The three elders didn't pay much attention to it originally, but after hearing the news.

Immediately, his face changed.

He took the note from Commander Han Cheng's hand and carefully read the contents on it word by word.

Only then couldn't help but exclaim:

"The demon beasts that originally attacked the Southern Stick Country are only capable of this

?" "I thought how powerful the demon beast army was there?"

No wonder the three elders would say so, even the strongest Blood Devouring Wudu is only the strength of the initial diamond level.

If it weren't for the blind escape of this group of unsuccessful guys in the Southern Bang Kingdom, it is estimated that there would be no need for the Xia Kingdom Beast Master to make a move.

This army of demon beasts that are not self-sufficient will be annihilated in one fell swoop.

But no one thought that the southern stick country would be cowardly before the battle.

It's pitiful and hateful.

The others didn't know what the Third Elder meant, so they were eager to know what it was all about.

However, they didn't dare to ask the three elders directly, so they all turned their eyes to Commander Han Cheng on the side.

Commander Han Cheng hadn't paid attention to this problem at first, but it wasn't until Dean Zhou Jianming stared at him that he felt the burning eyes.

In this case, how could he still dodge, he could only spread his hands helplessly and said:

"Isn't this the army of the demon beast clan besieged!" "

In addition, their leader Demon Beast Blood Devouring Wu was discovered by the military at the mouth of the sea, and it was also besieged. "

Doesn't this mean that this war for our reconquest is coming to an end?"

The others were not stupid, and after Commander Han Cheng's explanation, they immediately understood.

And from this information, it seems that they also found that the demon beast clan is estimated to scare the Nanbang Kingdom this time.

It's a pity that Nanbang Country is so stupid, and he didn't investigate carefully, and he was actually frightened by the demon beast clan.

was so scared that he didn't say anything about the urine flow of his buttocks, and he died because of it.

I'm afraid there is no one left.

But now is not the time to think about this, since the demon beast clan has this little strength.

It seems that they can launch a general attack on the demon beasts.

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to the three elders.

It seemed as if the next moment the three elders would give the order to launch a general attack.

But unfortunately, the three elders had more than they thought.

Although judging from the current evidence, this group of demon beasts really doesn't have much strength.

But the three elders knew that this matter was not as simple as they thought.

Judging from the sudden attack of the demon beast clan on the border with the Xia Kingdom, this matter is full of weirdness.

It's not normal to look at it.

If the demon beast clan didn't have other ideas, he wouldn't believe it.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to let Xia Guo's hidden strength make a move this time.

Instead, he looked at this group of high-level officials who couldn't wait and said:

"Although the current situation is relatively clear, it is not the best time for us to attack.

Seeing that everyone still looked like they wanted to say something, the three elders knew that they still didn't know the reason.

Then he was forced to explain,

"Have you ever wondered why the Demon Beast Clan would come to attack Nan Bang for no reason?

"Also, you should also know that with the combat power we have shown so far, we can completely suppress this group of demon beast army.

"Of course, it's nothing more than something that we all spend some time on, but have you ever thought about it?

"If we expose all our strength, will we fall for

the Demon Beast Clan?" "Before we realize the true purpose of the Demon Beast Clan, I think we still have to be careful. "

The three elders were already standing taller than their group, so the others didn't understand what it meant.

However, this did not prevent them from affirming the words of the three elders.

So after the three elders explained this, Dean Zhou Jianming and they no longer bothered about this matter.

On Qin Ye's side, he and Yan Hong had already killed more than a dozen demon beasts whose strength was in the golden stage.

However, to his surprise, Nuobai and the Flame Lion were still fighting.

It's strange enough that the winner hasn't been decided for so long.

Looking at the situation on the scene, Qin Ye didn't plan to do it anymore.

So he said

, "Yanhong, go back." "

Go to Nobai and see what's going on.

"It's unusual, I haven't solved the opponent yet. "

Yan Hong, since Qin Ye stopped making moves, she didn't have anything to do.

Therefore, she did not hesitate, and flew to the area where Nuo Bai was located with Qin Ye as soon as her wings were fanned.

As soon as he came to Nuo Bai's head, Qin Ye found that Nuo Bai and this flame lion were not injured, which surprised Qin Ye.

What the hell is it that you are not injured!Qin

Ye couldn't help but start to suspect that these two guys were coming.

"Yan Hong, do you think the two of them are acting!"

"In this kind of evenly matched battle, none of them were injured.

"It's too much of a coincidence, isn't it?"

Yan Hong actually had this idea, and she also felt that it was amazing.

Therefore, she also said with some unconfidence:

"I don't know.


" Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Naturally I don't know, let's go and ask Nuo Bai this guy!"

So Qin Ye didn't delay, and immediately contacted Nuo Bai and said

, "Nuo Bai, are you not using your strength."

"After such a long time, you didn't even hurt the other party's fur.

"Isn't that a bit excessive?

Nuobai wanted to explain a few sentences, but he opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

Because as soon as the words reached his mouth, he found that the flame lion really had no injuries on his body.

It was all confused.

In the end, he could only stumble and say,

"Lord... Master, I really didn't touch the fish!" "I've

done my best......"

But without Qin Ye opening his mouth to refute, it also knew that his words were indeed not convincing.

Therefore, in order to prove that he tried his best, Nuobai threw a big move directly at the Flame Lion.


But what made it depressed was that its trick actually really hurt the other party.


Although Nuobai's ultimate move did not hit the vital position of the Flame Lion, it also made the Flame Lion fly dozens of meters.

And the part that was hit was bleeding profusely.

Not only that, but the Flame Lion also vomited blood as if it had suffered a deep internal injury.

For a moment, the one person and the two beasts present were stunned.

The most incredible thing is that it is Nuobai, who is completely stunned by this scene.

I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

Qin Ye and Yan Hong looked at each other, and they didn't know what to say.

Isn't this tantamount to telling them in disguise that Nuobai and the Flame Lion were faking a fight before?

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