Qin Ye quickly came to Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui, and

politely said hello: "Senior Sister Yu, Senior Sister Rui is good!" Yu

Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui

were not as calm as Qin Ye, the two just nodded slightly in response, and then pulled Qin Ye back.

This made Qin Ye look confused, and he said a little overwhelmed:

"Senior sister, what are we going to do?"

Yu Xiao glanced at Qin Ye slightly, thinking to herself, didn't you just ask Senior Han Yi about them

, do you still need to pretend to be crazy and stupid with us?

But she didn't say that on the surface, she said as she walked:

"Senior brother, don't ask yet, let's talk as we go." Nie

Xiaorui also helped on the side:

"Yes... That's right, junior!" "

Let's go to the teleportation room first, this matter is more urgent.

Qin Ye looked stunned, could he not know that this matter was in a hurry

, but what he thought to himself was, even if it was so urgent, you don't have to be so busy.

It's not like I can't go.

However, he complained in his heart, and on the surface, Qin Ye still said very seriously:

"Uh... Senior sister, if you let go of me, I can keep up with you. "

Maybe then we can be a little faster?" Yu

Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui both glanced at Qin Ye very seriously, and seeing that Qin Ye was cautious, the two of them didn't say anything.

However, they still let go of Qin Ye's hands, so that Qin Ye could finally walk on his own.

"Senior brother, do you seem to have any opinions about us?"

Qin Ye thought that he was so liberated, but as soon as Yu Xiaowei's words came out, he felt that his heart was cold.

Therefore, he hurriedly explained:

"Senior sister, what do you say. "

I don't have any opinion on you, senior sister!" Yu

Xiaowei was still very satisfied with Qin Ye's reaction, but he didn't say it, but asked

, "Then why did you dislike us just now for holding your arm?"

Qin Ye looked embarrassed, how did he know that there were so many Dao Dao in this.

What he thought to himself was, didn't you say you were busy? Aren't

you going to be quick when I do this

? Why are you blaming me?

However, he still opened his mouth to explain:

"Senior sister, how can there be?"

"I don't dislike you.

"That's why I just said that because you guys were busy.

"After all, isn't it going to be faster?

Sure enough, hearing Qin Ye's explanation, the faces of the two of them looked a lot better.

Just when Qin Ye didn't know how to continue, the three of them finally hurried to the teleportation room.

As soon as she entered the teleportation room, Yu Xiaowei couldn't wait to speak

, "Senior brother, didn't you just know what happened

?" "Why are we so busy?"

"I'll explain it to you now." Qin

Ye didn't know what to say, after all, he was still angry just now.

As soon as he stepped through the door, his face changed.

This really made Qin Ye quite admired.

"Okay, senior sister, you can say it.

Next, Yu Xiaowei told Qin Ye what had happened in the past few hours after Qin Ye left.

In general, it is not bad from what Qin Ye learned from Zhou Ming.

But Yu Xiaowei talked about it in more detail.

From Yu Xiaowei's words, Qin Ye also knew that this Hushan gathering place incident was not so simple.

It can be said that the demon beast clan has been planning for a long time.

But Yu Xiaowei didn't know the specific situation, and this time they rushed to the Hushan gathering place because there was a powerful flame tiger in the Hushan gathering place, and they couldn't solve it.

That's why Qin Ye rushed there.

According to Yu Xiaowei's description, Qin Ye probably knew who this tiger was.

If what he said was right, this Flame Tiger was the tiger on the list that Dean Zhou gave him.

The list said that it had the strength of the Golden Seventh Order, and it was also very arrogant.

But before Qin Ye saw it, he wouldn't jump to conclusions.


Due to the destruction of the Hushan Gathering Area, Qin Ye and the others could not directly rush to the Hushan Gathering Area.

It can only be transmitted to the Baishan gathering place closest to the Hushan gathering place.

And then from here there are other ways to rush over.

While speaking, Qin Ye and the three of them also successfully arrived at the Baishan gathering place closest to the Hushan gathering place.

Originally, the White Mountain Gathering Area was not busy, it was just a small gathering place.

But because of this, it's busy right now.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as busy.

After Qin Ye and the three of them walked out of the teleportation room from here, they didn't stay long.

I rushed to the gathering place of Hushan.

Originally, Yu Xiaowei also wanted to rent a car.

But Qin Ye didn't want to be so troublesome, in the previous conversation between him and Yan Hong, he already knew that Yan Hong could fly manned.

So he didn't want to be so troublesome, so he found a vacant place and called Yan Hong out.

At first, Yu Xiaowei and the two of them didn't know what Qin Ye was going to do, but after seeing Qin Ye summon Yan Hong, they understood what Qin Ye meant.

"Let's go, senior sister.

Qin Ye took the lead in jumping on Yan Hong's back and spoke.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were not pretentious, and with the assistance of Qin Ye, they also climbed onto Yan Hong's back.

After Qin Ye saw that the two of them were seated firmly, he ordered

Yan Hong: "Yan Hong, let's go!"

"Fly east." "

With a flap of red wings, it flew into the sky.

Under the guidance of Xiaowei, several people soon came to the Hushan gathering place.

Looking at the dilapidated city below, Qin Ye sighed.

After looking at the environment below, Qin Ye instructed Yan Hong to find an empty space where no one was and landed.

As soon as he landed, Qin Ye opened his mouth

and said, "Senior sister, where are you going

?" Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui both had some inexplicable feelings about Qin Ye's words, so they simply didn't think about what Qin Ye meant

, and asked directly: "Senior brother, what do you mean

?" "Do you want to act alone?"

Qin Ye didn't expect Yu Xiaowei to ask this, but he didn't hide it, and said directly:

"Well, yes, Senpai!" "

I'm going to meet that arrogant tiger."

Yu Xiaowei stared at Qin Ye for a long time before he spoke:

"It's okay, but we won't go there, just wait for you here."

When Qin Ye heard Yu Xiaowei's words, he was a little speechless.

He didn't dare to leave the two of them here so casually, if something happened, Qin Ye estimated that the three elders would pick his skin.

So he simply said boringly:

"Senior sister, then forget it!" "

I don't feel at ease to leave you here like this."

After saying that, he released Nuobai again.

Only then did he open his mouth and say to

Yan Hong: "Yan Hong, you let go out with some breath and lure that tiger over."

Yan Hong didn't doubt Qin Ye's order, and took advantage of the situation to release her breath a little.

In the Hushan gathering place, Hu Xuan was complaining to his subordinates about how weak the human beast master was.

Suddenly, a golden sixth-order beast aura appeared within its sensing range, and it sensed it.

Now it can't sit still.

Laughing wildly, he said

, "Boys, there is another human genius beast master who has come to send him to death.

"You guard the city, Grandpa Tiger, I'll meet him."

After speaking, he didn't wait for the subordinates below to react, and left laughing.

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