Astonished, Li Qian ran straight over without any time to think.

While running, he used the soul contract to sense it.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Qizai.

But the situation of the birdtail is unknown.

After all, he didn't sign a contract with it.

Liu Changfeng also followed closely behind.

He frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

While speaking, the summoning circle under his feet had dimly lit up.

Li Qian shook his head.

At this moment, he was also confused.

Bang, bang!

The two of them had just arrived at the reservoir. Before they had time to observe, two huge waves exploded not far away.

This time, Li Qian clearly felt it.

There are familiar energy fluctuations.

It's Qizai!

Qizai is fighting something!



Two sounds of water breaking immediately followed.

One of them is Qizai.

The other one is even bigger than Qizai, five to six meters tall and estimated to be over fifteen meters long.

The pet beast that suddenly appeared looks like a crocodile but not a crocodile, and looks like a lizard but not a lizard!

Li Qian looked shocked, "That's it?"

He did not recognize the identity of this huge pet beast.

But just by looking at its size, feeling its aura, and combining it with the fact that the Eye of True Sight cannot peek into the information, one can draw a conclusion.

This guy is terrifyingly powerful!

Fortunately, it chose to attack at this time.

Standing next to him was Liu Changfeng.

Otherwise, he would have just put away Qizai and Finch and ran away.

"Savage Salamander!"

Unlike Li Qian, the well-informed Liu Changfeng recognized the identity of this pet beast immediately.

He observed it for a moment, then frowned deeper, "No, this violent salamander is in the wrong state! It's a cultist!"

In fact, not only Liu Changfeng but also Li Qian could tell that the violent salamander in front of him was not in the right state.

It was wrapped in strange black energy all over its body.

The eyes were red and glowing fiercely!

It looked like he had completely lost his mind.

"Ho ho ho..."

The violent salamander kept roaring angrily, as if it was in pain all the time and unable to escape.

Looking at the state of the violent newt at this moment, Li Qian suddenly thought of something, "Black God Sect!"

Seeing Liu Changfeng cast an inquiring look at him, he explained succinctly, "I once rescued a sparrow fish here, and it was a test subject of the Black God Sect!"

At the moment Li Qian finished speaking, the sound of water breaking sounded again, and a fish head emerged from the water.

It's the finch.

Li Qian could feel that there was something wrong with Birdtail's condition. His breath was dying, and he must have been injured.

From this, it can be seen that this violent salamander, or more precisely, the cultist behind it, is indeed aimed at the sparrow fish.

Of course, there was another guess that Li Qian didn't think about deeply.

The other party came to deal with the sparrow fish, most likely because of the black bead.

But the more the other party pays attention to it, the more it proves that black beads are not simple.

It's probably some great treasure.

Li Qian would not hand it over unless absolutely necessary.

Upon hearing this, Liu Changfeng felt that it was a bit strange to go to such great lengths for an experimental subject, but he basically identified the attackers behind him, "Then it's most likely them."

Without any time to think, he directly summoned his two pet beasts.

Fire mastiff!

Diamond ape!

The Fire Mastiff is a bit limited in this environment, and its attributes are also restrained by the Dark and Water-type Violent Salamander.

So Liu Changfeng directly asked the gold-type Vajra Ape to deal with it.

"Little Jinzi, come on!" As he finished speaking, the huge ape with golden hair picked up the stick and pounced out.

In the reservoir, although the gold-type Vajra Ape is also restricted, it is definitely better than the fire-type Fire Mastiff.

"The Vajra Ape and I are holding down the violent newt. You and my fire mastiff will go to investigate and see if you can find out the cultist who controls this violent salamander." Liu Changfeng commanded the Vajra Ape and the violent salamander. The newts fought together and did not forget to remind them.

Upon hearing this, Li Qian quickly rushed towards the housing area of ​​the hydropower station with the fire mastiff.

The cultists were hiding in the dark. If they wanted to control the violent salamander, they couldn't get too far away.

Looking around, the only place where people can hide is the hydropower station area not far away.

So Li Qian just rushed away without thinking.

The cultists hiding in the dark may also know that continuing to hide at this time is tantamount to hiding their ears and stealing the bell, so they simply jump out and fall on the dam.

"No need to look for it, I'm right here!" The Black God cultist in black robes landed on the dam. He looked at Li Qian and made a hoarse voice.

In fact, at this time, he was quite speechless in his heart.

I thought that if I took action as a leader-level deacon, I would be able to defeat a high school student who was only an ordinary-level student at best.

Unexpectedly, I met someone from the Public Security Bureau.

Yes, after seeing the pet beast summoned by Liu Changfeng, he had already recognized the former's identity.

