Nuo Bai didn't think about it, and as soon as he heard Qin Ye's words, he jumped up excitedly.

No matter what Qin Ye said to it, he wanted to jump into the demon beast's den and start attacking.

Fortunately, Qin Ye called out to stop it:

"Nuo Bai, what are you busy with?"

"What's the use of you jumping like this." "

Can you know where it is?"

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Ye said this, Nuo Bai was stunned.

There's no way, what Qin Ye said makes sense.

It has absolutely no reason to refute it.


" "Master, you're right. "

Then where it is, tell me quickly. "

I went and collected it.

Seeing that Nuo Bai was still like this, Qin Ye was quite speechless.

After staring at it for a long time, he said unhappily

, "You guy, it's really enough." "

Don't you see that the big army hasn't come yet

?" "Just like that, in such a hurry, do you want to single-handedly take on the demon beasts of the entire demon beast camp?"

Qin Ye said this, Nuo Bai was also a little embarrassed.

It didn't think about this at all, only thought about killing the golden seventh-order flame lion.

I had no idea what kind of conditions it needed to kill this monster.

It wasn't until Qin Ye said this that it understood.

So he looked at Qin Ye with some embarrassment and said

, "Then master, do we still have to act now?"

Qin Ye was almost angry with this guy Nuobai.

couldn't help but complain:

"You guy is really hopeless."

"Are you waiting for a few minutes to die?"

Yan Hong looked at the noisy Qin Ye and Nuo Bai, rolled her eyes and said

, "Master, you have something to quarrel about. "

No, now the big army is coming. "

It's already ready to act.

Qin Ye and Nuo Bai were stunned for a moment, and turned their heads to look in the direction that Yan Hong had just said.

Sure enough, the Xia Kingdom Beast Master's side had already rushed over with thousands of horses.

It's exactly the meaning of slaughtering the army of demon beasts.

Looking at their mighty and endless team, Qin Ye couldn't help but laugh.

He smiled happily because he was ready to move again.

So he waved his hand and said

, "Nuobai, it's time for you to act." "

Directions: Yan Hong will tell you when you go down.

"Besides, you kid can't be lazy. "

Can I keep an eye on you from there?" Nuo

Bai only heard the command that it could act, and the words that Qin Ye threatened it later, it completely forgot about it.

Not only that, but it also held its head high and said

, "Don't worry, master.

"I'm sure you'll see how good I am.

"Again, I won't let you down.

Qin Ye couldn't help frowning when he saw Nuo Bai's appearance.

He said impatiently

, "Don't be tired of me here, go down!"

and pretended to kick it.

Nuo Bai was also very cooperative with Qin Ye's movements, and when he saw Qin Ye kicking him twice, he pretended to jump into the pile of demon beasts below.

Qin Ye wasn't worried that this guy would be injured if he jumped from such a high place.

With an indifferent look, he said

, "Yanhong, let's go!" "Let's go

and move our muscles."

But as soon as he finished saying this, Qin Ye hurriedly said again:

"Let's go to the golden seventh-order

lion you said first!" "I also want to meet how powerful the lion you said is."

"Of course, by the way, I will also be a guide for this guy Nuobai. Yan

Hong didn't care what Qin Ye was doing, she thought she was a runaway.

With Crimson in hand, he went in the direction of the Flame Lion.

Qin Ye saw that Yanhong ignored herself, and she didn't think much about it.

However, when Yan Hong started to act, he began to contact Nuobai.

Although Nuobai's current situation is not very good, as soon as he falls, he is surrounded by an army of demon beasts.

But Qin Ye wasn't worried that it would get hurt.

So he said

, "All right, Nobai.

"Don't play dead, you guy.

"Keep up with us, we'll take you to the high-end game. "

Nuo Bai was originally waiting for Qin Ye's order, so he paddled the water.

Otherwise, with the group of demon beasts surrounding it now, it is really not enough for it to make a move.

Therefore, now that it heard Qin Ye's words, it didn't care so much.

I stopped paddling, and the momentum of my whole body suddenly exploded.

The demon beasts around it were directly shocked to death by the momentum that Nuo Bai burst out.

But it didn't care so much, a jump, just under the shock of many demon beasts, disappeared in place.

Qin Ye couldn't help but smack his tongue when he saw this scene in mid-air

, and sighed: "Nuo Bai, this jump is amazing

!" "It's estimated that it's a few hundred meters away

!" After Yan Hong glanced back, he said in Qin Ye's shocked eyes:

"106 meters!"

Qin Ye was taken aback by Yan Hong's sudden words.

With an incredulous face, he exclaimed, "

What the hell!"

"You can figure it out."

"This is too fake, isn't it?"

However, Yan Hong didn't care about Qin Ye's words, but explained confidently,

"The error will definitely not exceed one meter.

This made Qin Ye dumbfounded, thinking to himself what and what

this was! But it was also rare for him to see Yan Hong insisting on his beliefs like this, so he didn't say anything.

Instead, he nodded in agreement with Yan Hong's words.

Just when Qin Ye and the others were talking nonsense here, the Blood Devouring Wu galloped all the way to a place less than five miles away from the Bloody Night.

At this time, not only did Bloody Night discover the team of the Blood Devourer, but the Bloody Devouring Crow, who hurriedly fled for his life, also discovered the existence of the other party.

The bloody crow, who had wanted to continue moving forward, had to stop.

Bloody Wu now asked his subordinates who went to investigate the situation with an angry face,

"Are you sure that the demon beast army in front of you is the one taken by the traitor of Bloody Night?"

It's a thankless thing to encounter.

But now it has no other way but to answer truthfully.

So he said tremblingly,

"Yes... Yes, my lord.

"After my investigation, I found traces of the Red Guards on the periphery, and I also found that they are not doing well now. Originally

, the Blood Devouring Wu was still very angry, but after hearing the news, his face immediately changed.

Laughing and saying,


and "Tell me what happened to them."


" "I want to know what problem this traitor has encountered?"

The little beast who came to report the news heard his boss suddenly laugh, and he was also confused.

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