Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 276 Turning grief and anger into appetite

"Okay, as long as you are free, I can do that." In the afternoon, Fatty An called and asked to go out to get together, and Li Qian happily agreed.

Coincidentally, the place was chosen in the First Canteen, because it was the closest to the dormitory, and it was also the most convenient place to have dinner.

"You don't plan to take me there?" Lu Tianjiao saw that Li Qian was having a dinner in the evening, so he licked his face and came over.

"Is it appropriate for you to look like this now?" Li Qian asked back, and the latter immediately fell speechless.

Despite his amazing recovery power, relatively serious injuries did not heal so quickly. At this moment, he was still wrapped in a lot of gauze.

If you go out at this moment, you will definitely become the most handsome boy in the whole school and attract the attention of many students.

Li Qian, on the other hand, only suffered a slight injury, and it was basically invisible when he put on his clothes.

"Then remember to bring me something to eat." Lu Tianjiao looked at Li Qian who got up from the sofa and was about to go out, feeling a little envious.

Li Qian joked: "Don't worry, we will order more. When the time comes, there will be leftovers for you."

When Lu Tianjiao heard this, he raised his middle finger and said, "Broken friendship!"

After a few words of banter, Li Qian went out.

"How are you, are you adapting to the new environment?" As soon as he arrived at the first cafeteria, Li Qian saw Fatty An. He couldn't help it. With his figure, he was like a wall, and it was difficult not to pay attention.

"It's okay. My roommate gets along well with me." Fatty An said with a smile.

"I guess he's also a funny... quite outgoing character... hahaha..." Li Qian almost let it slip and laughed awkwardly.

Fatty An glanced at Li Qian with some resentment. That look made Li Qian want to retreat.

"Two beauties are here." At this moment, not far away, two beautiful scenery lines came slowly, and Li Qian immediately changed the topic.

"Look at them walking side by side, they look like two sisters..." Fatty An was a little confused.

"They were classmates and best friends." Li Qian said subconsciously.

"That was before." Fatty An said four words calmly.

When Li Qian heard this, he suddenly thought of something and fell into speechlessness, not knowing how to speak.

In short, they are doing well as they are now, regardless of whether they are plastic sisters who are polite on the surface.

"What do you want to eat?" The two women walked slowly towards them. Li Qian took a few steps to greet them and then asked.

"Go to the big cafeteria." Li Lanying glanced at the first cafeteria and suggested.

Fatty An felt a little regretful after hearing this, "If we have a dinner together, shouldn't we have something good to eat?"

"I have inquired about the First Canteen. In addition to the large canteen on the first, second and third floors, there is also an underground food court."

"Then you should also have heard that the large cafeteria in the first cafeteria tastes very good. The three of us come from the same place. It is our first time to have dinner together in school today. Naturally, it is more meaningful to have a meal in the large cafeteria." Tu Jiao Jiao said.

When the two ladies reached an agreement, Li Qian and Fatty An knew that their ideas were no longer important, so they stopped insisting on their opinions and followed the crowd.

Because new students are arriving one after another, and there are still some senior students who have not returned, the cafeteria is actually open throughout the summer vacation.

When the three of them entered, the cafeteria was already crowded with many students.

Just like what I saw when I first arrived in Shazhou City, there were also many foreign students in the cafeteria.

The largest number among them is naturally the students of the Gaochang tribe, who are almost the same as the students of the Xia tribe. In addition, although there are very few students from the Wuxi tribe and the Xue tribe, a few can be seen occasionally.

"You guys wait here, I'll go to the third floor and recharge some money first." After finding a seat and sitting down, Li Qian immediately took out the student card he got when he enrolled and shook it.

The student card he just applied for must have no money in it. Just now, Li Qian saw it at the door. There is a service window on the third floor where you can top up money.

"I'll go with you. It just so happens that my card also needs to be topped up." After hearing this, Li Lanying also took out her student card.

"Then I'll go too." Tu Jiaojiao followed suit and also took out her student card.

The corner of Fatty An's mouth twitched, and he was about to follow suit. At this moment, Li Lanying glanced over and said, "Then please help An Junjie guard the table."

In fact, tonight, there were not many people eating in the canteen, and no one came to occupy the table. Even if it was occupied, it didn't matter, there were plenty of tables.

But Li Lanying said so, and Fatty An couldn't refute, so he had no choice but to say "Yeah".

Then he watched Li Qian leave the cafeteria hall surrounded by two beauties, which made him feel sour in his heart.

Not long after, the three of them returned, and then went to get food together. Fatty An still stayed there alone, looking out of place with the environment here.

He couldn't help but pick up his chopsticks and draw circles on the table.

After a while, the three of them came over with three plates. Two of the plates were filled with vegetables, most of which were unknown and probably local specialties. There was also a plate with four bowls on it. meal.

Fatty An was really a little hungry. He picked up a bowl of rice and started eating it without ceremony. Of course, the more important reason was that he was heartbroken and was ready to turn his grief and anger into appetite.

It has to be said that the No. 1 cafeteria of Shazhou Beast Control University is indeed worthy of its name, and the taste of the dishes is good even for Li Qian and the other three people from Jiangnan Province.

"Hey, what's wrong, it's a little different..." Just then, Li Lanying found something unusual and made a puzzled sound.

"What's wrong?" Li Qian asked.

"This dish seems a little unusual..." Li Lanying continued to chew a few more bites, then frowned and thought.

Li Qian smiled faintly, knowing what she was wondering about, and explained casually: "In the three canteens of the school, as long as it is the food in the big canteen, a small amount of extraordinary ingredients are actually added. Eating it often is beneficial to improve physical fitness."

"So that's it." After hearing this, Fatty An and the other two all looked enlightened.

In fact, Li Qian didn't know this information at all, and it was Lu Tianjiao who told him.

However, because the amount of extraordinary ingredients used is very small, most people can't taste it. Only a few students who are very sensitive to energy can detect some clues.

Li Qian didn't expect that Li Lanying's perception was so terrifying.

Knowing that eating more can improve physical fitness, Fatty An was even more impolite. He let go of his stomach and ate it. One bowl was not enough, so he went to get free food.

In the end, the amount of food he ate alone was probably as much as the three people of Li Qian ate together, and at least half of the dishes were also consumed by him.

After the meal, Li Qian went to get another portion and packed it for Lu Tianjiao to take back.

Fatty An was a little confused when he saw this, and Li Qian immediately explained the situation.

Of course, he didn't explain it in detail, just saying that the neighbor had some problems and couldn't come out, so he brought him some food.

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