Qin Ye almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but fortunately, in the end, he held back.

He laughed when Nobai was already gone.

But after only laughing for a moment, he asked

, "Yan Hong, be careful not to let Nuo Bai get hurt.

"Of course, if it doesn't have to exert all its strength, it can make it suffer a little.

"But it must not be allowed to be life-threatening." "

I know the master!"

"That's good.

Qin Yegang wanted to tell her to go to Nuobai, but suddenly thought that he seemed to be a powerful person.

So he changed his words and said

, "Yan Hong, you find a good position in the air, and I'm going to watch the battle."

Yan Hong was a little reluctant at first, after all, she was also afraid of Qin Ye's danger.

But when I think of my master, I can borrow my own strength.

She agreed to her master's request, and flew into the air to find a place.

After a while, Yan Hong found a position that met Qin Ye's requirements.

The sound was transmitted to Qin Ye.

After Qin Ye heard Yan Hong's transmission, he immediately rushed to the location marked by Yan Hong non-stop.

On Nuobai's side, after a period of hurrying, it was also approaching the front line of the Blood Raven Clan.

Although Nuobai is not a flying bird, as a sacred beast, it still has its own unique exploration methods.

Therefore, the Blood Raven Clan has not found Nuo Bai until now.

If it weren't for Nuobai's body being too special, it would be a white tiger that the tiger demon clan had never seen.

I'm afraid that even if the Blood Crow Clan finds it, they still think that Nuo Bai belongs to the Demon Beast Clan?

Qin Ye's side, he hurried and finally came to the position that Yan Hong had found for him when Nuo Bai was about to enter the Blood Raven Clan's camp.

At a glance, he found out what the best vantage point was for Nobai.

The towering tree in front of him could be said to be unique, and the trunk of the tree, which was nearly 100 meters high, was not the best place for him to watch the battle?

Therefore, Qin Ye did not dare to slack off, came to the foot of this big tree, exerted his strength to feed, and climbed up with a few sighs.

Yan Hong had already come behind Nuo Bai at this time, but she did not appear.

But my master said that this battle will be done by himself.

She can only assist on the sidelines.

Sure enough, Nuo Bai didn't forget the message that Yan Hong was coming, and it stopped before it reached the camp of the Blood Raven Clan.

It seems to be making sure that the red is there before it strikes.

This made Qin Ye, who was sitting on the giant tree hundreds of meters away, quite angry, and watched his timid imperial beast wandering below, just not moving forward.

Qin Ye was really speechless, and even began to wonder if the identity of this guy Nuo Bai's holy beast was fake.

In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he sent a message to

Nuo Bai and said, "Nuo Bai, what are you still rubbing over there?" Nuo Bai

heard Qin Ye's transmission, and the first time he didn't answer his question.

Instead, he turned his head and looked around, as if looking for Qin Ye's location.

Qin Ye frowned, and said

, "Okay, don't look around." "

Let's do it!" Nuo

Bai heard Qin Ye's urging, and was even more sure that Qin Ye was staring at it somewhere.

But it didn't continue to look for

Qin Ye's location now, but asked, "Master, is my eldest sister Yanhong here?"


......" After Qin Ye heard Nuo Bai's words, he was almost so angry that he fell off the big tree, and after a while, he said with some annoyance:

"It's here...... Here, you can act with confidence!" "

I won't kill you." Hearing

Qin Ye's answer, Nuo Bai started to act.

But when Qin Ye looked at its cowering appearance, he knew that it must be unhappy.

Yan Hong in front also noticed this, so she asked a little cautiously

, "Master, what's wrong with

Nuo Bai?" Yan Hong didn't know the content of Qin Ye and Nuo Bai's exchange, otherwise she wouldn't have asked like this.

And Qin Ye didn't explain, he just said

, "It's okay, it's just itchy and unclean." Sure

enough, after Yan Hong heard Qin Ye's explanation, she knew what was going on.

Therefore, Yan Hong decisively chose to shut up and not speak.

At this time, Nuo Bai had already arrived in front of the camp of the Blood Raven Clan.

Just when Qin Ye thought it would sneak in and be the sixth child. found that this guy Nuobai actually appeared in front of the door of the house in a bright light.

Not only that, but it also shouted unashamedly:

"Listen up, the boys inside. "

I'm your tiger grandfather, tell your boss to get out and die.

When Qin Ye heard Nuo Bai's shout, his face turned white.

He also kept scolding angrily:

"Nuobai, you are really an old man, you don't die fast enough to eat arsenic!" "I'll

see what to do later." Sure

enough, when the blood crow clan inside heard Nuo Bai's question about looking for death, they immediately became angry.

They all flew out in a few clicks, to see who ate the bear-hearted leopard gall and dared to spoil their blood crow clan's territory.

It's just that when they found out that it was a little white tiger who was shouting, they were a little confused in an instant.

Their Blood Ravens are bloody, but they are not fools.

They wouldn't believe that just such a little white tiger would dare to provoke their Blood Raven clan with a bold voice.

And Nuo Bai's side saw that the blood crow clan that flew out didn't make a move, so he went too far.

He started screaming again:

"What's the matter!" "What about your

leader?" "Is it dead?"

"Call it out, I'm going to fight it alone!" "


Lingzi, the leader of the Blood Raven Clan, saw Nuo Bai scolding the air here.

The temper immediately became irritable, and it wanted to see what was so powerful about the little tiger in front of him.

Therefore, without waiting for the other blood crows to react, it rushed straight towards Nuobai.

It's a pity that it underestimates Nuobai's strength too much, or it overestimates its own strength too much.

Nobai had been prepared at the time of its operation.

As soon as it flew in front of Nuo Bai, before it had time to make a strong effort, it was slapped by Nuo Bai's tiger claws.

"Smack!" Nuo

Bai is the holy beast that the Lord kills, and now Nuo Bai is already a third-order gold.

It can well be imagined. How hard Nuobai's paw slapped down.

The blood spirit barely reacted before being slapped to death by Nuo Bai's slap.


As Nuobai's corpse landed, the Blood Ravens who had just been angry shut up.

The Blood Spirit was the second master after their captain Blood Sky Star, but he was slapped to death by the little white tiger they had just looked down on.

This made them embarrassed by the group of blood crows who claimed to be geniuses, but fortunately, at this time, there were still a few blood crows who were awake and hurriedly ran to find the blood stars.

In fact, there is no need for them to report it, the Blood Sky Star already knows about it.

It's just for retreat, not death.

It was strange that it didn't hear such a loud voice just now.

The reason why it didn't appear at the first time was because it had just advanced, and the realm was not stable.

The second is because it also thinks that Nuobai is a little Karami and is not worth it.

How can it be said that it is also the most outstanding genius of the Blood Raven Clan in recent years, how can it be said that it has to be a little forced, isn't


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