Fatty An trotted over again, still holding the food box in his hand, playing the role of a food delivery boy dutifully.

Just as he got closer, he suddenly froze on the spot.

Because besides Li Qian's Qizai and Xiaoliu, he also saw three majestic green-scaled dragons.

These three green-scaled dragons were either lying down, entrenched, or suspended in the air, with different postures. Fatty An's eyes almost dropped when he saw them.

Even though the Frostfire Salamander has higher racial potential and more powerful skills, it still can't be compared to the Blue Scale Dragon in terms of appearance alone.

It has to be said that the pet beasts of Eastern dragons are very handsome, far beyond what the large lizards of Western dragons can compare to.

Looking at the majestic Jin Yi, Jin Er and Jin San, Fatty An couldn't help but frown.

He was very sure that these three green-scaled dragons were not his charcoal heads.

Because if Tan Tou has evolved, he will definitely get evolutionary feedback.

But neither his body nor his spirit received the slightest feedback, which was enough to show that Tan Tou had not completed his evolution.

There is no reason why the three koi in the breeding base have successfully evolved and his own charcoal head cannot evolve.

Thinking about this, a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Qianzi, where is my charcoal head?" Fatty An placed the food box in front of Li Qian and asked eagerly.

Li Qian took the food box, smiled awkwardly, and then pointed to the pool not far away, "I don't even know how to explain this to you..."

"The same evolution method, the same evolution location, I even specially arranged Tan Tou in the middle order, but the result is... the three koi in the breeding base successfully evolved into blue-scaled dragons, while Tan Tou failed "

After hearing this, Fatty An was stunned for a moment. Why does this matter sound so... weird? !

You know, among the four koi that evolved this time, in theory, Tantou has the highest potential.

But at this moment, this kind of transfer happened. To be honest, if it hadn't happened to him, Li Qian would have doubted whether the trainer was treating him differently.

Seeing that Fatty An didn't react, he was obviously surprised by the result. Li Qian kept talking and continued: "Tan Tou is too impatient. During the evolution, when he climbed to more than ninety meters, his strength Unable to survive, he fell down.”

"Now, it's in the pool. Go over and comfort it..."

Li Qian had not told Fatty An that the failure of evolution might have a certain impact on the racial potential of the blue-scaled dragon.

So after listening to his explanation, the latter felt neither sad nor sad. Of course, it was inevitable that he would feel a little disappointed!

There was no doubt about the authenticity of Li Qian's words, and there was no need for the latter to lie. Fatty An quickly walked over and came to the edge of the pool.

When Li Qian saw this scene, he smiled and ignored the exchange between Fatty An and Tan Tou. He opened the food box without hesitation and ate happily.

Looking at the food in the food box, he nodded with satisfaction.

Just judging from the appearance, it can be seen that these meals must be made by Mother.

I cook all my favorite dishes.

Just as night was about to fall and it was time to get stuck at dinner, just as Li Qian was feasting, on the other side, in Lingshui City, various riots and riots gradually began!

On the main road in the city, a taxi suddenly lost control and crashed into another car next to it.


The two cars collided together. Although the car looked more expensive and high-end, it was knocked out by the taxi and fell straight into the store next to it. The glass door of the store instantly shattered to the ground. dross.



"Help, help, someone come and help me..."

"How is this going!"

"Car accident, car accident, there's a car accident, call the police and emergency number quickly!"


In the car and in the storefronts on the street, shouts, cries, and discussions instantly intertwined into a chaotic decibel.

The place was a mess!

Many people took action after getting over the initial confusion and summoned their own pet beasts.

In this world, it cannot be said that the power is entirely attributed to itself, but because of the existence of pet beasts, human beings are at least not as weak as the earth in Li Qian's previous life.

Someone summoned a water beast, and the water gun shot out, extinguishing the flames on the car.

Someone summoned a powerful pet beast, opened the twisted car door with his bare hands, and rescued a father and son trapped inside.

Just when people were rejoicing that although the father and son were slightly injured, there was no danger of life, the out-of-control driverless taxi suddenly made a noise on the street, and then, in full view of everyone It was decomposed and reassembled, and in the blink of an eye, it had reassembled into an adult-sized robot.

"This is……"

"Car robot?"

"This taxi is actually a car robot!"


When people saw this scene, they all made a sound of astonishment.

Then, they saw something was wrong. The car robot that suddenly appeared suddenly stretched out its hand and condensed a bundle of gun barrels!

Someone recognized the skill of the car robot and shouted, "Everyone, get out of the way, this is a crazy shooting skill!"

Although this skill is not very powerful, it has wide coverage and long duration. It may be a bit reluctant to deal with powerful beast masters, but it is easy to deal with ordinary beast masters.

The reminder didn't hesitate at all after speaking, and immediately ordered his pet beast with a soft drink, "One-horned rhinoceros, use the earth wall!"

The rhinoceros, which was gray-brown all over, with solid scales and a body shaped like a small slope, heard this and suddenly raised its hooves, then stomped the ground heavily.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a thick earth wall rising out of thin air, blocking the front of the car robot.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, the gun barrel of the car robot rotated wildly, the fire snake spurted out, and countless bullets flew out, hitting the earth wall like raindrops.

Although the earthen wall blocked most of the bullets, it could only protect one direction, but was powerless in the other three directions.

Bullets were shot out one after another, some hitting people, causing them serious injuries and making them howl in agony, and some breaking the door and window glass of street stores, frightening the shoppers among them.

In this street, order suddenly collapsed and fell into chaos...

At the same time, there were more than one such sudden attack in Lingshui City...

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