On the fourth day, after gathering at the fifth training ground, Instructor Zhou did not directly give orders to start the training content of the day, but took them to a mysterious place in the puzzled eyes of the freshmen.

"This is the school's pet center, which has similar functions to the pet center in the city, but it is only for teachers and students of the school." Instructor Zhou gave a brief introduction while leading the students into the school's pet center.

After entering the school's pet center, Li Qian immediately scanned it with curiosity.

When Lu Tianjiao took him to visit this building, because the location was a bit off, in the northwest corner of the school, they only glanced at it from a distance and did not really get close to observe.

Therefore, he was also completely in the dark about the internal layout of the campus pet center, and he didn't know anything, and he was also full of curiosity, just like most freshmen.

"Hey, here, you can actually buy the life-related materials needed for the golden pearl bud to evolve into a tidal sea spirit." Li Qian saw the internal layout of the campus pet center and soon found something that interested him.

He saw that on a large screen inside the campus pet center, various information was scrolling in time. He saw the materials needed for the evolution of the Golden Pearl Bud to the Tidal Sea Spirit on this large screen.

He also saw the exchange conditions for these materials.


Li Qian was a little confused when he saw this, and couldn't help asking: "What is this point, and how to get it?"

His voice was not low. He asked such a question and expected to get an answer, but around him, most of the students in the same queue had confused expressions.

Obviously, they didn't know anything about the situation inside the campus pet center.

A small number of students should know some information. They were just about to speak and show off their "knowledge".

However, at this time, Instructor Zhou gave another order, "Now, please follow me and march in step!"

After that, he led the way forward, and the students had to follow in sync.

There were many students inside the campus pet center. In addition to them, there were some students, who should be old students. When they saw them come in, they all cast a scrutinizing look.

As they examined the scene, they whispered and discussed, but most of the information was useless.

"Are they the freshmen this year?"

"They look very energetic."

"Look, those junior girls are pretty good-looking, don't compete with me."

"The junior brothers in the middle of the team are also very handsome..."


The discussion of the seniors caused some commotion to their group of freshmen and attracted their attention.

Some brave students had already interacted with them while walking.

Seeing this, Instructor Zhou explained: "I know you are very curious, but please don't be curious now. This place will be often touched by you in the future."

"In the next three days, you will follow me to a special place for training. After the training, you will return here again. At that time, whatever you are curious about and want to know will be answered. Now please don't waste time!"

After hearing this, Li Qian stopped thinking about it and stopped wasting time. He followed the team's pace and headed towards the backyard of the pet center.

After observing the scene inside the campus pet center, Li Qian knew that this place should be open to students.

In this case, it means that there will be many opportunities for contact in the future, and there is really no need to rush.

Following the pace of the team, they entered the backyard of the campus pet center. To be exact, Li Qian didn't know whether it was the backyard.

Because after entering the campus pet center, they passed through a door and inexplicably came to an empty place similar to an altar.

In that place, there stood a stone door. In the middle of the stone door, there was a translucent light curtain, which was lingering.

Li Qian saw that some students were walking out of the light curtain, and some students stepped into the light curtain.

Seeing a line of freshmen like them, some students would stop and watch for a while, while some students turned a blind eye, seemingly accustomed to this scene.

"Follow my pace, don't fall behind." Instructor Zhou continued to lead the way in front, and the one who fell behind was one of his pets, the jungle wolf.

They, one person and one pet, guarded the freshmen team in the middle, so there was no need to worry about safety.

"Is this place..." Li Qian glanced at it and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

In fact, there are certain guesses about the nature of this place.

However, he couldn't say anything before it was confirmed, so he could only keep looking forward to it.

Soon, the result will be presented in front of him.

Under the leadership of Instructor Zhou, their group of freshmen, 25 people, passed through the stone gate light curtain one after another.

The first time they passed through, the scene in front of them was like a change of heaven and earth in an instant.

A group of people, including the instructor, a total of 26 people, in the blink of an eye, actually came to a magnificent hall.

No one knew where this hall was and what the outside looked like. They appeared from the south of the hall, where there was a light curtain.

Li Qian was quite curious. He glanced around and soon saw many freshmen like them, led by instructors. They looked around with the same curiosity.

"Presumably, after arriving here, even if I didn't tell you, you should have made some guesses, right?" Instructor Zhou looked at everyone, and then focused his eyes on the north of the hall.

On the north side of the hall, just like the south side, there is a tall, majestic and majestic stone door.

There is also no door panel inside the stone door, but a dense curtain of light.

The light curtain is like a waterfall falling from the sky, embedded in the north side of the hall.

It stands quietly, emitting a soft light, giving people a sense of mysterious vicissitudes.

After arriving here, it was obvious that there were a lot more people, and some of them, judging from their clothing, were not students at all.

These people, like the old students in the school, will also look at the new students with scrutiny, some with amusement, some with expectation, some with envy, and so on.

Before the freshmen could make random guesses, Instructor Zhou had already given the answer, "Yes, this is the Adventurer Hall, and the door at the back leads to the pet centers in various places in Shazhou City..."

After a pause, his expression became extremely serious, "As for the front, it is... the dimensional gate of Shazhou City, leading to the dimensional plane!"

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