Of course, Dean Zhou Jianming gave Qin Ye this list, Qin Ye didn't believe much other information except for the names of the demon beasts on it.

It's like the Blood Sky Star that has just been shot to death, the information clearly says that it only has the strength of the Golden Fifth Order, and it also says that it is arrogant.

But judging from the fight between it and Nuo Bai just now, Qin Ye didn't believe it at all.

First of all, let's not talk about the mistake in strength, after all, this can still be explained.

But with this evaluation, Qin Ye didn't believe it.

But now is not the time to think so much, since the Black Panther King Hades is rushing in their direction, it proves that it must have discovered something.

So Qin Ye hurriedly opened his mouth towards

Yan Hong and asked, "Yan Hong, where is it now?" "How far is it from us?" Yan

Hong had been paying attention to the movements of the Black Panther King Shen Qi, so when Qin Ye asked her about her movements about Shen Qi, she barely hesitated and replied


"Master, it is currently in our northeast direction. "

The distance is about three kilometers or so.

"But I see that it just seems to be coming in our direction.

"Because it's not fast, it's not like it found us.

Hearing Yan Hong say this, Qin Ye lowered his vigilance a lot.

Originally, he thought that the Black Panther King Mingqi had discovered them, so he would rush in their direction,

but he didn't expect that Yan Hong's answer to him was indeed not like this.

So he didn't rush to make a decision, but said

, "Okay, Yanhong, you continue to stare at it."

"See what's wrong with it.

"If not, I'll let this guy try it. "

Nuo Bai didn't know that he had been calculated by Qin Ye, and he stupidly followed Qin Ye to collect the loot for him.

Yan Hong didn't reply at the first time this time, but looked back and forth on Nuo Bai and the Black Panther King Mingqi.

It took a long time before she spoke

, "Master, Nuo Bai is probably not an opponent this time.

"I feel that the other party's strength is very strong, much stronger than Nuobai.

"And I feel that the Black Panther King has a hidden method, and I can't see it now.

"So master, you still let me make a move, right?"

Qin Ye was a little surprised at this moment, it was the first time he had heard Yan Hong say that she couldn't see through the demon beast.

So I also began to pay attention to it.

"Then Yan Hong, do you have a problem with it?" Yan Hong

was still very confident in her own strength, just glanced at the Styx not far away, she opened her mouth and asked

, "Master, you can rest assured!" "

No matter what hidden means it has, it will not have a chance of winning against me."

Hearing Yan Hong say this, Qin Ye was also a lot relieved.

However, he is not in a hurry to let Yan Hong make a move now, he still wants to think again.

So he continued to ask

, "Yan Hong, if you are on the side, do you think Nuo Bai can get a good advantage under it?"

Qin Ye actually preferred to let Nuo Bai fight, because he felt that Nuo Bai was lacking in killing.

That's why it became this cringe.

This was too far from the Holy Beast White Tiger in his mind, so he still felt that it was necessary for Nuo Bai to exercise more.

I also strive to become a real White Tiger Holy Beast as soon as possible.

But Yan Hong didn't know what Qin Ye was thinking, so she asked with some incomprehension:

"Master, why don't you let me just take action to solve it, and let Nuo Bai take the risk?"

Qin Ye glanced at Nuo Bai, who was packing up the spoils for himself, and understood Yan Hong's thoughts.

Therefore, he still opened his mouth to explain

, "Yan Hong, don't you think this guy Nuo Bai is too obscene?"

"It's a holy beast white tiger?" "

The current image doesn't look like a holy beast at all, so I think we have to make everything change about it."

"Otherwise, it won't necessarily look like in the future?"

Sure enough, hearing Qin Ye's explanation, Yan Hong knew what it meant.

So she didn't excuse herself, and replied,

"I understand the master.

"But even so, I can't necessarily guarantee that it won't hurt.

"So you see, do we still want to do this?" Qin

Ye didn't think about it, so he said

, "It's okay, as long as it's not fatal, it won't affect the combat effectiveness in the future, and it's still acceptable to be a little injured." As

soon as Yan Hong heard Qin Ye say this, she had no problem.

He simply said

, "Master, then when do you say we will start acting?"

Qin Ye glanced at Nuo Bai beside him, and immediately had an idea.

So he spoke:

"That's it, Yanhong, you first observe and see if there are any good battle sites around."

"After that, I'll be in charge of bringing Nobai there, and you'll be in charge of leading Hades over.

Yan Hong did not slack off in the slightest, and after hearing Qin Ye's answer, she began to observe the surrounding environment.

Qin Ye was not idle here, he aimed his gaze at Nuo Bai, and said with a smile:

"Nuo Bai, there will be a battle later.

"If you win, I'll give you three top-grade spirit stones.

"What do you think!" Nuo

Bai didn't immediately agree to Qin Ye's words, because he found that Qin Ye's smile was a little terrifying.

So it hesitated, and Qin Ye didn't know that his smile had revealed his intentions at all.

I thought that Nuobai hesitated because the reward was not enough, or that it was worried about danger.

So he opened his mouth again and tempted:

"I'll add two more top-grade spirit stones, what do you think?"

But Nuo Bai still didn't agree at the first time, and he was still a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Qin Ye could only continue to speak:

"That's it, Nuobai, I'll let Yanhong suppress you this time and promise not to let you be hurt, what do you think?"

This time Nuobai was no longer afraid of Qin Ye's pit, but it still didn't answer Qin Ye's question at the first time.

Instead, he replied with some uncertainty:

"Master, are you sure you don't lie to me?" "Don't

worry, I will never lie to you." After

receiving Qin Ye's repeated assurances, this guy Nuo Bai spoke:

"Then since this is the case, I will agree." "

When are we going to start moving!"

"Don't worry, wait for news from your eldest sister."

Nuo Bai stopped asking and stared at the sky curiously.

It seems to be looking for the figure of Yan Hong.

And Qin Ye smiled.


Yan Hong didn't let Qin Ye wait for a long time, and after a while, she found a place that was very suitable for fighting.

As soon as she found this place, she began to contact Qin Ye.

Qin Ye was not slow here, and after knowing Yanhong's location, he rushed to this place with Nuo Bai.

Nuo Bai was more active than anyone else this time, urging Qin Ye to hurry up.

And Qin Ye didn't say much, just looked at it and smiled, and continued to keep up with its footsteps.

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