Li Qian originally came here to eat and drink, but when he arrived, he saw that the party had changed drastically, and he instantly lost interest.

He shook his head and secretly decided in his heart that he would never come to such a gathering again even if he was killed.

But at this moment, it would be a bit inappropriate to leave. After all, we will be here for more than a month, so there is no need to be too embarrassed.

So he endured it.

He followed a large group of people into the Taoyuan Resort Villa, and not long after, they arrived at the Holiday Inn in the resort.

Since it's a party, eating and drinking are indispensable.

Although it's not time for dinner yet, there is no time limit for the buffet party.

The buffet will be arranged on the third floor of the Holiday Inn.

In an open-air sky garden.

In the sky garden, there are rockeries, green trees, flowers and plants, and the scenery is very good.

It is quite pleasant to eat, drink, chat, and chat in such a place, and occasionally overlook the pavilions, pavilions, waterside pavilions and corridors in the villa.

This was Li Qian's plan at the beginning.

But gradually, some classmates came up to chat from time to time, which disturbed his interest and made him feel a little annoyed.

Seeing Fatty An having a lively chat with a girl with a pretty face, Li Qian couldn't help but laugh.

That girl was not from his class yet, but Li Qian had the impression that she was from the next class.

Not paying attention to these things, Li Qian found an opportunity and went directly to the sky garden on the third floor rooftop.

He arrived at the first floor of the hotel and left the hotel without hesitation.

Entering the resort, Li Qian took his time and took a stroll.

Rather than bragging about it, it is obviously a better choice to take a stroll inside the villa and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

It has to be said that this Taoyuan Villa is indeed the top resort resort in Lingshui City.

Not to mention anything else, the scenery in the villa is truly worthy of the word "top class".

After walking around for a while, the sound of footsteps gradually became clearer behind me.

Li Qian ignored the footsteps and continued to enjoy the scenery by himself.

"It seems that you are not very interested in this kind of party?" Li Qian ignored it, and an elegant female voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Li Qian turned around and saw it was Li Lanying. He smiled lightly and said, "To each other."

Li Lanying also smiled and walked over slowly, "If I had known it was such a party, I wouldn't have come."

She walked to Li Qian and found a stone pier. She didn't mind at all and sat down directly. "Pure gatherings like the camping and spring outings in the first and second years of high school should never happen again..."

Li Qian glanced at her, also found a stone pillar and sat down, "This kind of thing is always inevitable."

"Yes, people change." Li Lanying's voice sounded a little emotional, "And don't you think that the reason why they do this is to adapt to life after graduation in advance."

Li Qian took a breath and his voice became a little playful, "It's not like you to be sentimental and sentimental."

When Li Lanying heard this, she immediately became interested, "Then what should my character be?"

Li Qian thought for a while and said, "Quiet and elegant, without fighting against the world."

Li Lanying covered her mouth and chuckled, "Thank you for the compliment."

Li Qian spread his hands and said, "I'm just telling the truth."

Contrary to the class leader Tu Jiaojiao's heroic appearance, boldness and forthrightness, Li Lanying, the meditation class representative, is known as a "quiet beauty".

That quiet and elegant temperament also attracted many fans.

There are no fewer boys who have a crush on her than Tu Jiaojiao.

Li Lanying did not continue the topic. She changed the subject and asked, "I am about to graduate. Have you thought about which beast control university you want to apply for?"

Li Qian's goal is Jiangnan Beast Control University, but he did not say it out loud. He said casually: "I haven't even taken the college entrance examination, and I don't know the score yet..."

He had a good impression of Li Lanying in front of him, but at this time, except for Fatty An, the classmates in the class seemed to have more barriers.

He doesn't want to talk about shallow things and deep things.

And Li Qian believed that even if he didn't say it, Li Lanying should be able to guess it.

After all, Lingshui City is in Jiangnan Province, and most students from Lingshui Yushou High School will give priority to Jiangnan Yushou University.

Li Lanying didn't want to expose it. She said softly: "With your results and the fact that you have awakened the beast control space, not to mention Kyoto Beast Control University and Zhonghai Beast Control University, there should be no problem with the other six majors."

Li Qian neither denied nor admitted, "It's better to wait until the scores come out. It's a bit early to mention it now."

