Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 271: An old lover comes to see you

The beep from the energy detector made Li Qian wake up instantly.

It also made him feel incredible.

This is where?

Inside the dormitory building of Shazhou Beast Control University!

One of the eight best beast-controlling universities in the entire federation!

So Li Qian didn't believe that there would be any unexpected situation at all. He looked directly in the direction of the noise.

The noise came from the balcony next door.

Li Qian wore a pair of flip-flops and walked over with a kick.

Looking sideways, I saw that it was empty and saw nothing.

Just when Li Qian thought he was hearing hallucinations and was about to return to his room to continue resting, something unexpected happened suddenly!

In the dim night, a strange figure, like lightning, sprang out from an unknown direction at lightning speed.

Then he suddenly rushed into the balcony next door.

Li Qian rubbed his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Did I have visual hallucinations after auditory hallucinations?"

Li Qian muttered to himself, but at this moment, he suddenly woke up.

Because inside the room, on the bedside table, the sound of the energy detector has not disappeared!

"Is this?" Just when he was puzzled, a burst of howling ghosts suddenly came from the dormitory next door.



This voice is very familiar!

It was Lu Tianjiao who lived next door to him!

Hearing the cry for help, Li Qian subconsciously moved and rushed back to the balcony. Without hesitation, he jumped suddenly and jumped to the balcony next door.

Just as he landed on the balcony next door, before he had time to take action, Li Qian saw a figure rushing out of the room, rolling and crawling.

This figure was very familiar to Li Qian.

But it's not Lu Tianjiao.

However, compared with his previous graceful demeanor, he can be said to be a completely different person now.

His hair was disheveled, his clothes were tattered, and he looked miserable.

In addition, Li Qian also saw that there were a lot of blood stains on his body.

Li Qian didn't think much, and subconsciously prepared to summon Qizai and Xiaoliu to fight.

But at this moment, a strange figure suddenly jumped out of the room.

This figure should be a person, but it is lying on the ground with its limbs spread out, like a huge spider.

The spider figure had a pair of strange eyes, emitting scarlet light. Li Qian didn't notice it for a moment and looked into her eyes. The next moment, an inexplicable heart palpitation suddenly surged up.

There was a moment of vacuum in his mind.

When he reacted again, the summoning circle had been dimmed without knowing it.

"Damn, I was able to interrupt the summoning circle. Why didn't you remind me?" Li Qian reacted immediately and knew what was going on, so he said helplessly.

Lu Tianjiao, who fell aside, heard Li Qian's complaint and made a bitter voice, "You arrived too fast, I didn't even have time to remind you."

"It's my fault!" After hearing this, Li Qian couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Just as the two were talking, the spider figure took action again. She kicked the ground with both feet, and then flew out like a sharp arrow. The target was Lu Tianjiao who fell beside her.

Lu Tianjiao rolled around and barely managed to avoid this fierce attack.

The spider figure failed to succeed in one attack, and was ready to attack again, as if it would fight Lu Tianjiao until death.

Li Qian suddenly jumped out, picked up a broom on the balcony, and beat him out hard.

There was a bang!

The broom whipped the spider figure hard, knocking her back a step.


Knowing that his blow did not cause any harm to her, Li Qian immediately shouted loudly.

Lu Tianjiao rolled to his feet and the two quickly evacuated from the balcony.

When withdrawing, Li Jian used force to close the two balcony glass doors in the middle.

When the balcony door closed, it was like locking the spider figure inside the dormitory.

However, Li Qian knew very well that such a simple method could only block it for a moment.

There is no real effect.

So after closing the glass door, he shouted directly to Lu Tianjiao beside him, "Jump down!"

After the shouting ended, he took the first action, jumped up suddenly, and jumped from the balcony.

The height of the third floor, if you were to jump off it in your previous life, you would be half disabled even if you were not dead.

However, in this world of beast control, after several evolutionary feedbacks, Li Qian's physical fitness has become far beyond comparison with others. Jumping from the third floor will not cause much harm to him.

As for why he didn't jump back to his room, it was because Li Qian judged that there was no point in doing so.

And when the summoning circle is interrupted, only by making a big noise can one possibly escape.

After all, this is the dormitory building of Shazhou Beast Control University. As long as there is a big movement, it will definitely be noticed.

By then, the crisis will naturally be easily resolved.


Just as Li Qian jumped down, the balcony door was smashed into pieces by the spider figure without any accident.

Lu Tianjiao was a step behind and jumped down as well. After noticing the movement behind him, he couldn't help but secretly expressed his gratitude.

If he hadn't acted decisively enough, he might have fallen into crisis again.

The two of them jumped down and landed on the grass in front of Building No. 3. Looking back, the Spider-Man figure also jumped down.

After jumping off the balcony, Li Qian finally saw the Spider-Man figure clearly with the help of the street lights by the lake not far away.

But it was precisely because he saw the Spider-Man figure clearly that he couldn't help showing a surprised expression, "Damn, isn't this your old lover? She is here to find you to renew the past!"

Yes, although the figure in front of him was in a very strange posture at this moment, with his limbs spread out and lying on the ground, like a big spider.

However, through her appearance, Li Qian could still clearly identify that the person in front of him was Lu Tianjiao's ex-girlfriend who had met them twice in just a few hours.

That is, the Gaochang girl whose name he couldn't remember.

"Don't, brother, I really don't know her well, and I don't want to renew the past with her!" Lu Tianjiao wanted to cry but had no tears after hearing what Li Qian said.

"Why don't you try to communicate with her? Maybe she still has feelings for you?" Li Qian said instigatingly.

Lu Tianjiao shook his head like a rattle, "She would rather just pierce a hole in my body, and she still has feelings for me!"

"What kind of unfaithful thing have you done?" Li Qian couldn't help but complain.

"Brother, do you think that she is like this, because of emotional problems, she wants to take revenge on me?" Lu Tianjiao's mouth twitched.

Li Qian smiled awkwardly.

It's really unlikely!

This guy, it's obviously possessed!

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