If he had recognized his identity earlier, he would have suppressed this attack for the time being.

Wait until this guy leaves before taking action.

Unfortunately, now, it's too late to say anything.

Once the attack has begun, it cannot be stopped midway.

Otherwise, if you alert the enemy, there won't be such a good opportunity next.

The cultist landed on the dam, the summoning circle lit up, and a second pet beast suddenly appeared.

"Be careful, that's the Gale Wolf, commander level!" Sensing the energy fluctuations emitted by the sudden appearance of the second pet beast through the equipment on his body, Liu Changfeng shouted loudly and warned.

"Now, it's a bit troublesome."

Li Qian frowned when he saw this, "This guy is likely to destroy the reservoir dam as a threat!"

This reservoir dam is all made of reinforced concrete and looks extremely strong, but it cannot withstand a few blows from the commander-level Storm Wolf.

If the dam is destroyed, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the entire Lingshui City.

Fortunately, the Lingshui River passes by the city instead of passing through it, otherwise the disaster would be doubled.

Even so, it should definitely be avoided if possible.

At this moment, although Li Qian and Liu Changfeng did not communicate, they reached a rare tacit understanding.

The Fire Mastiff launched the attack first, and a thick pillar of fire shot out, directly hitting the Gale Wolf and the Black God Cult cultists standing beside the Gale Wolf.

It is the skill "Flame Jet".

At the same time, Qizai also launched an attack in cooperation.

The huge wind blade, nearly two meters long, shot past at extremely fast speeds.

It is the skill "Fire Wind Slash".

In order to cooperate with the Fire Mastiff, water skills must not be used at this time.

You can only use wind skills.

As for the birdtails, they could only watch.

There is not a single non-water skill in its body. At this time, rashly activating skills may actually be detrimental.

Of course it's not useless at all.

"Birdfish, please help me be vigilant and pay attention to other pet beasts that may appear at any time."

Li Qian has not forgotten that the cultist of the Black God Sect in front of him has a leader-level strength.

In addition to the violent salamander and the storm wolf, he also has a third pet beast.

The battle started in full force. While Liu Changfeng was directing the battle of the Diamond Ape, he shouted to Li Qian's position: "I have sent a message for help, we just need to hold him back!"

At this point, Liu Changfeng suddenly realized something and suddenly changed his words, "No, I will hold him back, and you find a way to get out of here!"

Li Qian knew why Liu Changfeng suddenly changed his words.

But he knew very well that he couldn't avoid this matter at all.

This cultist from the Black God Religion came here for Birdtail Fish, or more precisely, for him.

"It's okay. I'm here to contain them and I can provide some help." Li Qian shook his head, "Don't underestimate the energy of Qizai and me."

After saying that, he shouted secretly in his heart, "Tornado!"

Liu Changfeng used Long Yan to sing in cooperation.

The wind took advantage of the fire and instantly created a torrential storm, which was quite frightening.

Dragon-shaped flames and dragon-shaped wind scrolls merge together, creating the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Even though the Storm Wolf is of the wind element, it has to be treated with dignity when faced with such a terrifying offensive.

In the end, under the command of the cultist, the Storm Wolf chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

It took its owner, jumped over the dam at extremely fast speed, and landed on the opposite bank of the reservoir.

Qizai and Fire Mastiff gave chase without hesitation.

Li Qian thought for a moment and did not follow immediately. Instead, he stayed not far away and commanded by remote control.

Liu Changfeng became even more eager when he saw that the ordinary ninth-level blue-scaled dragon could actually exert combat power comparable to that of a high-level elite. The cooperation with the fire mastiff was even more tacit.

If he had contracted a blue-scaled dragon at this moment, he would definitely be even more powerful against the cultist of the Black God Sect in front of him.

"Be careful." Seeing Li Qianyou's attitude of pursuing him, Liu Changfeng reminded him again, "If you can contain him, then contain him. If you can't contain him, your own safety is the most important thing."

Li Qian took Liu Changfeng's words to heart.

Don't dare to be careless in the slightest.

The opponent's combat experience is far beyond what I can compare with.

Listen to him and you will definitely be right.

Facts have proved that there is indeed nothing wrong, because the next moment after the reminder, a black shadow quickly swept down from high in the sky and struck directly, accompanied by the sharp sound of birdsong.


Because of Liu Changfeng's reminder, Li Qian reacted immediately.

He looked at the sparrows in the water and commanded: "High-pressure water cannon!"

At this moment, Birdtail acted like his contracted pet, instinctively using his high-pressure water cannon skills to meet the attacking black shadow.