Li Lanying nodded. She stood up from the stone pillar and looked in a certain direction, "I have been to this Taoyuan Villa several times before and I know where the scenery is better. Since neither of us is used to the atmosphere above, let's go out together." Take a walk?”

"Okay." Li Qian did not refuse and nodded.

In this way, the two walked side by side and took a walk in the villa.

On the third floor, in the sky garden, somewhere in the buffet, Lu Kuihuan glanced around, but he did not see that familiar and elegant figure.

He couldn't help but frown.

After dealing with a girl who came up to chat and try to make friends, he walked to the sky garden, his eyes were as bright as lightning, and he began to search.

Soon, he saw two figures on the cobblestone path in a certain direction.

It was Li Qian and Li Lanying.

The two of them walked side by side, talking and laughing, and they seemed to be a dazzling match.

Seeing this scene, his face quickly turned cold.

The raging jealousy burned instantly.

With great difficulty, I set up a stage and gathered so many classmates, but in the end, they all made wedding dresses for this kid.

Li Lanying took Li Qian for a walk around Taoyuan Villa.

She didn't introduce him either, she just accompanied him quietly.

In fact, there is not much to introduce.

Although the scenery here is good, they are all artificial attractions with no cultural heritage at all and no introduction is needed.

The two of them took their time and wandered around the villa. The villa was not very big. It didn't take long for them to return to the location close to the entrance of the hotel.

As soon as they returned, they saw a lot of people gathered at the entrance of the hotel not far away.

Some are their classmates, and some are ordinary tourists who come here to play.

Everyone gathered in a circle, seeming to be watching something in it.

Li Lanying was slightly curious when she saw this scene, "What are they looking at?"

"Go and take a look." Li Qian was also curious. He walked over without hesitation.

They entered the crowd and soon heard a familiar voice.

At this moment, stars were standing in the center of the crowd, and the person talking to a supercar that was as black as ink was none other than the famous rich second generation of their class, who was also the sponsor of this gathering. One - Lu Kuihuan.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the latest car robot, called 'Shadow Soul'. Look, does it look cool? Let me tell you, it not only looks cool, but it also has great combat capabilities. Powerful! Even ordinary elite high-level beasts are no match for it!"

After that, he seemed to glance at Li Lanying intentionally or unintentionally, and then suddenly gave the command, "Shadow Soul, transform!"

As Lu Kuihuan finished speaking, a sizzling sound immediately sounded, and in an instant, the dark "Shadow Soul" body twisted.

Soon, "Shadow Soul" transformed into a robot over three meters tall in full view of everyone.


As soon as the car robot that was dragging the cool guy to the sky appeared, it caused a commotion in the crowd.

Many people cast envious glances at Lu Kuihuan.

The latter also raised his chin quite proudly.

Li Qian also saw the cool car robot. When he saw its mechanical eyes suddenly covered with red light and its whole body began to exude a dangerous aura, he couldn't help but frown and remind him, "There's something wrong with this car robot, it seems a bit..."

Before the reminder sounded, the cool "Shadow Soul" suddenly raised a pair of thick mechanical arms, and then slammed them down.

The sudden attack left no one with time to react.

Whether it was the classmates in the class or the ordinary tourists who were watching, they were all dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and froze on the spot.

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

I don't know who it was, but roared suddenly, and everyone started running around.

However, the speed at which the mechanical arm came down was really too fast.

It was okay for those watching from the outside, such as Li Qian and Li Lanying, who could avoid it by taking a step back, but those in the inner circle had no time to avoid it.

At the critical moment, a burst of light from the summoning circle flashed, and then, a man stood up, and a pink cat with a long tail suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Domira, protect!"

As a familiar command sounded, the pink cat pushed forward with both paws, and a translucent light curtain suddenly appeared.

Li Qian turned his head and saw that the person who was directing Domira to use the "Guardian" skill was none other than "Jingmei" Li Lanying.

Seeing Domira standing up on Li Lanying's shoulders, Li Qian was quite surprised and subconsciously murmured softly, "Life system?!"

Yes, Domira is a very rare life-type pet.

It is much rarer and more powerful than the Yungu Egg from the Pet Hospital!

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