Finally unable to hold back the thoughts in his heart, Bloody Night opened his mouth and asked what it wanted to know most.

"Lord, is something happening?"

"Why should we ......"

Unfortunately, before it could finish speaking, Bloody Wu impatiently interrupted it.

"Bloody Night!"

"Why are you asking so much?"

"Just do it." Seeing

that his lord was impatient, Bloody Night did not ask again.

It was afraid that it would be punched, kicked, or even executed by its own master.

So it had to turn around and leave.

Until this time, the blood devouring Wu was still not energetic, and he was still scolding and scolding.

However, Bloody Night didn't dare to say a word at all, so he could only humbly and breathlessly endure the unhappiness in his heart and turn away.

When it reached a position that the Blood Devourer couldn't detect, it cursed and said to itself, "Blood Devourer

, you wait for me, I will be able to take revenge one day."

"When the time comes, I'll let you know.

"What is life is better than death." "


Although he scolded and scolded for a while, even the resentment in his heart was not relieved much.

But Bloody Night still went to carry out the arrangement of the Bloody Eater.

It can't be helped, even if it's unreasonable right now.

But the task must be carried out.

Fortunately, it only needs to use its mouth, and it does not have to perform this task in person.

Otherwise, it would have to be.


Daming Pass.

This time, the Xia Kingdom Beast Master who sat in Daming Pass was the Third Elder.

The three elders are meeting for the last time before the plan begins.

In the conference room, except for the three elders sitting on the throne.

There are also high-level military leaders represented by Commander Han Cheng and the Xia Kingdom Imperial Beast Master Academy represented by Dean Zhou Jianming.

The Third Elder didn't think much about it, sat down and said

, "I'm sitting here today, and I think everyone knows what's going on.

"So I'm not going to talk nonsense. "

Get straight to the point.

Everyone had no opinion when they heard this, and they all stared at the three elders with full attention, waiting for the arrangement of the three elders.

The Third Elder took a sip of the tea on the table, moistened his throat and said

, "According to the instructions of the Great Elder, this frontal attack plan is dominated by the major beast master academies present.

"The military is mainly responsible for cutting off the retreat of the demon beasts from the back of the bread this time. "

On the side of the military representatives, they have known about this plan for a long time.

So they didn't react either.

And as the representative of the Imperial Beast Master Academy, Dean Zhou Jianming definitely has no opinion.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it's all in their favor.

The Third Elder was also very satisfied with the performance of the group below, so he touched his beard before he spoke again

, "Since everyone has no opinion on this, then I will move on to the second point.

"In view of the fact that there are more beast master academies participating in the operation this time.

"In order to facilitate management, we have divided the frontal battlefield into several parts.

"Therefore, each Beast Master Academy is responsible for an area. In

the conference room, which was originally quiet, after hearing the words of the third elder, they collectively boiled.

The reason is the same, as soon as the news of the three elders came out, it made some of the weaker Beast Master Academies a little embarrassed.

Their original plan was to follow behind the big army and pick up leaks or something.

But now that the plan of the three elders is implemented, they will need to face the demon beasts of a region alone.

This made them feel the pressure right away.

And the relatively powerful Beast Master Academy was quite dissatisfied with this, because according to the plan that the three elders just said, their strength would be greatly wasted.

However, the three elders seemed to have known what was going on in their hearts.

Therefore, after the people below had been discussing for a while, he stretched out his right hand and motioned for the people below to be quiet first.

After everyone below had quieted down, he spoke

, "I understand some of your doubts, and I know what you are worried about.

"So don't worry, this time our division has taken into account your strength.

"So you can rest assured that this partition will not be what you imagined. Sure

enough, after the three elders said this, the deans of the major beast master academies below suddenly came to their senses.

And all of them are gone.

Seeing this situation, the three elders nodded with satisfaction and continued to start the following agenda.

Of course, there is nothing important on the agenda that follows.

The main thing is to divide the area of action.

According to the principle of division of the three elders, the Xia Kingdom Imperial Beast Master Academy was arranged to the No. 1 area.

Area 1 was also one of the toughest areas of the mission.

Immediately after that, the Kyoto Beastmaster Academy and the Demon Capital Beastmaster Academy got the No. 2 and No. 3 areas respectively.

And it's well deserved.

Due to the large number of Xia Kingdom Beastmaster Academies, it took several hours just to divide the action area.

By the time all the Beastmaster Academies had divided their action areas, the time had already reached seven o'clock in the evening.

So far, the three elders have not delayed everyone's time any longer.

He concluded by emphasizing:

"Almost all the plans are now ready.

"Everything is just a matter of the east wind. Speaking

of this, the three elders paused again and looked at the group of backbones below.

Then he said

, "Remember, our time of action is tomorrow morning at eight o'clock.

"When the time comes, a red signal flare will rise above the Daming Pass.

"Remember, when the flare goes up, that's when you act. "

With that said, this meeting should have ended.

But the third elder was still not at ease, and said one more sentence:

"Remember, no matter what you are doing when the time comes.

"Let me put down the things in your hands and rush forward."

"Otherwise, you will bear the consequences.

When he said this, almost everyone could feel the majesty from the three elders.

This majestic momentum was majestic and everyone trembled.

So there was almost no hesitation

, and everyone hurriedly nodded and replied, "It's the Third Elder!"

The Third Elder also saw that everyone nodded, and then waved their hands to let them all retreat.

When most of the people were almost gone, the third elder opened his mouth and asked Dean

Zhou Jianming, "Is that kid here?"

Dean Zhou Jianming immediately understood who the third elder was asking.

So he didn't hesitate, and immediately replied:

"It's already here."

"I arranged for him to live in Yulan Garden.

Before the third elder could speak, Commander Han Cheng next to him smiled first:

"It's still this kid's treatment good." "

Even going out on a mission has special care. The

Third Elder and Dean Zhou Jianming all glanced at him in unison.

Then he said,


"Our Commander Han is jealous?"

Commander Han Cheng was stunned by Dean Zhou Jianming's words.

He replied with an embarrassed face,

"I'm just talking casually."

"There is no ...... opinion


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