Li Qian looked at the three seniors Adu, Ling and Ge Zhengdao, and already had a preliminary understanding of this training.

Three graduated veterans need to be used to escort them. This "training" will definitely not be as easy as the previous three days.

Li Qian even guessed that he might encounter some dangers, both big and small.

Of course, he would never say such words.

The danger itself is part of the training.

Or, rather, part of the trial.

After everything was ready, Instructor Zhou no longer wasted time and led a group of freshmen forward.

His figure was the first to disappear into the light curtain.

The girl who was first in line, Li Qian remembered, seemed to be named Gu Yao. She glanced at Instructor Zhou’s back, and without hesitation, she followed her into the light curtain.

The others were not timid and followed suit.

Li Qian was in the middle of the queue. His eyes were firm and he walked in slowly and slowly.

At the moment when Li Qian and his group of freshmen stepped into the dimensional gate, in a secret room in the adventurer hall, a young man with hair like flames looked at the surveillance screen worriedly.

In the picture, it is the scene when Li Qian and the others step into the dimensional gate.

"Is Principal Park's move too big?" the young red-haired man made a worried voice.

"The situation is becoming more and more turbulent. If possible, I believe that Principal Park will definitely hope that they can grow up safely." Standing next to the young red-haired man was a young woman. The young woman was wearing a smart dress and looked heroic. A sassy look.

She continued: "Principal Park's actions are actually not unfavorable. They should also go through some ups and downs."

"It's just that in previous years, only some talented freshmen would be brought into the dimensional plane for training, and many people would stare at it. It seems dangerous, but in fact it is very safe." The young red-haired man also followed up: "But this year, it is directly popularized When all the new students arrived, the number was so huge that I was really worried that something might go wrong..."

"It'll be fine, don't worry." The woman in Jinyi said with certainty: "We have arranged a team of experienced graduates to protect each new team, so there will definitely be no problems."

"What's more, this year's instructors are specially arranged and are much stronger than those in previous years."

The woman in Jinyi kept talking and continued: "Such multiple layers of protection will definitely ensure that they get sufficient experience without any danger."

After hearing this, the young red-haired man relaxed his frown slightly, and murmured to himself, "I hope so!"

The words were divided into two parts. On the other side, Li Qian's group of freshmen had all entered the dimensional gate.

After stepping in, the next moment, their figures appeared in a huge square.

Li Qian immediately glanced around, and what he saw shocked him.

I saw that this was a stone platform square. The square was very large and square, with the length and width estimated to be about 500 meters.

In the middle of the square, there stands a stone gate. Inside the stone gate is a shimmering light curtain.

As Li Qian watched, many beast masters were walking out of the light curtain at this moment, and similarly, many beast masters entered the light curtain.

Just as Li Qian glanced around and looked around, many freshmen in the queue were already cheering excitedly.


"Oh my God!"

"This is Yuntian City!"

"This city wall is estimated to be hundreds of meters long."

"The architectural style is also different from Shazhou City."

"It's not different from Shazhou City, but it's different from most cities across the country."


There was a lot of discussion among the freshmen, and Li Qian naturally heard it clearly. He looked along the discussion and found that although there were many densely packed buildings outside the square, they were basically low-rise bungalows and slightly taller buildings. They are rare, let alone high-rise buildings.

Li Qian even felt that this place was slightly inferior to some counties in his previous life.

Senior Sister Ling also heard the sighs and cheers of the freshmen. She picked a few questions and answered them, "It's normal. It's not just Yuntian City. In fact, all cities in the dimensional plane are different from the Ancestral Star."

Seeing the new students surrounding her, she simply started to talk about science, "Compared with the Ancestral Star, the dimensional planes are vast and boundless. In addition to the world we see, there are also deeper and higher-level planes."

"Human beastmasters actually only occupy a small part of the world."

