"Just say, I need it to help conduct an evolutionary experiment. The experiment may succeed or it may fail."

Li Qian roughly shared his thoughts with Qizai through the telepathy of the soul contract.

Immediately, he repeated it again, fearing that Qizai wouldn't understand.

He didn't hide anything and told the truth directly.

"If it fails, it will lose the hope of evolution forever, but if it succeeds, it can leap over the dragon gate and become a pet beast with the potential of the ninth level of the Overlord in one fell swoop."

After explaining the truth, Li Qian looked at the koi under the water and quietly waited for its feedback.

It would be best if it chose to conduct evolutionary experiments.

If it is afraid, it will not force it.

Everything is its own choice.

At most, it's equivalent to spending hundreds of thousands of federal coins to buy an ornamental fish.

For Li Qian, although it would be a bit of a pity, it would not cause him any physical pain.

Moreover, he believed that the other party would most likely choose the former.

Because Li Qian saw unwillingness and ambition in its fish eyes.

That kind of envy when looking at Qizai's body cannot be deceived.


Sure enough, the facts were just as Li Qian had guessed.

After Li Qian's voice fell, the new koi suddenly jumped out of the water, leaving a semicircular trajectory in the air.

Obviously, it has proven its determination and perseverance with actions.

Seeing this, Li Qian showed a bright smile on his face, "Very good. It seems that you are very confident in yourself."

"Gululu..." The koi fell back into the water, spitting bubbles.

It swam anxiously in the water, its eagerness and impatience almost leaping out of the water.

Seeing this, Li Qian's smile became more obvious. He looked at the koi in the water and said in a gentle voice: "Don't be anxious. Before you evolve, I have to help you adjust to the best state."

Of course, in fact, adjusting the state of the koi is only one of the reasons.

One more thing: the frost and fire array in the base has not been set up yet.

The conditions for evolution are not yet ready.

In this regard, it depends on Niu Fenjin’s ability.

Li Qian is quite confident about this.

After all, it was Teacher Chu Xiran who introduced him.

Although it seemed a bit unreliable, after the last exchange, Li Qian felt that this person was still capable.

His research on formations is far more profound than his own.

"By the way, let me give you a name first." After making some calculations, Li Qian looked at the koi in the water again, and then suddenly thought of something.

He looked at it for a moment, then scratched his head, and finally, as if talking to himself, said: "With your body shape, it seems to be about sixty centimeters in length, so how about I call you 'Xiao Liu'" ?”

After finishing speaking, Li Qian couldn't help but laugh.

The first pet beast is called Qizai, and the second pet beast is called Xiaoliu. If we continue like this, we will move directly to five, four, three, two, and one...

The logic of my naming is quite simple, but it sounds strange.

In short, it has nothing to do with the mighty and domineering Green Scale Dragon and Frostfire Demon Salamander.

Rather like a kitten or puppy.

Li Qian had nothing to do about this.

Who allowed him to have only these things in his mind.

Li Qian also wanted to choose some powerful and domineering names, but unfortunately, he was a bad namer.

After comforting Xiao Liu for a while, Li Qian returned to Building 1.

As time passed day by day, Niu Fenjin gradually taught him some formation knowledge.

Li Qian's understanding of formations is getting deeper and deeper.

The understanding of formations is also becoming more and more comprehensive.

In addition, the layout of the frost fire array in the base has slowly taken shape.

Li Qian is quite satisfied with this progress.

If the restrictions are relaxed and Niu is allowed to go in and exert all his strength, it should only take about a week to complete the layout of the entire formation.

But this doesn't mean much to Li Qian.

What he wants is to understand the underlying logic of the Frostfire Array.

Finally, completely master this magic circle.

You can't. In the future, all evolutions of the Frostfire Salamander will require someone to arrange the magic circle.

The cost is just a trivial matter. The most important thing is that if you don't learn the frost fire magic circle, you don't really understand the evolution method from koi carp to frost fire salamander.

Of course, this time, the best result is... the frost fire array can be used repeatedly.

However, all this will not be known until the evolutionary experiment is completed.

During this time, Li Qian basically stayed at the base.

Rarely go out.

Even school, I didn’t go much.

Either he was studying on his own, or he was following Niu Endeavor to learn how to arrange the frost and fire array.

I don’t know if it’s because of the two teachers Chu Xiran and Zhu Bingqing, but Niu Fenjin’s teaching is quite serious.

There is no hiding or tucking.

Li Qian was quite grateful for this.

No matter what the reason was, in short, Niu Fenjin really helped him this time.

As for not going to school much, after learning that Li Qian had independently researched the evolution method from koi to green-scaled dragon, whether it was the teacher Chu Xiran in the cultivation class, or the teacher Zhu Bingqing in the meditation class, and even the pet knowledge class The three teachers in the , combat and culture classes all chose to turn a blind eye.

After all, there is nothing to teach him in school now.

Just go to the college entrance examination as scheduled.

Even, in their view, the college entrance examination does not mean much.

Based on Li Qian's achievements, the Eight Great Powers, including Kyoto and Zhonghai, may even take the initiative to recruit him.

The facts were just as they suspected.

On the Sunday of the last week of May, a person with a somewhat special identity came to Yushou High School in Lingshui City.

This is a middle-aged man with a round face and a rather honest appearance. He is probably around forty years old.

"Teacher Zhou Chubin, why are you here?" Chu Xiran looked at the middle-aged man who appeared in front of him in surprise.

Don't look at the middle-aged man in front of you who is wearing a peaked cap and overalls, and looks unconventional. In fact, his identity is not simple.

He is not only the admissions teacher of Jiangnan Yushou University, but also one of the deputy deans of Jiangnan Yushou University's cultivation college.

Although it is more administrative, its training level is not bad.

The reason why Chu Xiran was surprised was not only because of the other party's identity, but also because she knew this teacher "Zhou Chubin".

Yes, Chu Xiran is also a graduate of Jiangnan Beast Control University.

"You should have guessed the reason why I came here,"

With a chuckle, Zhou Chubin continued: "I heard that an incredible nurturing genius has appeared in your Lingshui City!"

"At such a young age, I have already figured out the evolutionary path from koi carp to blue-scaled dragon."

"Such a genius, if I don't come here, I might be caught first by some guys with bad intentions."

Chu Xiran was not surprised at all that Teacher Zhou Chubin knew about Li Qian's existence and had heard about him.

As soon as this kind of thing spreads, it will soon reach their ears.

"Don't worry, Teacher Zhou, I'm watching over it for our school."

Chu Xiran also smiled, "Although so far, he has not expressed his clear intention to study."

"However, as far as I know, he still prefers to stay in our Jiangnan Province."

Chu Xiran expressed his guess.

This is also close to Li Qian's true inner thoughts.

When Zhou Chubin heard this, the smile on his face suddenly became brighter, "That's good..."

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