As soon as Chen Yunxin's side ended the battle, Mao Youlong's side knew about it.

Looking at the information in his hand, Mao Youlong still had a mixed feeling for a while.

The information in his hand is not only the details of the battles on the battlefield recorded in detail, but also how many monsters they have captured that are suspected of being controlled.

Seeing that the number of demon beasts that were caught was actually as high as dozens, this made him even more convinced of his suspicion of demon beasts.

Although the Third Elder mentioned it in his letters at first, he didn't believe it much.

There are no two reasons, one is that he doesn't believe that the demon beast clan has such a deep calculation.

The second was that he felt that it was useless for the demon beast clan to go to such great lengths.

Although the current background of the Xia Kingdom will not overthrow the entire rule of the Demon Beast Clan, he still thinks that there is no problem in protecting the Xia Kingdom.

And now the situation is not for him to believe it.

Therefore, Mao Youlong, who was very surprised, shouted directly outside:


Within a few minutes of the voice, a soldier ran in.

"Commander, what arrangements do you have!" Mao

Youlong didn't look at the soldier, and said directly:

"Give Chen Yunxin on the front line an order and ask him to send the captured demon beast over with two heads."

Speaking of which, Mao Youlong thought of the three elders again, and they should also need to study how these demon beasts were controlled.

So he opened his mouth again:

"In addition, let him also send a few heads to Daming Pass."

"He'll leave the rest to himself.

After the herald wrote down all the words that Mao Youlong said word for word, he did not leave immediately.

Instead, he opened his mouth and asked

, "Commander, do you have any other requirements?" No

way, who let Mao Youlong not let him leave? Mao Youlong

didn't have anything to do, but it was only after he heard the other party's voice that he realized that he had just forgotten to let the other party leave.

So I had to say,

"Hmm... Finally, you are sending a message to the three elders to report the details of these two battles

!" For fear that he would forget to let the other party leave, after saying this, Mao Youlong immediately instructed:

"Remember it and you will go down!"

The messenger did not stay long this time, and after writing down his words a few times, he quickly retreated.

On the battlefield, as soon as Chen Yunxin and Guo Ziming finished counting the battle losses, the herald told him Mao Youlong's request.

Chen Yunxin didn't say a word, took the documents in the herald's hand and looked at them, and let his soldiers follow Mao Youlong's order without any delay.

Guo Ziming also inadvertently saw the contents of the document, so he took the initiative to speak:

"General Chen, the battle is over. "

I won't stay with you for a long time, I see that the demon beasts that Commander Mao wants will be sent over by me

!" "Anyway, I'm going to make this trip!" Chen

Yun didn't think about

it, so he said very happily: "Okay, since Brother Guo, you said so."

"Then I'll not send anyone to make this trip again.

"But this is going to trouble you, Brother Guo.

Guo Ziming didn't think much about it, patted his chest and promised:

"Brother Chen, you are too polite, no matter how you say it, this is also our business, how can you say that it is troublesome!"

Chen Yunxin is not polite, as a soldier, he has always been straightforward, and this time it is the same.

Seeing that the other party was so bold, it was impossible for him to be stingy.

So he also said arrogantly:

"Since this is the case, I will not say it."

"But if Brother Guo has anything in the future, he can also come to me."

Guo Ziming didn't expect Chen Yunxin to say this, but his impression of the other party was still good.

So he said

, "Okay

!" "Then we'll have a date later!"

After speaking, Guo Ziming turned around and left.

Guo Ziming also said loudly in the back:

"There will be a period later!"


At Daming Pass, the three elders once again sat on the main seat of the conference room.

Unlike before, this time most of the people sitting below the three elders were civil officials.

Because this meeting is about the establishment of a province in Nam Bang.

Originally, the meeting was to be held in Kyoto, and according to the original plan, the meeting was also supposed to be presided over by the Great Elder.

However, because they had discovered some small actions of the demon beast clan before.

Let Xia Guo's side have to be serious, and the Great Elder suddenly felt that Xia Guo might have a better chance to severely damage the Demon Beast Clan.

So the meeting came and went and fell to the point where it is now.

The first thing the third elder said as soon as he spoke:

"Presumably, the demon beasts in the original Nanbang country should have been almost cleaned up by now.

"The next thing we have to think about is how to govern.

"Now the Nanbang Peninsula is no longer a country, but a province of our Xia country.

"So we can't just leave such a large piece of land unused.

"Today's meeting, we need to discuss, what should we do!"

After speaking, the three elders swept their gaze downward.

Commander Han Sung was one of the few military representatives at the meeting.

When the eyes of the three elders swept towards him, he knew what it meant.

So he didn't delay, and after coughing a few times, he took the lead in standing up and said

, "Since everyone present has not yet figured out what to say, then let me, a big boss, say a few simple words!"

After speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he began to speak.

Of course, most of what he said was the question of how to defend against the monsters that came from the foot basin chicken island.

As for how to govern and develop, he did not say a word.

And the funniest thing is that he actually said in a beautiful name: governance and development are the affairs of civilian officials, and they have nothing to do with these military generals.

So he doesn't point fingers.

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene couldn't help laughing for a while.

In the end, it was the three elders who stepped forward, and the meeting was able to proceed again.

In the end, however, the meeting did not make much progress.

No one can give a good solution to the question of how to govern and develop the South Bang Peninsula.

Therefore, this meeting had to end early, and as for when the next meeting would be held, it was up to the three elders to think about it.

However, the only thing to be thankful for is that the establishment of a province on the Nambang Peninsula was unanimously agreed by everyone present.

In other words, from today onwards, the Nanbang Peninsula will exist as a province of the Xia Kingdom.

And not long after the meeting ended, the demon beast sent by Mao Youlong and Chen Yunxin arrived at the Third Elder.

Mao Youlong had told the three elders all the information about the battle in his reply before, so the three elders had already understood what was going on.

So he didn't delay much, and came to these demon beasts as soon as possible.

However, no matter how the three elders observed, they still didn't understand how the high-level of the demon beast clan controlled these demon beasts.

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