It's a small pond, but it's not small at all.

The area is estimated to be about three acres.

It's small only compared to the large pond next to it, which covers an area of ​​about ten acres.

Li Qian came to the center of the base, where a figure was already standing by the pond.

Walking over and patting Fatty An on the shoulder, Li Qian smiled and said, "Come to see your Tantou again?"

"Qianzi, you should at least pay attention. I'm about to graduate. If I graduate and haven't contracted a pet, I'm probably going to be laughed to death by Sun Shouhe." Fatty An was a little resentful.

"Fatty, it's not that I don't want to help you, but the progress is already full. Even if I can go without food and sleep, your Tantou can't stand it."

"Besides, Sun Shouhe is just a clown. Why do you care about him?" Li Qian spread his hands.

"If you really can't wait, you can contract the Black Flame Swordsman first, and then contract the Tantou when you reach the elite level." He gave Fatty An an idea.

Fatty An immediately shook his head like a rattle, "No, how long do we have to wait!"

Li Qian was at a loss for words, "I don't know whether to praise you for your self-knowledge or scold you for being useless."

"By the way, there will be a class reunion next week. Will you attend?" Fatty An suddenly mentioned something.

"Where are we going to the reunion?" Li Qian asked.

"It seems to be Taoyuan Villa in the north." Fatty An said.

"Oh, going to Taoyuan Villa, that's not cheap, who organized it?" Li Qian asked curiously.

"It was organized by the squad leader Tu Jiaojiao, but it seems that Sun Shouhe and Lu Kuihuan paid for it..." Fatty An said uncertainly.

"Go, why not! I like to do things that are free!" Li Qian said firmly.

"I knew you would go." Fatty An laughed.

"They are so attentive to lick the class leader, they must be trying to leave a good impression on the squad leader, so you don't worry..." Li Qian showed a half-smile.

"I'm not worried about anything. The class monitor is no longer my target. Now, my target is Teacher Zhu Bingqing." Fatty An said righteously.

"Well... or, you should change your target. Go after Tu Jiaojiao. There is a possibility. As for Teacher Zhu Bingqing, I guess I can only go to bed." Li Qian curled his lips.

"Damn, are you still my brother? You are insulting me like this?" Fatty An was indignant.

"Brother, I'm doing this for your own good. Even a toad needs two wings to eat swan meat." Li Qian continued.

Fatty An rolled his eyes and raised his middle finger.

After chatting with Fatty An for a while, Li Qian went to the small pond.

The pond was not small. With only three green pine fish, two golden turtles and a garfish, it seemed relatively empty.

At this moment, the garfish was swimming leisurely.

It seemed to like the environment here very much.

Next to it, three green pine fish and two golden turtles were like younger brothers, following behind.

It seems that it has become the leader of this small pond.

Seeing that the garfish has adapted to the new environment, Li Qian is relieved.

As for it not wanting to sign a contract with its mother Han Yuying, it doesn't matter.

Later, let the mother and Ah Fu sign a contract.

Looking at the small pond, and then at the big pond next to the small pond, Li Qian turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

There, it is further south of the base.

"What are you looking at?" Fatty An asked.

"I'm thinking, it's still Koi now, no problem, if it evolves into a green-scaled dragon, with the size of the green-scaled dragon, these two ponds can hold a few, and they must be uncomfortable staying in it." Li Qian said.

"That's a problem, what do you think?" Fatty An frowned.

Li Qian pointed to the south, "From our base, about three kilometers to the south, there is a depression. At present, it seems to be barren. About one kilometer to the south is the Lingshui River." He looked longing, "If we buy or rent these three kilometers, together with the depression, and then introduce water from the Lingshui River, we should be able to create an artificial lake in a short time." "With the area of ​​the depression, if it is filled into an artificial lake, there will be a habitat for the Qinglin Jiao." Fatty An's mouth twitched, "Qianzi, aren't we taking a big step? It would be bad if we get hurt." Li Qian smiled, "Imagine it first." ... It was night. In a room on the fifth floor of Building No. 1, Jiaoyang Cultivation Base, Li Qian was meditating. In the dark, the feeling was very strong. The mental power also began to boil. The next moment, Li Qian suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. "Now!"

He concentrated his mind and mobilized his spiritual power, like a substance, and suddenly crashed into a barrier.

Boom boom boom...

In the sea of ​​consciousness, an invisible barrier shattered.

The spiritual power suddenly started to surge like a wild horse.

I don't know how long it took, but the boiling spiritual power in my mind gradually calmed down.


Li Qian took a long breath, "Finally broke through to the elite level."

At the same time, in the beast control space, Qizi also broke through to the elite level, and even soared all the way to the elite level 4.

The space wall of the beast control space changed from sea blue to dark blue.

With a thought, Qizi's information appeared in front of him.

[Name: Qinglin Jiao (Qizi)]

[Attributes: Water, Wind]

[Level: Elite Fourth Level]

[Potential: Overlord Level 5]

[Skills: Fish Leap (Break Limit), Climb Waterfall (Perfect), Water Arrow (Proficient), Water Arrow·Ten Thousand Arrows (Proficient), Water Cannon (Proficient), High Pressure Water Cannon (Beginner), Pray for Rain (Beginner) ), Wind Blade (Mastery), Gale Slash (Proficiency), Tornado (Beginner), Dragon Claw (Beginner), Dragon Soaring (Beginner)]

Qizai's information made Li Qian happy.

Thanks to the battles, training and promotion during this period, many of its skill levels have been improved.

In addition, he also learned two new skills.

【Pray for rain】

Weather skills.

It seems to only have the ability to change the weather, but its effects go beyond that.

In fact, with the right combination, this is a magical skill.

There is also Dragon Claw, which is a powerful attack and killing skill. It makes up for the weakness of the blue-scaled dragon's lack of close combat ability.

In short, Li Qian is very satisfied with this promotion.

Unknowingly, Li Qian was promoted to the elite level without making any announcement.

Nor did he contract a second pet beast.

There is no rush in this matter.

He had to plan carefully for this second pet beast.

After calming down his inner joy, his life returned to two points and one line again.

School, training base.

I don’t know if it was influenced by the breakthrough. One day later, good news came again - Ah Fu’s waterfall climbing skills were perfected.

Previously, because he could not go to the artificial waterfall for training, and the pond at the training base had not been completely renovated, Li Qian used those two days to use the limit-breaking stone to upgrade its diving skills to the limit-breaking level.

Therefore, Afu has gathered the conditions for evolution.

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