And these are all things that Bloody Night does not know yet.

Bloody Night was on its way to the Bloody Eater camp at this time.

"Red Guard, how far is it to get to that guy's territory?"

Originally, Bloody Night was not in a hurry, but just now it suddenly felt as if something was staring at it.

So it thought about getting over what was going on so it could go back to its camp and see what was going on.

The Red Guard didn't know what it was thinking, and thought that the Blood Night was too long

, so he said

, "My lord, it's coming soon."

"It won't take more than three or five minutes at most, and we'll be there."

As soon as Bloody Night heard this, he knew that Hongwei didn't understand what he meant.

But honestly, if only it could even understand that.


Bloody Night didn't intend to let the other party understand.

It just nodded, and didn't speak again.

Sure enough, just four or five minutes had passed, and they had arrived at the bloody camp.

The demon beast in charge of guarding on the side was not curious at all when they saw the bloody night coming.

It was as if it knew that the Blood Night would come at this time.

He waved his wings very arrogantly and said

, "Our lord has been waiting for a long time, please come in with Lord Bloodnight."

Bloody Night didn't show any signs of what the little beast was doing, and after glancing at the other party expressionlessly, it calmly spoke

, "I don't know who gave you the guts, but I hope you can remember."

"Sometimes it's not a good thing to get out of the way easily. Then

Bloody Night walked past it with his head held high.

Even the red guard glanced at the other party a little speechlessly.

I don't know where the other party got the guts.

Dare to shake his face with a demon beast of the level of Blood Night.

Doesn't it know that pinching it to death is as simple as stepping on an ant?

Of course, this is just a small episode.

Bloody Night, without any scruples, walked into the camp of the Bloody Eater.

The entire camp was also silent now, except for the bloody devouring of the black.

Nor is there anyone else.

So after Bloody Night walked in, he didn't think much about it.

Naturally, he opened his mouth and said

, "My lord, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Compared to the light clouds of the bloody night, the blood devouring crow was a little angry.

The look of extreme hatred in its eyes was not concealed in the slightest.

It just stared straight at the bloody night and didn't speak.

Bloody Night can't completely ignore the other party, it's like a cannibalistic look.

For a moment, I really felt like I was choking in my throat.

Bloody Night knew it was trying to embarrass itself, but honestly.

Although this kind of look can't hurt it, it's really uncomfortable to be stared at like this.

After being stared at for so long, Bloody Night felt a little numb himself.

So it could only bite the bullet and say again:

"My lord, I am here to apologize.

"If you don't say a word, I'll forgive me."

As soon as Bloody Night finished saying this, the Bloody Eater who was sitting above said angrily:

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but you have seen a lot!" "

You dare to order me." After

saying that, the momentum on his body suddenly became a little stronger.

I was even thinking in my heart, if it wasn't now the time to kill you.

I'm going to see how you died.

Bloody Night also felt the change in the other party, but it didn't react.

It didn't believe that the Blood Devourer would kill it at this time.

As long as it doesn't want its own life, it has nothing to fear in the bloody night.

Don't you just want to use your momentum to suppress me

? Then you are here

? I'm afraid you won't succeed?

And now that the blood devouring Wu saw that he couldn't do anything about the other party, he was really angry for a while.

So I didn't scruple about anything.

Once again, the momentum was released without any scruples.

Originally, the gap between Blood Night and it was a little big, so in this case, Blood Night was really suppressed by its momentum.

But this is only temporary, and Bloody Night knows it very well in his heart.

It knows that if it doesn't let the other party breathe, the other party will not give up so easily.

Therefore, it also took the opportunity to pretend that it was even more frightened by the other party's momentum.

Sure enough, this trick of Bloody Night still works very well.

As soon as it showed an extremely difficult expression, the Bloody Crow laughed out loud without hesitation.


laughed until it was almost out of breath, and then it stopped very reluctantly.

Then he spoke,

"How about my Bloody Night Blood."

"It's not a good feeling!"

Blood Night didn't want to worry too much about the other party now, and it wished that the Blood Devouring Wu would end this boring thing quickly.

So he cooperated with it and pretended to be overwhelmed by its momentum and said

, "My lord, it's not good. Hearing

the words of the bloody night this time, the bloody devouring crow did not doubt it.

It even laughed heartily.

But it also knows that business cannot be delayed.

So after laughing for a while, it said

, "All right, that's all for this!"


Bloody Night heard that the other party was finally willing to give up, he was happy in his heart.

But it didn't show its expression.

Instead, he pretended to have a painful expression and said,

"Everything is up to your arrangement!"

Bloody Wu was quite satisfied with Bloody Night's current performance.

It doesn't care what the other person thinks.

He burst out laughing.

And it's still the kind of laugh that completely disregards the image.

Seeing the other party laughing again, Bloody Night was actually a little dissatisfied in his heart.

But it didn't think about it that much, and the most thing it wanted to do now was to end this boring topic a little faster.

So it said

, "Lord Blood, I don't think there's anything to talk about!" "

Since I have already come here, I must have agreed to the second condition you said. "

Bloody Wu doesn't care what kind of calculation Bloody Night is fighting, so it must be in this position, and it just wants a leadership on the surface.

As for the abacus of the bloody night, can it not be clear?

, so he didn't care, nodded and replied

, "Okay, since you have agreed to this matter." "

Then let's make an announcement!" "Then this

is done."

"We're officially reconciled. Hearing

Bloody Wu say this, Bloody Night's heart jumped.

And it finally got it done.

So it didn't want to stay here any longer, and said

, "Okay, everything will be done as you say!"

It didn't want to stay for a moment and turned away.

Bloody Wu didn't have a problem with that.

And what they didn't know was that while they were talking this nonsense, the army of the Xia Kingdom had already escaped from their basic situation.

And has already begun to surround them.

"Commander, expect that in another half an hour, our men will be able to complete the siege of them.

"When the time comes, they won't be able to escape even if they have their wings out. "

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