After putting away the beast-controlling ball containing the koi and the extra empty beast-controlling ball that he had negotiated for, Li Qian left the bearded man's stall. Without any delay, he went straight to the door of another petting beast pharmacy.

The search for a potion that can stimulate the dragon's bloodline in the koi's body has not been completed yet and must continue.

Li Qian looked up at the name of the store and walked in without stopping. As soon as he entered, a line of promotional information at the door caught his attention.

"Our store's Tears of the Sea Potion, Hurricane Roar Potion, Blood Orchid Potion, and Fiery Kiss Potion are all on sale at 30% off."

Seeing these promotional information, Li Qian felt a little doubt in his heart.

He immediately took out his mobile phone, clicked on the Pet Store, searched for it, and found that after the discount, the price of these medicines was indeed much cheaper than online.

Are these medicines all about to expire?

No, I've never heard of the saying that medicines have a shelf life, and even if it's about to expire, it's impossible to give such a big discount.

"Hello, welcome, how can I help you?" A female shopping guide with a delicate face saw Li Qian looking at the information on the promotion board, so she walked over with a smile and greeted in a sweet voice.

"What's going on with these potions and why are they so cheap?" Li Qian pointed to the discounted price on the promotion board and asked directly, ignoring the sweet and waxy voice of the female shopping guide.

"Today is the store anniversary day of our store, and these are all the store celebration activities." The female shopping guide's voice was still sweet. After explaining, she stretched out her hand and said, "Come on, handsome boy, I will take you over to have a look. Let me introduce you."

Just when Li Qian was about to follow the female shopping guide and go over to take a look, a familiar voice suddenly rang from the stairs not far away, "Classmate Li Qian, don't be fooled by her."

"I don't know if the store is celebrating or not. What I know is that these potions all come from the Emerald Federation. There is nothing wrong with the potions, but they are basically only suitable for some pet beasts in the Emerald Federation. In our Dongxia Federation, There are very few pet beasts that can be used."

Following the sound, a beautiful figure with a bulging figure appeared in Li Qian's sight.

"Teacher Zhu!" Looking at the familiar figure and listening to the familiar voice, Li Qian blurted out three words subconsciously.

Yes, the person who suddenly appeared in this pharmacy was none other than Zhu Bingqing, Li Qian's meditation teacher.

I have to say that the reason why Teacher Zhu Bingqing has become the dream goddess of most boys, including Fatty An, is probably because of her figure, which accounts for 80%.

With this figure, let alone Fatty An, even Li Qian can't stand it. What's even more rare is that today she is still wearing tight jeans and a navel-baring T-shirt, and those legs are longer than Fatty An's life. .

Li Qian felt that if he hadn't experienced the training of Teacher Bobo and Teacher Nana in his previous life, he would inevitably be a little lost at this moment.

It’s no wonder that most of the boys who take meditation classes find it difficult to enter concentration. Faced with such temptation, those who can enter concentration are those with great perseverance.

After suppressing his restless heart, Li Qian smiled and asked, "Teacher Zhu, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to buy potions." Teacher Zhu Bingqing smiled, and after saying that, she looked at Li Qian up and down, with a look of admiration behind her, "That's right, I haven't seen him for two days, and he's already awakened!"

"Thanks to Teacher Zhu for his daily teachings." Seeing that Teacher Zhu Bingqing noticed his situation, Li Qian scratched his head and then complimented him.

"Meditation, in the final analysis, is a course that is taught by a master and depends on one's own practice. Awakening is inseparable from your own efforts."

After a few words of greeting, Teacher Zhu Bingqing waved her hand and asked the female shopping guide to retreat, and then introduced herself: "Tell me what you want to buy, and I will be your shopping guide. I should be able to give you some suggestions."

"Then thank you, Teacher Zhu." Understanding that Teacher Zhu Bingqing did not want to be deceived and was trying to help him, Li Qian thanked him and then stated his purpose, "This time, I came to the Pet Pharmacy mainly because I wanted to help him. Let’s see if we can find a potion that can stimulate the blood of the pet dragon?”

