After the man in the white coat named "Huang Shiqi" was scolded all over his face, not only did he not refute at all, but he even asked in a timid tone: "Captain Xuan Wu, then... what should we do now?"

There is a strict hierarchy within the Mechanic Du Association, with the five major levels of Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang being subordinate to each other. In other words, this "Xuan Wu" is likely to be the direct leader of "Huang Shiqi".

At this moment, it was normal for him to be teased by three young men after he missed the target. If he hadn't considered that he was still facing the enemy at this moment, the result might not be as simple as just scolding him.

Captain Xuanwu rolled his eyes at Huang Qiqi angrily, then waved his hand and pointed in the direction where Chu Xiran and the others were escaping, "What else can we do? Hurry up and catch up, don't let them escape!"

The clues here are broken, and the situation is very clear. This place is most likely their target on purpose, and it is a suspicion formation.

The real sealing place shouldn't be here. Thinking that his subordinates have been being treated like monkeys without knowing it, he couldn't help but feel furious.

Huang Qiqi also reacted immediately, and then directly put the blame on Chu Xiran and the others, "If you dare to play tricks on our Weapon Profanity Society, you three bastards will die without a burial place!"

The three exchanged a few words briefly, and then without wasting any more time, they turned the five robots into five helicopters again, then boarded the plane and chased them.

Chu Xiran and the other three were running away. They had already run some distance towards the western suburbs. When they looked back, they found that five helicopters were following them again.

Niu Fenjin heard the sound of the rotating blades. When he looked back, he was startled, "Damn, why are you catching up again?"

Chu Xiran didn't react at all. She took off her earphones directly, and then said in a calm voice: "It should have been discovered."

"I'm not stupid enough to wear electronic products in front of people from the Mechanic Society." As she spoke, she threw away the communication earphones in her hands like old shoes.

"Well, isn't this your plan?" Seeing this, Niu Fenjin also threw away the communication earphones. When he suddenly realized, his face was quickly filled with doubts and confusion, "Also, they discovered What?"

Chu Xiran took a look and saw that he was still confused, so she explained to him, "I discovered that the previous factory area was not a sealed place."

After hearing this, Niu Fenjin couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "Damn it, you even hid this kind of thing from me."

Chu Xiran ignored Niu Fenjin's complaints and continued to kill people and said: "I didn't mean to hide it from you, it was specially told by the superiors not to let you know, and it's unreliable to talk about your character!"

"I..." A black line appeared on Niu Fenjin's forehead. He almost couldn't hold it back and swore directly.

Zhu Bingqing originally wanted to complain because she didn't know about it, but seeing Niu Fenjin's deflated appearance made her feel much better.

There is no need to worry about it.

Besides, she also knew why the elders of the three families only informed Chu Xiran about this matter.

The latter's daily performance is indeed the most calm.

For such an important operation, it is understandable that confidentiality should be stricter.


Just as the three of them were struggling to escape, two missiles shot straight towards them from the sky not far away, at extremely fast speeds.

"Seed entanglement!" Seeing this, Chu Xiran did not hesitate and directly ordered Baiteng Monster to fight back.

She didn't expect her attack to achieve anything, as long as it could play some blocking role.

But the reality was beyond his expectation. Five seeds formed an attack net and entangled the two missiles.

The two missiles were entangled in a net formed by five seeds that instantly sprouted and turned into vines, and then exploded in the air.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiran took a long breath.

Fortunately, the capabilities of these robots have dropped a lot after they recovered their helicopter bodies. Otherwise, the "seed entanglement" just now would have been impossible to detonate two missiles.

Not only Chu Xiran, but also Zhu Bingqing and Niu Fenjin also noticed such an obvious change in combat power.

They also ordered their pet beasts to launch an attack, but their retreat did not slow down much.

The three of them were smart, but the other five were not stupid either. Seeing that the helicopter robot's weakness was discovered, they were decisive and immediately issued an order to make the three helicopters fall straight down.

During the fall, their bodies twisted and reorganized, and when they landed, they had turned into three robots.

The three helicopters transformed. Although they lost their flying ability, speed and agility advantages, their combat effectiveness was liberated.

The other two continued to maintain the air pursuit posture and interfere. In this way, it didn't take long for the three and nine pets to be caught up.

Seeing that they could not escape, the three formed an array again and prepared to confront the enemy. Since they could not escape, continuing to expose their backs to the enemy would only make it more dangerous.

Niu Fenjin looked at the five robots that were gradually approaching, and couldn't help but spat, "Damn, you don't have martial ethics!"

He looked at Chu Xiran, seeking the latter's opinion, "What should we do now?"

Chu Xiran spread his hands helplessly, "This time, I really can only eat it cold!"

Before, it was by taking advantage of the five people's eagerness to find the sealed place that they successfully escaped.

If the five members of the Mechanic Society and the five overlord-level robots really wanted to surround the three of them, it would be impossible for them to escape.

"You are a little scheming, and you actually know how to use electronic devices to play against us, but you have forgotten that in this world, strength is the rule after all!" After catching up with the three of them, Xuan Wu said in a cold tone.

After that, he waved his hand suddenly, and the five overlord-level helicopter robots quickly moved into action and launched an attack.

At the critical moment, a mature voice with a hint of laziness suddenly rang out, "Qianteng Yao, use the Wood Dragon Technique!"

As the voice fell, hundreds of vines suddenly sprouted out of the surrounding woods and wilderness.

The vines gathered together, forming the shape of an Eastern dragon, and attacked directly towards the five helicopter robots.

Boom boom boom...

The wooden dragon swept over with an extremely domineering attitude, and actually knocked all five helicopter robots away.

When the three of them saw this scene, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Niu Fenjin couldn't help but exclaimed, "This is... an overlord-level wood beast. It looks like it should be a high-level overlord." !”

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong feeling of excitement. There was no doubt that strong support had arrived.

The next moment, the strong support was delivered to the three people on the steps made of several vines. Niu Fenjin looked at the strong support in front of him and asked cautiously and tentatively, "Senior, who are you?"

The mature woman wearing a red vest, a little yellow hat, and holding a small flag in her hand glanced at Niu Fenjin and said, "Don't you see, I'm a tour guide!"

"Uh..." After hearing this, Niu Fenjin looked at the mature woman's attire and didn't know how to respond.

The woman in front of me does seem to be a tour guide, but who tour guide has such terrifying fighting power!

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