After arousing Koi Ah Fu's fighting spirit, Li Qian returned to the room and began to think.

He didn't practice it right away.

It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s that I don’t have the money.

Whether it's a limit-breaking stone or a potion that can stimulate the dragon's bloodline, the price is beyond what a high school student like Li Qian can afford.

Last night, he checked and found that even a limit-breaking stone of ordinary quality cost over two hundred thousand.

Go to Gao Yaxin?

No, no!

This idea was suppressed by Li Qian almost as soon as it came up.

It's one thing for the other person to appreciate you, but it's another thing to support yourself.

The most important thing is that I don't know her well.

At this time, if I ran up to her and told her that I had researched the evolution method of koi and needed funding, the other party might think that I had lost my mind.

Let alone appreciating yourself, it would be nice if you don't hate yourself.

As the old saying goes, if your mouth is hairless, your work will be weak.

With his age, identity and background, if he could study the evolution of koi, let alone others, even he would not be able to believe it if he put himself in his shoes.

So if he wants to study the evolution method of koi, he needs a wronged species, a rich wronged species.

Thinking of this, a face appeared in his mind involuntarily, a fat face covered with fat.

Without hesitation, he took out his cell phone and made a call, "Fat An, do you want a pet with overlord-level potential?"

On the other end of the phone, a big round head heard this and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Half an hour later.

The entrance to the pet market.

Li Qian met Fatty An.

Fatty An's real name is An Junjie. Contrary to his name, he has nothing to do with "Jun" or "Jie". Moreover, because he is fat and weighs over 180, he is also nicknamed "Fatty An".

In addition to being fat, another thing he is well-known to, at least to his classmates in school, is that... he is rich!

It is said that Fatty An’s family does business with the Lingshui City Beast Masters Association.

As for the specific business, it is unknown.

Next to the pet market, in a pet coffee shop, Li Qian casually took a cup of coffee held up by the curly-tailed cat's tail, and then looked across at Fatty An, who seemed to be trapped in a booth, "Fatty An, you haven't woken up yet. Woolen cloth?"

"The mental power has reached 9.8. It is estimated that it will be awakened in a month at most." Fatty An took a sip of coffee bubbles and said suspiciously.

It’s unclear why Li Qian suddenly mentioned this matter.

Li Qian did not get to the point at the beginning, but asked about his confusion, "Fat An, I have always been confused. With your family's conditions, it should be easy to buy a psychoactive potion, right?"

Fatty An put down his coffee and pretended to be mature: "Li Qian, you don't know this."

After giving it a try, he continued: "Let me tell you this, even if I don't awaken to the beast-controlling space in the remaining three months, I will not use spiritual potions."

"Aren't you worried that your college entrance examination results are too poor and you won't be able to go to the Beast Control University?" Li Qian was even more puzzled.

You know, whether you awaken to the beast-controlling space before graduating from high school will have a huge impact on your college entrance examination scores.

It can be said that if you do not successfully awaken the beast-controlling space before graduating from high school, you will lose the opportunity to study in a prestigious school.

Of course, there are exceptions for those with rare beast-controlling talents.

Fatty An smiled proudly and said, "Even if I don't have grades, I can still go to the Beast Control University."

When Li Qian heard this, he suddenly realized, and then he couldn't help but complained in his heart: evil capitalist!

"The reason why it is not used is because taking psychotropic potions has side effects." Fatty An told the truth, "Not everyone can take psychotropic potions. If the beast master's mental strength is not up to standard, then taking psychotropic potions , is likely to cause brain damage, affecting future beast-controlling potential, and this kind of brain damage is very difficult to repair, and all the psychopharmaceuticals currently on the market are beyond the reach of people who have not awakened to the beast-controlling space. Accept the standard.”

Hearing this, Li Qian nodded, "That's it."

After Fatty An explained, he brought the topic back on track, "Let's talk about it. Why did you call me out on the weekend?"

"You know, my time is very tight right now."

"And you don't have much time, right?"

Having said this, Fatty An suddenly remembered something, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Are you already awake?"

Li Qian smiled and said nothing, but this gesture actually gave him the answer.

When Fatty An saw this, a flash of envy flashed in his eyes.

Li Qian continued what he had just said and repeated what he had said on the phone before, "Fat An, do you want a pet with overlord-level potential?"

"Of course I want a pet with overlord-level potential. Do you know where I can buy it?" Fatty An curled his lips and said casually, with doubt written all over his face.

Li Qian chuckled, "Um, Fatty An, do you believe me?"

"Brother Qian, don't be like this." Fatty An saw Li Qian's eyes shining, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart, "Tell me, how much money do you need to borrow? You can't commit robbery or anything like that!"

When Li Qian heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his lips, "I'm a guy with thin arms and legs, and I don't even have a contract with a pet beast. How can I go robbing families and homes!"

Spreading his hands, he continued: "To tell you the truth, I have found a pet evolution path with a reliability of 95%. It will be completed after a few more experiments."

"As long as you fund me to complete these experiments, I will give you a pet with dominant potential!"

An Fatty rolled his eyes when he heard this, as if to say, do you think I am stupid and easy to fool?

Li Qian sighed helplessly when he saw this.

Sure enough, even Fatty An, who was wronged, didn't believe this thing that sounded like a fairy tale.

"Fat An, we have known each other for quite a while, right? You should know who I am." Li Qian said somewhat dejectedly: "Did I ever cheat you once in the three years of high school?"

"Does it count if you change the signature of my carefully written love letter to your own?" Fatty An said with a squint.

"Ahem, that, that time, it was also for your own good. I didn't want you to get hurt because of the squad leader's arrogant look." Li Qian said awkwardly: "Later, the facts proved that my idea was right."

"Tu Jiaojiao didn't even accept me. If it was you, the result would definitely be more miserable."

Fatty An exhaled sharply, "Although it sounds a little reasonable, why do I want to beat you up so much."

"Think about it again, when did I not accompany you to get drunk when you broke up?" Li Qian chose to skip this topic and continued to play the emotional card, "Minors cannot drink alcohol. Every time I stole my father's ID card and bought alcohol for you."

Fatty An looked at Li Qian coldly and did not give any response.

Seeing this, Li Qian's eyes turned and he used his ultimate move directly, "I remember that once, you were drunk and insisted on telling me that you liked our meditation teacher Zhu Bingqing, and that she was big where she should be big and curvy where she should be curvy. For so long, I have kept this secret for you!"

An's face immediately turned red when he heard this, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, how much?"

"Three million!" Li Qian stretched out three fingers.

An's eyes widened instantly when he heard the number, "What, three million, get out!!"


Li Qian sighed, "Hey, Teacher Zhu's..."

An's mouth twitched when he saw Li Qian threatening him with this matter again, "Brother, I really don't have so much money!"

"Then how much do you have?" Li Qian asked hurriedly.

Fatty An trembled and raised a finger, "One million."

"One million is fine!"

Li Qian laughed, "One million, a pet with the potential to be a dominant beast, Fatty, you've made a fortune!"

Fatty An glanced at Li Qian and thought: Just treat it as a waste of money.

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