Qin Ye wiped out more than a dozen demon beast gathering places in a row before his mood improved.

However, what made him a little speechless was that Yu Xiaowei and the three of them hadn't finished scolding yet.

This shocked him a lot, and his admiration for them also reached the point of five-body casting.

However, he still opened his mouth to interrupt the urge of several people to continue scolding.

"Senior sister, Xiao Chengzi, can you stop scolding?"

"I've already destroyed more than a dozen of the gathering places of the demon beast clan. "

Why are you still scolding, aren't you tired?"

When Qin Ye said this, the three of them were also a little embarrassed.

Especially Wang Cheng, this kid, after all, he is an upright manly husband, and he actually scolded the street with Yu Xiaowei and the two of them.

It's a bit embarrassing to say this, not to mention that he was also caught by Qin Ye.

So when Xiaowei and the others didn't speak, he hurriedly defended:

"Brother Ye, we are not scolding the street, but the demon beast clan is too annoying.

"If you don't say a few words about them, I can't calm down!" Qin

Ye didn't care if what he said was true or not, but waved his hand and said

, "Okay, Xiaochengzi, I know what you mean, you don't have to explain."

"What I'm trying to say is, it's time for us to leave.

"Now there isn't a single ghost here, and we don't have much to gain except to be able to tear down a few holes.

"So I thought, should we go back?" "

Even if you want to find a demon beast to vent your anger, shouldn't you change places?"

Sure enough, seeing that Qin Ye didn't care about his ugly state just now, Wang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Qin Ye's question, he did not express his position immediately, but looked at Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui on the side.

This made Qin Ye speechless, but he didn't speak.

Instead, he looked at Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui again, to see what the two of them had to say.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't think about it so much, anyway, for them, the angry scolding just now, their anger was almost out.

So they don't have any ideas now, but looking at the tattered here, there is not a single demon beast yet, and they don't want to stay.

Therefore, under Qin Ye's burning eyes, he said, "Okay, since we haven't found the demon beast, let's go back!"

Seeing that the two of them also agreed to his proposal, Qin Ye didn't

think much about it, so he decisively let Yan Hong take them back.

It can be said that they came and went in a hurry, leaving no trace.

However, what made them a little unhappy was that as soon as they returned to Qin Ye's dormitory, they received news that the demon beast clan had appeared in the direction of the South China Sea.

This left several people speechless, but only a few seconds later, there was a light in their eyes.

There is no way, the demon beast they have been waiting for for a long time is finally here, can they not be happy?

But just when they wanted to go to the South China Sea, Dean Zhou Jianming told them that the target of the demon beast clan was not the Xia Kingdom.

And it is very likely to be Fei Island next to the South China Sea of Xia Kingdom, as soon as these words came out, Qin Ye and they were speechless in an instant.

Although the demon beast has appeared, looking at the current situation, it seems that there is nothing wrong with them.

Everyone in the world knows that the demon beast clan is here to demonstrate to the Xia Kingdom.

And here's the problem, Xia Guo has all of their nests, it's impossible for you not to let the other party demonstrate!

Otherwise, this feels a bit bullying, and the most important point is that Xia Guo currently doesn't have the strength to compete with the demon beast clan.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep a low profile, so this demonstration of the demon beast clan, Xia Guo is likely to sit idly by.

After all, the demon beast clan had already given face to the Xia Kingdom, and did not directly attack the territory of the Xia Kingdom.

If the Xia Kingdom insisted on sending troops to stop it at this time, the Demon Beast Clan would inevitably attack the Xia Kingdom at all costs.

This is not what Xia Guo wants to see, so this time they are expected to stand by and watch.

However, although you can't bump into the demon beasts, you can still watch a good show.

So a few people didn't think much about it, sat down and took out their mobile phones, and began to watch Xia Guo's satellite live broadcast.

As soon as Qin Ye and the others entered, they found that netizens from other countries were farting inside.

For example, the previous world's No. 1 powerhouse, Eagle Sauce, they now have many netizens counting Xia Guo in the live broadcast room.

It is unpleasant to say that Xia Guo is selfish, only cares about his own interests, and does not care about the lives of other countries.

But Xia Guo netizens are not easy to mess with, and before Qin Ye and them can reply, some netizens have already begun to respond in various ways.

In an instant, the live barrage became a battlefield, saying anything, and the speed of swiping the screen was ridiculously fast, Qin Ye and they didn't even read the words clearly, so they were brushed away.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't care about it, anyway, they were just trying to have fun.

The current Eagle Sauce netizens are sour, and they are all a bunch of guys who can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour.

But just when they were arguing on the online barrage, suddenly the live broadcast room was split into two.

Just when everyone didn't know what was going on, a picture of Eagle Sauce's territory appeared on the second screen that separated.

On the screen, Eagle Sauce's territory where there was only a small amount left began to have the figure of the demon beast clan.

And they got together more and more, and when they saw this scene, the Eagle Sauce netizens who were still muttering just now panicked.

But if they don't speak, it doesn't mean that other people don't speak.

All of a sudden, the barrage was full of all kinds of ridicule and sarcasm from Eagle Sauce netizens.

However, at this time, how can Eagle sauce netizens still have time to fight with netizens on the Internet, and they are now panicking.

And when Qin Ye and the others saw this, they couldn't help but laugh.


" "I'm laughing to death......

" "It's amazing, how can there be such a funny thing?"

After laughing, Qin Ye still said very seriously,

"But don't underestimate the wisdom of this group of demon beasts.

"The wisdom they showed today is not low, and they also know how to make a move first.

As soon as Qin Ye finished speaking, Yu Xiaowei nodded very approvingly and said,

"Mmmm... The junior brother is right, it is obvious that this time the demon beast clan attacked the island under the guise of a disguise.

"Their purpose is probably still Eagle Sauce, of course, it is not false that they want to save face in Xia Guo.

"But I suspect their main purpose is not this, but Eagle Sauce.

Qin Ye also agreed with Yu Xiaowei's analysis, and he couldn't think of any benefit for the demon beast clan to attack Philippine Island.

Instead, attacking Eagle Sauce has done more harm than good for them.

Of course, what Qin Ye didn't know was that the Great Elder was also analyzing this issue now.

However, the Great Elders saw farther than Qin Ye and their group of little guys.

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