Bloody Wu didn't know that he had been calculated by his subordinates.

But it's already planning to run away in its mind.

There was no way, it was just frightened by the beast master of the Xia Kingdom.

As soon as it heard that the Xia Kingdom was coming, it couldn't help but want to escape.

But now its identity is different.

As the leader of the demon beast clan, it did not receive a large-scale rout of the army.

Even if it wants to leave now, it can't go.

Otherwise, if it is known by the high-level of the demon beast clan, it will have to shed its skin if it does not die.

So now it can only sit here and wait for the outcome of the battle at the front.


On this side of the battlefield, the shemale army is on the verge of breaking out.

finally handed over 30 miles outside Daming Pass.

Because the human side has been prepared for a long time, and all of them are evildoers.

So as soon as they came into contact, the demon beast clan was defeated.

The captain of the demon beast was also bitten off by Nuo Bai's neck, and he couldn't die anymore.

However, Qin Ye saw that the leader of the demon beast army that Nuo Bai had killed was only the strength of the third order of silver.

This made him a little speechless, and he thought how powerful the demon beast army was.

I didn't expect that to be it.

So he didn't take the army of the demon beast clan into account.

"Nuobai, let go of the killing!" "

Don't keep your hands, let them all see your god-killing strength." Nuo

Bai was originally very dissatisfied with Qin Ye's ability to keep his hand at the beginning.

Now when he heard Qin Ye say that it could now let go of its hands to kill the enemy, he also killed the demon beast army with joy in his heart.

Alive, like a wild horse that has lost its reins.

Of course, the effect is also obvious.

The demon beast army was already on the verge of collapsing, but it was hit by Nuo Bai, a golden sixth-order imperial beast, and it collapsed in an instant.

"Mmmm, this is the momentum to kill gods!" Qin

Ye couldn't help but sigh when he saw Nuo Bai killing in all directions in the army of demon beasts.

And Yan Hong now except for occasionally throwing a fireball spell at the demon beast army below.

Most of the time, he was dragging Qin Ye around to check the situation.

Originally, I also wanted Yan Hong to go all out, but now this is the case.

He didn't have to do that at all.

Because now the army of the demon beast clan has begun to break and flee.

It's not at all the arrogant and domineering appearance before.

Of course, the defeat of the demon beast clan was only a small army.

The real army is still to come

, but this demon beast army broke and fled so quickly, which was also unexpected by everyone.

At this time, Viper, the vanguard general of the Demon Beast Clan, was still taking it for granted that the Demon Beast Squad it sent to the front line could still resist a wave of onslaught from the side of the Human Beast Master?

Who would have thought that the frontline detachment of the Demon Beast Clan that it had been thinking about had collapsed.

And just when it sat in its seat with a confident face.

Its subordinates suddenly ran in and hurriedly spoke,

"Great... Oh no, my lord. "

The Human Beast Master called.

At this time, it stood up and was stunned for a moment, and said with some displeasure:

"What did you say?"

The little beast that was still panicking just now immediately became frightened and said

, "My lord, the human beast master has called.

"Our frontline squad has broken down and fled.

Until this time, the viper was still a little unconvinced, and it muttered to itself

, "What did you say

?" "Broke away?" "

How is this possible, these are the elite of our demon beast clan.

"How could it be possible to escape?"

the trembling little beast dared to hide anything, and replied in a slur

manner, "My lord, because our frontline squad has been slaughtered to the ground.

"Even if you don't escape, you won't have much combat power. It

was only then that the viper panicked.

The rout of the front-line squad meant that it had no time to organize a large army to assemble.

So he said in a panic:

"Hurry... Send out the rest of our army, and we can't let the human beast masters come to us. The

little beast didn't dare to say anything more, nodded and cautiously withdrew.

As for whether or not to pass the word, it doesn't matter to the viper.

Viper knew very well that the previous team was the cannon fodder they sent to the front line to guard against the attack of the Xia Kingdom.

The assembling of armies is also ridiculous in its opinion.

Others don't know, doesn't it know yet?

The so-called demon beast striker actually doesn't have many demon beast armies.

Their previous plan didn't count on Xia Guo's move.

Therefore, after the demon beast army broke through the South Stick, most of them stayed in the hinterland of the South Stick Country.

Of course, their original idea was that they were afraid that if they concentrated their army too much on the border of the Xia Kingdom, it would make the Xia Kingdom react.

Thus sending troops directly raised them, but where will they know.

Xia Guo didn't give them this chance directly, and killed them without even saying hello.

And after the viper also went down under his hands, he sneaked away.

On the battlefield, with the rout of the demon beast clan, the Xia Kingdom Beast Master directly didn't give them a chance.

He rushed over with all his strength and killed all the monsters that escaped.

And that's not all, Qin Ye found that the Xia Kingdom's beast master didn't intend to give the demon beast clan any chance to breathe.

Chasing the back of the demon beast clan, he rushed over.

And the army of demon beasts that came up from behind did not know why, so they just rushed forward.

I didn't notice at all that the Xia Kingdom Beast Master's side had already killed the red eye.

Before they could make a move, the Xia Kingdom Beast Master had already rushed over to kill them.

It was still Nuo Bai who took the lead, and it came up and rushed towards the team leader of the demon beast clan.

Obviously, Nobai wasn't very interested in the little Karami anymore.

Qin Ye was also a little speechless when he watched this scene in mid-air.

But what he wanted to know more now was what the Demon Beast Clan's side would do next.

When he explored before, he also found that only a small part of the Demon Beast Clan's army was on the front line.

Most of them are in the hinterland of the southern country.

Therefore, there are very few demon beast armies that appear now, and he can understand it.

But just as he was pondering, Yan Hong, who was always paying attention to the situation below, suddenly spoke:

"Master, I found a big fish.

As soon as Qin Ye heard this, he immediately became interested.

Very interested,


said, "Oh?" "Where is it?"

Yan Hong did not hesitate, and said directly:

"Master, you look behind the army of demon beasts.

Qin Ye's eyes were raised, and sure enough, he found the trace of the viper behind the army of the demon beast clan.

So he couldn't help but laugh and said

, "It seems that my luck is not bad, I can meet big fish here."

However, after glancing at it, Qin Ye was a little lacking in interest.

I couldn't help but murmur

, "It's a pity, it's just a golden third-order demon beast." "

However, Qin Ye didn't plan to let it go.

A voice came to

Nuobai and said, "Nuobai, don't be cheating and tricky there. "

I'll give you a task.

"There's a big fish behind the monster army, you can go and solve it."

"Oh yes, you'd better be faster.

"That guy is on the run. "

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