

I also want to know what your handling method is, Dean?" Qin

Ye didn't have much to do now, he just wanted to know how Dean Zhou calculated.

And after Dean Zhou Jianming and Commander Han Cheng heard Qin Ye's words, they were not surprised.

After glancing at each other again, he said

, "Don't worry, classmate Xiao Qin, we won't let you suffer."

When Qin Ye heard Dean Zhou Jianming say this, he became more and more afraid.

He even suspected that Dean Zhou Jianming and the others were here to fool him today, but on the surface, he still said:

"Dean, you say it." Dean

Zhou didn't grind this time, he felt that Qin Ye would definitely agree.

So he didn't have any burden, and said

, "Xiao Qin, it's like this.

"Don't you have a lot of points in your hand?"

"We've discussed, and we'll redeem all your points for you in eight installments." "

What do you think?"

Dean Zhou deliberately paused when he said this, staring at Qin Ye and asking.

When Qin Ye heard the words "redeemed in eight installments", he couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"What the hell?" "

Isn't this just installment payment

?" "Is there still interest?"

So he didn't say anything on the surface, but spoke quite calmly,

"Uh... Dean, I don't object to the installment you mentioned, for the sake of the school's face.

"Otherwise, as you know, I would not have agreed to such conditions.

Dean Zhou Jianming also thought to himself at this time:

"Sure enough, this kid still has some ideas."

"But it doesn't matter, I didn't say anything about compensation.

Therefore, he didn't care, and explained:

"Xiao Qin, you can rest assured.

"Just this once, there won't be a next time.

"And I assure you, we will also be compensated for this installment exchange, and you will not be at a loss. When

Qin Ye heard that there was indeed compensation, he was a lot more relieved.

Because if he didn't have compensation, he wouldn't have agreed to do such a stupid thing.

So he didn't interrupt Dean Zhou Jianming, but just nodded his head, indicating that he had no opinion.

Let him continue.

Dean Zhou Jianming saw that Qin Ye didn't interrupt him, so he didn't stop, and continued to speak:

"It's such a little Qin classmate, we plan to join forces with the military to jointly provide you with compensation for losses this time.

Speaking of this, Dean Zhou Jianming deliberately paused.

Take a look at Qin Ye's expression, and Qin Ye was indeed shocked here.

He couldn't figure out why the school had to pull the military together with a little compensation.

And when Dean Zhou Jianming's eyes looked at him, he didn't care.

The look of shock on his face did not decrease, and he also showed an expression of curiosity.

Sure enough, Dean Zhou Jianming smiled when he saw Qin Ye's expression.

Wasn't one of the reasons why he brought Commander Han Cheng here today because

he wanted to pretend to be forced? Wasn't Qin Ye's reaction exactly what he wanted to see?

After the forced pretending, he didn't continue to be nervous, he looked at Commander Han Cheng and asked him to come out and say a few words.

When Commander Han Cheng received the signal, he immediately stood up with a smile and said

, "Haha......

" "Classmate Qin, don't be too surprised.

"This is also because we value you, so we have joined together at the suggestion of the three elders. "

Uh... Okay then!" Qin

Ye didn't know if they really wanted to compensate themselves if they were united.

When Dean Zhou and the others saw Qin Ye say this, they didn't think much about it.

He was shocked.

Therefore, after the two glanced at each other again, the right to speak returned to Dean Zhou Jianming.

After Dean Zhou Jianming took over the conversation, he didn't think much about it and said

, "Then Xiao Qin, let's talk about this compensation plan first. "

Okay Dean, you say.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, so he nodded and said.

Dean Zhou Jianming saw Qin Ye nodding, so he spoke:

"That's right, we plan to exchange 5% of the total points for the first two of the eight installment exchanges, and then you can exchange 10%, 15% and 20% of the total points every second time.

When Qin Ye heard this exchange plan, there were suddenly ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it now, he just wanted to see what the hell was going on with Dean Zhou's compensation plan behind them.

It is necessary to unite with the military.

So simply nodding can be regarded as temporarily agreeing to this exchange plan.

And Dean Zhou Jianming and Commander Han Cheng saw Qin Ye nodding, so they continued:

"Xiao Qin, if we are not mistaken, the points card in your hand should total 951,420 points.

"That means you can redeem 47,571 points today.

"And you'll redeem all the remaining points within four years."

"And as compensation, the army will give you 10% of your total points, which is 95,142 points, as compensation interest.

"Of course, these 95,142 points are military points, and you can only get them if you enter the army.

After Dean Zhou Jianming finished speaking, he looked at Qin Ye.

And Qin Ye was also shocked and stunned at this time.

What shocked Dean Zhou was that they actually figured out the score card in his hand in one night, and calculated it for him.

Of course, there was also the shock of this exchange plan.

And what is confused is that he doesn't know what the hell is the school exchanging military points for.

After thinking about it, he still opened his mouth and asked

, "Dean, Commander Han, what are the points of this army?"

The two of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard Qin Ye's question.

And Commander Han Cheng didn't hesitate to stand up and explain:

"That's the case, classmate Qin.

"There is not much difference between the points of the army and the points of the school.

"It's pretty much the same, but the military's points are much more valuable than the school's.

"And I can give you a secret, the points of our army can be exchanged for spirit beast eggs.

"Based on this alone, you should know how precious the army's points are!" Of

course, Commander Han Cheng didn't tell him that it was okay to exchange it, but you don't even think about it if you lose a million points.

Although it was said that this was of little use to Qin Ye, Qin Ye was still quite shocked.

He had already understood, almost the entire Blue Star Beast Egg was a very special existence, and there was hardly any place that accepted a transaction other than the exchange of the Beast Egg for the Beast Egg.

It was also the first time he knew that the army still had this benefit.

So after thinking about it, Qin Ye still opened his mouth and said

, "Okay, I agreed." "


"Okay... Good. Dean

Zhou Jianming and Commander Han Cheng immediately became excited when they heard that Qin Ye had agreed to this compensation plan.

What Qin Ye didn't know was that he agreed too quickly.

Originally, the compensation points discussed by Dean Zhou Jianming and Commander Han Cheng could reach up to 120,000 points.

But what they didn't expect was that Qin Ye would agree so easily.

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