curiously.

"I won't spoil the specific differences. You will know soon."

After saying that, the middle-aged uncle stood up.

Li Qian followed closely and stood up.

"Are you a local of Shazhou City?" Li Qian and the middle-aged uncle walked side by side.

The middle-aged uncle had a kind face and looked like a person who was easy to get along with.

Li Qian had a good impression of him.

The middle-aged uncle laughed, "I'm not from Shazhou City."

"I came here on a business trip and will return to Zhonghai City in a few days."

"What about you?"

Li Qian also laughed, "I'm not from here either. I came here to study and will go back in a few months."

"Haha... you are an interesting student." The middle-aged uncle laughed heartily when he saw Li Qian imitating his tone.

While talking and laughing, the two had left the transmission room and took the elevator to the transmission hall.

"Li Qian, here." As soon as he entered the transmission hall, a familiar voice suddenly rang.

Li Qian looked in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful scenery.

It was Tu Jiaojiao.

"Uncle, goodbye." He waved to the middle-aged uncle without hesitation and walked straight over.

"You just stay here and don't go out to see." Li Qian asked.

Li Lanying and Fatty An walked over slowly, "We entered the Yunlan City Teleportation Center together, so we naturally have to leave the Shazhou City Teleportation Center together."

"Didn't wait long?" Li Qian smiled faintly.

"Not bad." Fatty An smiled back.

The four of them didn't waste any more time and walked straight out of the Teleportation Center.

As soon as they walked out of the Teleportation Center, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Qian finally understood the "different" in the middle-aged uncle's mouth.

This is not "different", it's simply "completely different"!

All you can see is the exotic scenery that is completely different from Zhonghai City and Nandu City.

The houses here are not very tall, but almost every house is built with red bricks.

Or, red bricks are the main body.

Li Qian didn't know if those red blocks were red bricks, so let's call them that.

Of course, it could also be some kind of red rock.

In addition to red bricks and stones, almost half of the buildings here have a peak on the top that looks like an onion.

The peaks are like bamboo shoots after the rain, giving people a feeling of being uplifted.

It looks a bit similar to the architectural style of a big country in the north of China in the previous life.

There is a strange beauty in the roughness.

In addition to the buildings, the streets, roads, sculptures, street lights, etc. here are different from other places.

What is even more peculiar is the green belt beside the road.

To be precise, it cannot be called a green belt, but a mangrove forest.

Because the trees planted on the roadside here are not green trees, but a kind of tall, straight, umbrella-shaped trees.

The biggest feature of this kind of tree is that the leaves are not green, but a light red.

It is a bit similar to maple leaves, but not as red as maple leaves.

And judging from the shape, it is definitely not a maple leaf.

The light red trees and brick-red buildings complement each other, making the whole city look like it is dyed with a layer of red clouds.

After a quick glance, Li Qian and the other four turned their attention to other places.

The beastmasters here seem to be very different.

In addition to the standard Dongxia people who look exactly like Li Qian, with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin, there are also many Gaochang people.

In fact, the Western Regions is a province dominated by Gaochang people.

These Gaochang people are generally tall, with high noses, blue eyes and brown hair. They look quite similar to the races of some Western federations.

Li Qian even saw a few snow people with skin as white as snow, pointed ears and white hair.

It is said that the snow people live on the snowy plateau all year round, and there are not many of them.

But I didn't expect to meet them in Shazhou City.

In addition, there are Wuxi people with fiery red hair.

Li Qian secretly observed and found that even compared with Li Lanying and Tu Jiaojiao next to him, these foreign women were not inferior.

In particular, Li Qian saw that they were generally tall and their bodies were exaggerated.

It's a bit similar to European and American women in the previous life.

The front and back are convex, and the arc is really exaggerated.

When Fatty An saw this scene, his eyes almost fell out.

Li Qian was also quite surprised.

He had read a lot of books about the Western Regions, but there is a saying that goes, "What you learn from books is always shallow, and you must practice it yourself to fully understand it."

"Qianzi, look at that girl, that figure, tut tut tut..." Fatty An pointed to a beautiful woman who was walking on the street not far from the transmission center, and made a somewhat obscene sound.

Li Qian subconsciously looked over when he heard it.

It was indeed a beautiful woman.

She had a big red wave on her head.

Her figure could only be described as "explosive".

What's more rare is that this beautiful woman was wearing very cool clothes.

Leather jacket and shorts showed her proud curves without reservation.

Such a beautiful woman, full of wild beauty, like a female leopard, it is difficult not to pay attention to her.

Just when Li Qian's eyes were cast over, the beautiful woman with a big red wave seemed to notice it.

She actually looked in the direction of them.

Seeing this, Li Qian immediately restrained the smile on his face, and then slapped Fatty An on the back of his head, "Fatty An, don't drag me with you if you want to die."

While speaking, he also nodded to the red-haired beauty not far away to show respect.

There was no way. With such a sharp intuition, Li Qian would never believe that she was not a strong person.

"That woman, the energy hidden in her body is very terrifying!" Li Lanying's beast control talent is a bit special, and she saw a clue.

But just as her voice fell, the beautiful woman with a big wave of fiery red hair actually flashed in front of the four of them, as fast as lightning.

He glanced at Li Qian and the other four, and then focused his eyes on Li Lanying, "Little girl, it is not polite to look at others with your beast control talent like this."

Li Qian's heart suddenly bulged when he heard this.

If it was just a guess before, then now he can be 100% sure.

The strength of the woman in front of him is definitely very terrifying.

At least a hegemon-level beast control master.

"I'm sorry, beautiful lady, we are new here and are not familiar with the situation here. Please forgive me for my rudeness." Li Qian apologized without thinking.

Neither right nor weak, what else can you do but apologize!

Li Lanying also realized her recklessness and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, beautiful sister, I offended you by accident!"

"Okay, don't do this next time. This time, you are lucky to meet me. If you met someone else, you might have left a deep impression on you." The beautiful woman with big red waves laughed and walked away.

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