After a pause, she continued: "Human beast masters are not the masters of the dimensional plane. They also face various problems and dangers, so the buildings here are basically practical. Except for city walls, they generally don’t exceed ten floors.”

"Actually, as you can see, even the seventh and eighth floors are very rare."

"Why is this?" After hearing Senior Sister Ling's explanation, some students had doubts on their faces.

Senior Sister Ling looked at the freshman who asked the question and gave a simple example, "Tell me, if you encounter danger one day, would it be faster to come out directly from the first and second floors, or from the seventh or eighth floor?"

"That's it!" The freshman suddenly realized after listening to Senior Ling's example.

Her words also increased Li Qian's understanding, so he nodded slightly.

After waiting for a moment for the freshmen to digest and absorb, she continued: "Also, the industrial foundation of human beings here is relatively weak, at least it is thousands of miles away from the ancestral planet, so In this Yuntian City, electricity is also an extremely precious resource. To build so many high-rise buildings and run the city requires more electricity..."

Just as Senior Sister Ling finished explaining, Instructor Zhou's voice suddenly rang.

He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said, "Okay, this morning, our trip is to enter Yuntian City. It is relatively safe here. From now on until one o'clock in the afternoon, it is free to move around. time."

"Next, three teachers and I will lead six or seven people each to help you get familiar with Yuntian City."

As soon as his voice fell, waves of cheers immediately erupted from the scene.

After a while, under the auspices of Instructor Zhou, the freshmen were divided into four teams and dispersed in the four directions of the square.

Li Qian and five classmates followed Senior Adu towards the east.

It is more convenient and flexible for them to break it into parts like this.

"Senior Adu, where is that?" After walking for a while, one of the slightly fat boys pointed to a lively neighborhood and asked.

"Free trading zone." After hearing this, Senior Adu pointed in that direction and led everyone forward, talking as he walked.

After entering the block, everyone immediately looked around. It was quite lively inside, but the scene was not chaotic and could be said to be orderly.

Inside the block, there are shops on the left and right sides. Although the area is not large, the items on display are very rich. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a dazzling array of things.

Senior Adu greeted a shop owner, who must be an old acquaintance. After greeting him, he continued: "You can trade here, in exchange for contribution points, federal coins, or even barter."

"Of course, you can also wait until you leave the dimensional plane and trade it to various pet beast shops outside. It will be a little more troublesome, but the price will be slightly higher."

"It is also possible to directly upload it to the Pet Mall for auction or trading, but the timeliness is a bit poor."

Li Qian was also very curious. He glanced left and right, and after a while, he saw some materials he needed, such as Campanula Fruit, Xunfeng Bamboo, and some life-based materials. They seemed to be much cheaper than buying them directly from the Pet Mall. .

"Yes." Li Qian nodded slightly and continued to follow the queue.

After passing through the block, everyone marched for a while. The freshmen would ask questions every time they encountered any novel buildings. For each of these questions, Senior Adu gave a detailed explanation.

"That's that?" After walking for a while, a tower with about ten floors came into view of the freshmen.

"That's the Beast Control Tower!"

Senior Adu looked at the location of the tower with admiration in his eyes, "This is where the guardian envoy is stationed."

"Guardian envoy?" Li Qian chewed the word and fell into deep thought.

Senior Adu faced the location of the tower, as if he was looking up to something, and he continued: "Cities in the dimensional plane are different from those on the ancestral planet. Every city has a guardian envoy. They are the greatest guarantee of the safety of the city. "

"Those soldiers on the city wall?" A new student asked in confusion.

"Those soldiers, more importantly, serve as a warning. Of course, small problems can also be solved, but when encountering big problems, they have no effect." Senior Adu shook his head and explained, then he continued Focusing his attention on the tower, "In a large city, the strength of the guardians is, under normal circumstances, legendary."

"Legendary?!" Li Qian suddenly trembled in his heart after hearing this.