Teacher Zhu Bingqing heard this, thought for a moment, and then said: "Dragon beasts have amazing combat power, and the potions related to them are generally not cheap, and in this store, the potions that can stimulate the dragon bloodline of pet beasts, As far as I know, there are only five kinds, and there are only four kinds of dragons."

"Follow me!" As he spoke, Teacher Zhu Bingqing had already stepped forward and waved back.

Li Qian quickly followed her and listened patiently to her explanation, as if he were in class.

Teacher Zhu Bingqing led Li Qian to a glass container and began to introduce, "This is the blood orchid potion mentioned in the promotional information at the door. It is based on blood orchid, a precious medicinal material unique to the Emerald Federation. , incorporating a variety of medicinal materials, the refined potion can stimulate the dragon bloodline of some specific pet beasts.

At this point, she sighed, paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, in our Eastern Xia Federation, the pet beasts that can be used are very rare, because the dragon bloodline it inspires is a Western dragon, not an Eastern dragon. "

Li Qian nodded after hearing this.

On his face, he showed a look of humbly listening to the instructions, but there were already waves in his heart.

Because just when Teacher Zhu Bingqing was explaining the Blood Orchid Potion, his golden finger reacted.

[Inspiration value +2, current task progress is 98%! 】

Just a little bit closer.

There was only a little progress left to complete the scientific research task. Even though he tried his best to restrain himself, Li Qian's heart still beat violently.

Teacher Zhu Bingqing was introducing. She seemed to feel Li Qian's strange reaction, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly. She was too familiar with this situation.

Adolescent boys, alas, are prone to wandering off the mind.

I blame myself for wearing a little cooler today.

After introducing the Blood Orchid Potion, Teacher Zhu Bingqing did not stop there. She continued to lead Li Qian forward. After a while, she came to a container on the second floor.

Li Qian followed unhurriedly, and he had calmed down his turbulent mood.

The demand for blood orchid potion is not large in the entire Eastern Xia Federation, and there is even less market in Lingshui City. Even if it is not taken immediately, there will be no problem.

The potion is there, it's yours sooner or later, there's no need to rush.

Arriving at the container, before Li Qian could ask, Teacher Zhu Bingqing's voice rang out again, "This is ambergris. It is said that it only grows in places where dragons and pets live."

"It should not be available on the Ancestral Star. This kind of overlord-level resource is currently only produced in dimensional rifts."

Li Qian nodded, his expression as if he was listening carefully was not fake at all.

This time, the ambergris did not arouse Goldfinger's feedback.

But this is normal.

The probability of encountering two pet beast resources that can be used for koi evolution is extremely slim.

After introducing ambergris, teacher Zhu Bingqing took Li Qian to visit other containers.

After a round, even if the previous blood orchid potion is included, there are only five potions in this pharmacy that can stimulate the bloodline of pet beasts and dragons.

It seems that it is not easy to find all the evolutionary resources of koi in offline stores.

Without making any purchase, Li Qian followed Teacher Zhu Bingqing out of the store after learning about the few potions in the store that could stimulate the dragon's bloodline.

After saying goodbye to Teacher Zhu Bingqing and thanking her for her help, Li Qian continued shopping in the store.

Perhaps because he was worried that Li Qian would be deceived, before leaving, Teacher Zhu Bingqing specially told him, "Remember, in these stores, see more, listen more, and buy less. If you really want to buy any medicine, give it to me or give it to me first." Make a call from your cultivation class teacher Chu Xiran.”

"Although my training level is not as good as that of Teacher Chu Xiran, I can still help you avoid pitfalls."

To be honest, Li Qian was quite touched by Teacher Zhu Bingqing's instructions before leaving.

Both she and teacher Chu Xiran in the training class are good teachers who consider their students wholeheartedly.

The most important thing is that they are both beautiful women. If the person helping was Hu Minghua, the combat class teacher, the emotion would probably be halved.

Thinking of this, Li Qian's eyes suddenly rolled. He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Fatty An, and attached a photo of Teacher Zhu Bingqing just taken in the store.

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