Seeing Nuo Bai turn into a white light and disappear in front of his eyes, Qin Ye was stunned.

He still thought that this guy Nuo Bai would procrastinate and find all kinds of reasons?

In fact, this is also Qin Ye's thinking too much.

If Nuobai were to go alone, it would probably hesitate.

But with the help of Yan Hong, it is impossible for Nuobai to hesitate.

As for the reason, you don't have to think much about it to know that this guy Nuobai is a royal beast who only likes to beat water dogs.

Yan Hong, who was chasing Huxu, sensed Nuo Bai's figure for the first time.

So he consciously drove Huxu to Nuobai's position.

Huxu didn't know about Yan Hong's plan at first, so it didn't avoid it.

But when it sensed Nuobai's existence, it instantly understood Yan Hong's intentions.

But by this time there was no way back.

Nuo Bai didn't think much about it, and when he saw Hu Xuan coming to his attack range, he launched an attack unexpectedly.


Nuo Bai's blow did not hit the vital point of the tiger void.

It was just a hit to its right front leg, but Noba's claw wasn't easy either.

Hu Xuan fell directly to the ground and rolled a few times before barely getting up from the ground.

Yan Hong and Nuo Bai didn't attack Hu Xuan for the first time, but looked at Hu Xu, who had sharp teeth and mouth, and couldn't help but smile smugly.

And when Huxu saw Nuo Bai, the depths of his bloodline were greatly suppressed.

Even the eyes that looked at Nuo Bai changed, and this kind of suppression from the depths of the bloodline made it difficult for it to exert its strength.

And Nuo Bai actually has some feelings here, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Because Yan Hong doesn't mean to keep her hand, there is a big meaning of taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

Looking at the sudden attack of Yan Hong, Hu Xuan did not avoid it this time as before, because it knew that it was injured this time and had no chance to dodge Yan Hong's attack.

But it didn't give up resistance, still waving its left front leg to meet it.


this time, the red claws directly grabbed through Tiger Xu's neck with a single claw.

Kill with one blow!

At this point, the arrogant and arrogant demon beast clan genius tiger has fallen.

Seeing that Hu Xuan had fallen, Yu Xiaowei hurriedly took out his contact device and reported the news of Hu Xu's fall.

And Qin Ye didn't care so much, and when the tiger fell to the ground, he decisively came to Yanhong's side.

After glancing at Huxu's corpse, he was ready to collect the corpse and leave.

Because Yu Xiaowei said before that his task was only to kill Huxu, and the task of recapturing the Hushan gathering place did not require him to take action.

So he must be leaving, otherwise he wouldn't wait to earn some credit and benefits if he stayed here, and he Qin Ye was not stupid.

How could it be possible to do such a loss-making business.

And just as he was about to leave, Yu Xiaowei suddenly stopped him.

"Junior brother, you wait a while.

"The dean said to let you wait for a while, for fear that other demon beast geniuses will come to support.

Qin Ye was a little speechless, didn't this delay his real time

, but after all, it was the dean's order, and it was not good for him to disobey it directly.

So he could only helplessly spread his hands and said

, "Senior sister, did the dean receive any information again?"

Yu Xiaowei thought that Qin Ye would complain, but he didn't expect him to ask like this.

Therefore, when she heard Qin Ye's question, she was still a little surprised.

"Brother, you seem to have become smarter.

"I can actually analyze that the dean has instructed such important information.

Qin Ye didn't react much to Xiaowei's praise, but said calmly:

"Senior sister, you better stop talking so much nonsense.

"I'm still self-aware, so you might as well say something useful

!" "For example, what kind of information did the dean receive, and he actually wanted me to stay here and wait for a while!" Qin

Ye's words made Yu Xiaowei speechless, but she didn't talk nonsense anymore, and followed Qin Ye's words and said

, "Okay, since you want to know, junior brother, I'll tell you."

"The information received by the Dean shows that several geniuses of the Demon Beast Clan have not shown up within the scope of their original activities.

"That's why the dean, they suspect that these demon beasts will come here, so they let you wait here for a while."

"Okay, since we're here, it's okay to wait a while.

"I wish they all came, so that I don't have to look for them one by one."

Regarding Qin Ye's bold words, Yu Xiaowei and the others did not suspect him of saying big things.

After all, Qin Ye's strength is here, so they can't believe it.

"Junior brother, don't be too confident. "

Do you know

?" "Just because of the problem of arrogance, Nanbang Kingdom has killed a lot of geniuses in their eyes in the previous battles!" Qin

Ye was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but speak: "Isn't

it because Nanbang Country is greedy for life and afraid of death that the Hushan Gathering Place was attacked by demon beasts

?" "Why is your statement different now, Senior Sister?"

Yu Xiaowei glanced at Qin Ye, and then said a little speechlessly:

"What you said is not wrong, and there is no problem with what I said!" "

The fall of the Hushan Gathering Place was indeed caused by Nanbang's greed for life and fear of death, but junior brother, you won't think that Nanbang Country didn't pay the price, right

?" "If that's the case, do you think that Xia Guo spared them?"

"You're afraid you're thinking too much!"

Qin Ye was stunned by Yu Xiaowei's words, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

And Yu Xiaowei also knows this.

That's why he explained:

"The top 100 geniuses of Nanbang were named and attacked by the demon beast clan in this battle, and in the end, only dozens of people managed to escape and survive.

"Of course, no one is to blame for this, but also to blame Nan Bang for being stupid.

"There's no precaution at all.

"I don't have any backbone at all, otherwise there would not have been such a tragic accident."

When Qin Ye heard this, he couldn't help but wonder if he had heard it wrong.

What kind of gameplay is

this? Could it be that all the geniuses of the Southern Bang Country are like this?

They will be named and attacked by the demon beast clan, and the most important thing is that this is actually successful.

It's a ridiculous joke.

Therefore, Qin Ye couldn't help but say with some contempt,

"Are you sure that the geniuses of the Southern Bang Country are so weak

?" "Or the top 100?"

Yu Xiaowei was also a little embarrassed when she saw Qin Ye's suspicious eyes.

She said embarrassedly

, "Of course, the genius they say can't be the same as what you think.

"So it's understandable to be a little weaker.

Qin Ye was stupid when he heard it, what is extenuating circumstances

? I'm afraid it wasn't that he misunderstood?

But just when he wanted to continue to complain, the sound of battle came.

From afar, he could feel the cruelty of the battle.

For this reason, he also had to look away.

"This is the beginning

of the counterattack!" "Well, it should be!" After

thinking about it, Qin Ye said

, "Senior sister, the dean didn't let me appear on the battlefield because he was afraid that I would be exposed, right?"

Yu Xiaowei shook his head and said,

"There should be this convenient consideration, but not all."

"I asked the dean before, but he didn't say it explicitly. "

Just an order to keep you out of the field.

After Qin Ye listened, he was really a little speechless.

He's not the kind of person who can't figure it out and still thinks hard.

So he muttered a little boringly:

"I still want them to float around the battlefield?"

"Now it seems that it is impossible......"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui couldn't help but look at each other after listening to Qin Ye's emotion.

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