"Although it is different from the cities on the ancestral planet, in the dimensional plane, even large cities have a population of millions. However, those who can venture into the dimensional plane are all the best among human beings. Guardians Their safety is also a very necessary thing." Senior Adu stopped and stared for a while, and he kept explaining, as if he wanted to elaborate on the importance of this matter, "Without these guardian envoys, human beast control would be impossible. There is no way for the master to gain a foothold in this dimension."

"The medium-sized city is a Holy Spirit-level beastmaster."

"The small city has an emperor-level beastmaster."

At the end of the sentence, he suddenly spoke and asked a question, "Do you know why it is said that this dimensional rift in Shazhou City was suppressed by our Shazhou Beast Control University?"

"Is it related to these ten cities?" Li Qian reacted immediately.

Senior Adu looked at Li Qian and nodded approvingly, "Yes, almost all of the guardians of these ten cities are professors or deans of our Shazhou Beast Control University, or have graduated from our Shazhou Beast Control University. "

Next, a group of people continued to wander around Yuntian City. Yuntian City was said to be a large city, but the city itself was not big.

Around noon, we were almost done shopping.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that they only visit some key areas and key buildings.

For example, they have basically never been to the west, north and residential areas.

Seeing this, Senior Adu suggested: "Okay, we've almost finished our shopping. I'll take you to have something to eat."

Senior Adu was originally going to treat everyone to a simple meal, just stir-fry a few vegetables, but Ding Qianmao, the fat boy who spoke before, generously added more vegetables to everyone.

Seeing this, Li Qian couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, Qian's ability is welcome wherever he goes.

After lunch, everyone didn't waste any more time and went straight back to the central square. "Senior Adu, didn't Instructor Zhou say we should meet at one o'clock?"

"It's one o'clock to gather. The reason why we meet half an hour early is because I have something to tell you." Senior Adu said with a smile: "This afternoon, our training venue is the Moon Shadow Forest outside the city. You go to the task bar of the Pet Center. See if there are any suitable tasks, and if so, you can take them in advance.”

The Beast Control Center is located on the northern edge of the Central Square. After arriving at the Central Square, it is only a few steps away.

When a group of seven people arrived at the Beast Control Center, they found that a team had arrived early and they were gathering under a screen to watch some information.

"That's right there." Seeing everyone's eyes focused on that location, Senior Adu added.

The six freshmen heard this and immediately walked over, "There is a mission to collect the sharp teeth of the two-tailed cat."

"There is also a mission to collect jade grass."


Li Qian heard the discussion among his classmates and asked, "Senior Adu, if two people take on a task at the same time..."

Senior Adu smiled lightly and said, "I know what you want to ask?"

"Whoever submits first will be rewarded!"

"Of course if it's an unlimited number of missions, it doesn't matter."

"In addition, there are also some tasks that do not need to be accepted. As long as you come back with the task materials, you can pick them up and complete them on the spot."

When Li Qian heard this, he no longer hesitated and immediately walked over to check it out.

"Capturing a cat alive, this mission is a bit interesting..." After a brief scan, there were not many missions related to Moon Shadow Forest, and one of them caught his attention.

Seeing Senior Adu coming over, Li Qian continued to ask, "Senior Adu, do you know about this mission?"

"This is an unlimited number of missions!" Senior Adu chuckled, somewhat answering the question.

Li Qian asked directly, "Why did the mission issuer want to catch a cat with one tail, instead of a cat with two tails, or a cat with three tails?"

Senior Adu glanced at Li Qian, with a faint arc at the corner of his mouth, "This task is just right. I know some inside information. It was released by the Shazhou City Breeders Association. The reason why one-tailed cats are captured on such a large scale seems to be A certain breeder in the Breeding Association has developed a mutated and evolved form of the one-tailed cat, and its racial potential is much higher than that of the two-tailed cat and the three-tailed cat!”

"That's it!" Li Qian had a look of surprise on his face after hearing this.

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