"Be careful, that's the elite eight-level Big-mouthed Kite!" At the same time as the high-pressure water cannon was fired, Liu Changfeng's reminder also came over.


In mid-air, the high-pressure water cannon collided with the big-mouthed kite.

The sharp and narrow beak of the Big-billed Kite directly pierced the high-pressure water cannon and shattered it. However, the Big-billed Kite was also repelled by the powerful kinetic energy contained in the high-pressure water cannon.

"Be careful, although the Big-billed Kite is a bird, it does not belong to the wind element, but is a pet beast without attributes!" Liu Changfeng saw that the high-pressure water cannon had repelled the Big-billed Kite, and he was reassured and reminded at the same time.

In this world of beast control, it does not mean that all pet beasts have different attributes.

Some pet beasts are born with no specific attributes.

Of course, this does not mean that pet beasts without attributes are weak.

Pet beasts without attributes can theoretically learn any attribute skills.

It is true that it may be difficult to learn, and the power of the same skill may be weaker than that of a pet with corresponding attributes, but as long as the combination of moves is reasonable, the power it can exert cannot be underestimated.

And there's another advantage.

There is no attribute restraint in the strict sense.

It's very troublesome to deal with it this way, because you don't know what moves it knows at all.

Just like now, in mid-air, the big-billed kite's claws glowed with golden luster, and it grabbed it again.

"It's a metallic steel claw."

Seeing this, Li Qian didn't dare to show any signs of neglect. He commanded Birdtail again and fired a high-pressure water cannon.

Worried, he also ordered him to add an ordinary water cannon.

As it turns out, his caution was well-founded.

Although the high-pressure water cannon hit the big-billed kite, it was torn apart by the steel claws. The sharp claws of the bird broke through the wind with fierce sounds. Although the remaining force was greatly reduced, it struck down with unusual determination.

Fortunately, the second water cannon stopped its attack.

The level gap is a bit big. It's still a bit difficult for an elite first-level sparrow to deal with an elite eighth-level big-mouthed kite.

Fortunately, the birdtail has the passive skill "Tide".

Otherwise, it would not be able to sustain such a high-intensity battle for long.

At the same time, on the other side, Liu Changfeng was also in a tough fight.

Looking at the fierce battle between the Vajra Ape and the Violent Salamander in the water, his mind started to change rapidly, "It must be attracted to the shore. Fortunately, the cultist was restrained by the fire mastiff and the blue-scaled dragon, and he did not have the energy to direct this animal. Otherwise, the situation might be even worse. The King Kong Ape would be at a huge disadvantage fighting in this environment!"

"Vajra body, thunder and strike!"

He shouted in his heart.

The body of the Vajra Ape was instantly covered with a layer of dazzling golden light, entering an explosive state.

In this explosive state, the power, defense, and speed of the Vajra Ape will be drastically improved.

Of course, such a powerful move must have side effects.

After the Vajra Overlord Skill is used, the pet beast will fall into a period of weakness for 24 hours.

Therefore, the battle must be ended within the duration of this skill.

Thunder Strike is a skill that allows you to hit quickly. After being used, you can swing a dozen sticks in an instant.

More than a dozen sticks were struck at the same location, and within a short period of time, a "bang, bang, bang..." sound occurred.

"Ho ho ho..." Although the violent salamander fell into chaos and lost its mind, it still felt pain. Under the pain, it roared even more violently.

"Retreat ashore!"

Seeing that the violent salamander became more violent and began to chase the diamond ape frantically, Liu Changfeng was overjoyed and immediately issued an order.

The violent salamander didn't hesitate, jumped up, and gave chase.

Leaving the reservoir not only saves the dam, but also makes the violent salamander lose its environmental advantage. For the diamond ape, it is definitely a good opportunity to reverse the situation.

On Liu Changfeng's side, as the battle environment changed, he slowly began to take the initiative.

On the other side, Huo Mastiff and Qizai were in a stalemate with the Black God Cult cultists.

Neither side can do anything about it.

Qizai's side has a numerical advantage, while the Storm Wolf on the cultist's side has a higher strength level.

Finally, it was the battlefield where Li Qian and the birdtail fish faced the big-mouthed kite.

Unlike the other two battlefields, the battle here fell into a passive situation without any surprise.

Li Qian and Birdtail Yu were overwhelmed, and could only resist.

The difference in strength is too big.

And the finch is not a pet that is good at fighting.

Just when Li Qian was thinking about whether to join up with Qizai or Liu Changfeng, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly rang, "Phantom Demon Fox, use mind control!"

Li Qian followed the sound and soon saw a familiar figure on the shore not far away, "That's... Gao Yaxin!"

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